Extreme Demon

Chapter 1061 Melee 1

Poor kid, if you rush back now, you might still be able to see Horus one last time. Lu Sheng threw away the broken spike and turned his gaze back to Li Shaozong's position.

Where did we just talk? Let's continue.

. Li Shaozong lowered his head and looked at Moir, who was about to die. The shock in his heart was almost indescribable.

The high-level telekinesis master who concentrated all his power in that moment was actually so lightly pinched by one hand, and then exploded and shattered.

After quickly getting over the shock in his heart, Li Shaozong immediately changed his previous plan.

To be able to see Hall Master Wang's heroic appearance in an instant, today's trip is a worthwhile one. I wonder if Hall Master Wang is interested in joining forces with our Juyi Group to build the strongest security department? It just so happens that our group has developed a brand new An experimental drug that can greatly enhance human perception.

Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly. From the reincarnations under his command, he learned that Li Shaozong was secretly developing a mysterious drug called the power of Rosemary's Illusion.

It's just that the success rate of this drug is extremely low. After taking it, the only one who succeeded was Sif Reddy, and the rest either went crazy or died of complete exhaustion.

Now it seems that the development of this drug should be used as a cover.

Rosemary's Illusion Power

Of course, I have always trusted the scientific research strength of Juyi Group. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

We've only met a few times and I don't have enough trust.

But everyone knew how to use polite words, and Li Shaozong had an even bigger smile on his face.

It just so happens that a batch of experimental drugs will be ready for in vivo testing soon. If Hall Master Wang is willing, you can come with me to watch.

It's a great honor. Lu Sheng stretched out his hand.

The two shook hands tightly and smiled at the same time.

Ten minutes. We only have ten minutes to break through to snatch the potion. Advanced telekinesis masters are not easy to mess with. If the protective layer cannot be broken through, the defense force of the Juyi Group will arrive as soon as possible.

In a dark room.

Several dark figures gathered together and spoke in a low voice.

In this plot, although the power of Rosemary's Illusion is not the most powerful plug-in, it is also the greatest guarantee for the safe survival of the protagonist Sif Reddy. He relied on this to escape from desperate situations several times in the plot.

So, we must get it.

Yes, I got the news that the angels and demons have started a war. The members of the Angel team were injured inexplicably before, and the demons saw the opportunity to attack, seriously injuring one of them. Originally, the angels were slightly stronger than the demons, but now the gap is almost the same. .

This is the best chance. Otherwise we won't get another chance by the time they free up.

Then do it.

Yes. Success or failure depends on this.

According to the original plot, at three o'clock in the afternoon, there was an explosion in the laboratory. When a large dose of anesthetic agent was atomized and spread, the exploding test drug penetrated into Sif Reddy's body in a flying shot. If we want to snatch the drug, we must Do it before the explosion happens.

Juyi Group Experimental Institution, outside the Third Research Institute.

Su Qin and others were sitting in the cafe opposite, watching the flow of people coming in and out of the institute.

It's a pity that for some reason, that Xixiang didn't fall out with Jiu Mingtang. We looked for several opportunities but couldn't take action. She said with some regret.

The good news is that the hall master still adopted our opinions. It's just that I still have an unknown premonition, and I don't know why. The woman with psychic powers frowned.

Xiangxiang, your premonitions are always accurate. This is why I chose to come here to observe first.

Since Hall Master Wang Mu already knows everything that is going to happen here, he will definitely be prepared.

So what could be more troublesome than the current Nine Life Hall? I'm afraid there won't be one in the entire Double Star, right?

Deen shook his head slightly.

As long as we cooperate with the hall master to obtain the power of Rosemary's Illusion and win this great favor, the stronger the Nine Lives Hall will be, the more secure we will be.

They have now officially joined the Nine Lives Hall and separated from Blue Starlight.

The main god system also prompted them to successfully join the Jiu Ming Tang Demonic Organization.

What they don't understand is that Jiu Ming Tang is obviously a security company, so how could it turn into a demonic organization?

Someone is taking action! Su Qin suddenly interrupted and lowered his head slightly.

Several people looked towards the research institute at the same time.

I saw a beautiful woman with long blue hair, wearing a white robe from the medieval period, and a large blue light exploded in her hand.

She actually hit the door of the research institute with a lightning ball and smashed it out.

boom! ! !

The door exploded, and the huge electromagnetic force was manipulated to spread in all directions.

Several shadows shot out from behind the woman and disappeared into the institute in an instant. She also floated into the air and flew inside, leaving behind a large number of ignorant people on the street watching the excitement.

This idiot! I really don't know how he died! Su Qin covered her forehead.

Half a minute later, subtle explosions and roars came from the research institute.

The research institute has been breached! Two of the three layers on the surface have been breached. Xiangxiang, a woman with psychic powers, said quickly.

Three teams are taking action at the same time!

Three!? Damn it! They made an appointment! Su Qin's expression changed drastically and she quickly stood up.

Let's go! Let's go too!

In the underground experimental area.

Lu Sheng slowly followed Li Shaozong and slowly visited all the research results in the underground test area of ​​the entire institute.

In the past few days, he had been spending time absorbing a large amount of scale stones, but Su Qin suddenly came to his door and told him that Sif Reddy would obtain an extremely strange life-saving ability in this research institution today.

Lu Sheng, who originally planned to go into seclusion and practice hard, finally took the time to visit Li Shaozong.

Unexpectedly, not long after arriving here, I heard an explosion outside.

He has agreed to join the Blue Starlight Party and become one of the Supreme Cross Council members. It will be the official handover time in a while.

He must also go to the Blue Starlight Headquarters and the Galactic Center of the Black Sakura Galaxy alone to register as a member.

This is also the opportunity to see the most powerful force in the world.

From Xixiang, he learned that there was even a super dark energy user who could predict the future on the other side of the blue starlight.

There is also one of the congressmen, and his body is no longer a human body, but a huge galaxy-level body built with the brain as the main body, combined with the mechanical system and the decomposition of several planetary cores as energy.

It itself contains five huge planet-level planets.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but be amazed by the power of this kind of technology combined with telekinesis.

It is worthy of being a super-level universe, and it is almost as good as the Death Star in the Demon Realm. He is indeed far behind now.

So with his goal in mind, he became motivated again and began to absorb scale stones crazily.

Facing the situation here at this time, it is nothing compared to the peak combat power of Blue Starlight.

Buzz! ! !

Another huge earthquake came from the ceiling above the institute.

Li Shaozong's expression did not change, and he was not worried at all.

It seems that I am really lucky to be able to meet Hall Master Wang personally at such a critical moment. These blind little thieves have hit the iron plate this time. He even showed a slight smile.

Director Li is joking. Even if I'm not here, with the strength of Juyi Group, the security department won't let them break through so quickly, right? Lu Sheng said with a smile.

To be honest, the telekinesis masters from the security core just rushed to the other side of Bejia Star this morning to deal with a tragic surprise attack there. Li Shaozong said truthfully. If they really come in, I will have no choice but to surrender and let others cut me off. So, Hall Master Wang, you really saved my life this time.


Lu Sheng looked through the glass at the wriggling biological tissues placed inside.

Outside the lobby of this underground structure, subtle shouts were heard at this time. It seemed that someone had broken through and was fighting with the security guards on the outside.

Jun Cheng, you go and deal with it. Lu Sheng didn't even look back.

Leave it to me. Bai Juncheng spit out the toothpick he was holding in his mouth and strode out of the hall.


After a loud bang.

Soon the sounds outside quickly calmed down.

As expected of a cadre of Jiu Ming Tang, his strength is real. The more Li Shaozong came into contact with Jiu Ming Tang, the more frightened he became. Many times he felt like he was dealing with a giant creature that might crush him to death as long as the opponent turned over slightly.

Let's continue. Lu Sheng smiled.

boom! ! !

Bai Juncheng's palm was like a wolf's claw, and it flashed past the throats of the two black figures like lightning.

Blood splattered.

Two human bodies stumbled to the ground.

He opened his flesh wings with a hiss behind him, biting in series with his palms. It almost turned into a phantom in the underground passage.

Each reincarnator barely had time to blink before his throat was ripped open, and some even had their entire heads rolled off their necks.

Damn it! It's Bai Juncheng, the wolf king of Nine Lives Hall! Escape quickly!! A roar spread in the distance.

Bai Juncheng spread his wings, circled, and flew towards the direction of the sound.

Many of the so-called reincarnations were torn to pieces and slaughtered on the spot before they even had time to use their abilities.

Too weak, too weak, too weak!!! Bai Juncheng looked ferocious and sped up.

He lunged forward suddenly, his claws bringing out violent winds.

Zheng! !

In an instant, he prevented the golden wall of telekinesis from standing in front of him and blocking the blow.

Several golden spikes surrounded him from both sides at the same time.

Bai Juncheng's figure flashed, retreated rapidly, and hovered in the air in the passage of the research institute.

Finally something looks good. He licked the blood on his hand, showing a hint of violent murderous intent.

I'll stop him, you keep pushing forward! A white-haired man wearing a white mask walked out from the end of the passage.


Several white figures flew past him.

Bai Juncheng's figure flashed, trying to intercept. But it was once again blocked by the golden wall of mental energy.

Where do you want to go? the white-haired man shouted sternly.

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