Extreme Demon

Chapter 1062 Melee 2

Lu Sheng didn't know much about the group of reincarnators, but his general status was clear.

Especially after he controlled a large number of reincarnators and learned the so-called plot from their mouths. They became suspicious of this group.

By now, he probably understands the working mechanism of the reincarnation. But what exactly is this so-called Lord God’s intention? It’s unknown.

Cultivate so many so-called reincarnations and let them fight on their own. In the end, it will be nothing more than some individuals with the strongest strength and kindness.

So what is the ultimate goal of these individuals?

Lu Sheng looked at the squirming pieces of meat in the test box and fell into thought.


The wall behind him was suddenly burst open by flames.

The extremely nervous guards around them quickly formed a human wall to block Li Shaozong and Lu Sheng.

Li Shaozong's expression changed slightly, but he glanced at Lu Sheng beside him and quickly calmed down.

Let's see what the purpose of these uninvited guests is.

Can't even the county city block it? Lu Sheng came back to his senses and looked at the exploded wall with interest.

This is the first time he has seen the relatively powerful character of Samsara.

Even Su Qin and others from before would not be Bai Juncheng's opponents. As his core disciple who continues to guide and strengthen. Bai Juncheng has great strength and super speed.

What's even more troublesome is that his wolf form can have extremely strong endurance. Speed ​​and endurance are enough to defeat any opponent. Even with one to many, they can still take their time.

Lu Sheng carefully looked at the people who came out of the hole.

It was beyond his expectation.

The two masked men in white had obvious traces of reincarnations on their bodies, and the messy aura of power exposed them. But there were uniformed personnel wearing black double-headed eagle logos beside them.

It seems obvious that these people are an organization.

Who is Li Shaozong? A man in white robe at the head said coldly.

Lu Sheng reached out to stop Li Shaozong who was about to speak.

What is the purpose of your coming here? Can you tell me?

The white-robed man's eyes fell on Lu Sheng, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Master Wang Mu, Master of the Nine Lives Hall, we have no intention of conflict with you. If you will not participate in this matter, we will take the initiative to send you a heavy gift afterwards.

A big gift? What big gift? Lu Sheng smiled, Are you yourselves?

The man in white robe choked slightly.

I'm sorry, Wang Mu, Jiu Mingtang is suspected of participating in terrorist attacks. We are reviewers from the headquarters of the Imperial Nenology Alliance. We hope you can cooperate with us to conduct a comprehensive screening.

A silver-haired woman wearing a double-headed eagle black uniform said coldly.

Imperial Telekinesis Alliance? The smile on Lu Sheng's face gradually disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the darkness on the side, a tall figure covered with red spikes slowly walked out of the shadows.

Master, leave it to me. You continue. The figure revealed his face, and it was Ansha who had just voted in the meeting.

Unlike Red Thorn's use of nuclear energy, he focuses on the development of electromagnetic energy.

At this time, he not only wore exoskeleton armor, but also used the latest electromagnetic energy control technology to add a destroyer system to himself.

Lu Sheng nodded, slowly walked up to the left and continued to check.

Li Shaozong was a little uneasy, but at this time he could only follow closely, surrounded by bodyguards.

Looking for death! Catch them! The man in white robe shouted coldly.

The people in white robes and the Nian Neng Alliance all rushed towards a few people.

Threads of silver sand quickly condensed into various weapons and shot towards Li Shaozong and a group of bodyguards.

Magnetic spin! Ansha grabbed it with his big hand, and an invisible force instantly enveloped the entire place.

All the flying silver sand weapons were instantly pinned in the air, unable to move.

Lu Sheng no longer paid attention to the movement behind him. He trusted Ansha's strength. As the most stable one among his disciples, Ansha would never talk nonsense about things he was not sure about.

After just a few steps, a red-haired woman holding a red spear appeared beside a huge glass container in front of her.

Li Shaozong, there's no need to struggle any more. Hand over your things and I'll make you happy. The woman slowly walked up to Lu Sheng and the others.

The situation was a mess, but Lu Sheng immediately understood the root cause.

Some of the reincarnators should have joined forces with the Telekinesis Alliance. In other words, it borrowed part of the power of the Nian Energy Alliance.

Now that Blue Starlight has been added, he no longer veers left or right, maintaining his previous neutrality.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the woman in front of him, and he felt a little bored.

These reincarnations are almost everywhere, and they can be found everywhere.

Ansha, kill her. He said calmly.

boom! !

A red figure suddenly flew past him and fell heavily to the ground.

Surprisingly, it was Ansha who was so fierce just now.

Lu Sheng's voice paused, and the gentle smile on his face finally slowly solidified.

Ansha struggled to get up from the ground, covered in blood, and seemed to have experienced a hard battle.

But no matter how Ren Lusheng reasoned, he felt that it was impossible for those people just to hurt him like this.

Click, click, click! !

In the surrounding darkness, the sound of aiming guns with safety on was heard.

A little bit of blue electric arc kept flashing and beating, and soon armored soldiers wearing blue full-body armor suddenly walked out of the arc.

They were holding pure white, heavy and strange firearms, and their muzzles were all aimed at Lu Sheng and others in the field.

I'm sorry. Hurley must have said it before. On behalf of the Nenology Alliance, we have officially issued a screening order to the Nine Lives Group. The man with the white mask from before came out and said in a deep voice.

Screening order? Lu Sheng repeated.

According to the instructions of Commander-in-Chief Balian, I am the commander of the Seventh Ocean Fleet, Ramel Dilua. I am here to arrest the mastermind behind the Nine Lives Group, the master of the Nine Lives Hall, Wang Mu. The man's voice was sonorous and powerful, low and clear.

Come with me, Hall Master Wang Mu.

I request to apply for emergency immunity. Lu Sheng's heart moved, he reached out and took out a golden scroll, flicked it, and immediately unfolded it.

The scroll is filled with detailed Imperial code symbols.

This is the amulet he got from Nessian. As a noble imperial aristocrat, it is not surprising that Nessian has such a good thing like a life-saving amulet.

Unfortunately, you are not an imperial noble. According to regulations, you cannot apply for immunity from serious crimes. The man in white robe was unmoved. Please, Hall Master Wang.

Lu Sheng was startled for a moment, then laughed.


Originally, he came here to watch a show and watch reincarnators competing for research drugs, but he didn't expect that now he has become the protagonist here.

The action of the Telekinesis Alliance came too quickly.

When he sent Zheng Huan and other Nian Neng troops to clear out the Horus family, he actually immediately sent people to arrest him.

He gently put away the scroll.

Then, go ahead and arrest me. He took a step forward and walked out of the protective circle of bodyguards.

An invisible sense of depression slowly spread from his body, rising rapidly and getting worse.

I'm right here, come on. As long as you can get close to me. The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth raised slightly. Revealing a strange arc.

The pressure in the air grew stronger and heavier.


The bulletproof glass on the side exploded into cracks.

The solid, hard metal floor slowly sunk into shallow pits of varying sizes.

The people in the Nian Energy Alliance and a few reincarnations didn't feel much at first, but as the pressure became heavier and heavier, they gradually couldn't bear it on their own bodies.

Two people quickly supported themselves with isolation energy similar to a shield. A reincarnation begins to release a defensive shield to relieve stress.

Beads of sweat gradually formed on the white-robed man's forehead, and the mind energy shield on his body stirred up twisted ripples. It may be overwhelmed and completely broken at any time.

How dare you resist arrest!?! he snapped.

But the vibration of the sound cannot be transmitted at all. In mid-air, he was offset by circles of terrifying pressure.

What are you talking about? I can't hear you. Lu Sheng smiled. Dark red fluorescence slowly lit up in his eyes.


The pressure increased again.


A telekinesis master from the telekinesis alliance spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground unconscious.

Several other telekinesis masters retreated in fear. Soon only two people were left standing still in their original positions.

How dare you resist arrest!! The leading man in white robe bowed his body and shouted in a difficult voice.

I'm sorry, I can't hear what you are saying. Lu Sheng smiled and moved forward slowly, step by step.

His steps were slow and light, just like those who were walking or enjoying an outing.

But it was such a light step, and every step seemed to strike deep in everyone's hearts.


Another master of the Nian Energy Alliance was bleeding from all his orifices, fell to his knees, and soon died.

The air was like a burning flame, constantly twisting and beating.

As Lu Sheng continued to approach, huge terrifying pressure squeezed everyone's bodies and minds.

You!! The manipulation caused ripples on Lamel's body to explode continuously, and his eyeballs were covered with dense bloodshot eyes. If he could still take care of his surrounding subordinates at the beginning, then as Lu Sheng got closer, he would become more powerful.

He had no time to care about others, and he was doing his best just to support himself.

Lu Sheng approached step by step. As the distance shrinks, the pressure begins to increase geometrically.

Sweat flowed down his cheeks to his chin like a broken stream, dripping down drop by drop, and evaporated instantly in mid-air due to some invisible pressure.

“Beyond the earth is the sky, the sky is endless, and the earth has its poles.

You can look at the starry sky in the vast distance, use thousands of stars as your guide, and walk in the sky with infinite freedom. Do you think this is arrogance or yearning?

Lu Sheng suddenly spoke slowly.

People always like to do things they can't do. He sighed.

Do you think that's the case? Lu Sheng raised his finger and gently pointed towards the white-robed man's brow.

Roar, Shadow Dragon!!!

Suddenly, the wall behind shattered, and a huge black energy wave several meters wide roared like a black dragon and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng turned around suddenly, and the black dragon was already a few centimeters away from his face.

Chi! ! ! Boom! ! !

In an instant, a black beam of light went from bottom to top, breaking through the ground of the institute and shooting straight into the sky.

The black light pillar soaring into the sky was entwined with white thunder and lightning, piercing the atmosphere and slowly spinning towards the starry sky.

With the light pillar as the center, the surface of the Doubling Star slowly exploded into clusters of white haloes.


In the void on the side of Bejia Star, huge warships tens of thousands of miles long slowly sailed out of the darkness.

The densely packed group of battleships are all silver-white, with the double-headed eagle's logo of the Telekinesis Alliance engraved on the surface of each ship.

On the frontmost battleship, in the silver hard cockpit on the back.

A majestic old man wearing a pure white military uniform was sitting in the main control position of the battleship. His gaze fell directly on the circles of white halo that exploded on the surface of the planet.

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