Extreme Demon

Chapter 1059 Meeting 1

Get ready. Let everyone come over. Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at the time. The venue is right here, let's have a small meeting.


Wei Handong and others responded quickly.

Xiaoyu, you are taking Zhen He to participate in daily special training. If you want to stay with me, you must lay the best foundation. He ordered.

Ah? Zhen He was in a daze.

Start from the basics? Wei Zhenyu was also a little surprised. Isn't she specifically a nurse for teachers? After working for a long time, I turned out to be an assistant.

Start with the basics. After reaching the standard, she will enter the Three Saints Division, and then transfer to the Core Division. If she can get in. Lu Sheng said calmly, he did not intend to give Zhen He any special treatment.

Since she is the person chosen by Wang Jing, Wang Jing will never let her remain an ordinary person.

Zhen He must have his own special features, let’s start with the basics step by step.

I understand! I will work hard! Zhen He seemed to understand something. This was a key turning point for her to go from being an ordinary non-staff member to officially joining the Nine Lives Hall and becoming an elite.

If she perseveres, her destiny will change dramatically.

For a big boss like Wang Mu, there will never be a shortage of beauties. Then those who are truly useful to him and can stay by his side must be capable people.

Go ahead. Come see me again when you can reach the target. Lu Sheng has now stopped training the basic members. Any one of his core members has the strength and qualifications to conduct self-limiting exercises for these people.

Although this exercise method is difficult, after it has been woven into a systematic method by Lu Sheng, you can master it with more training.

Zhen He was led away by Wei Zhenyu.

Lu Sheng, Wei Handong and others got on the elevator together.

The golden inner door of the elevator was like a mirror, reflecting their faces.

Lu Sheng saw that there was a huge gap between himself at this time and himself when he first came here.

The current appearance is not so much that of Wang Mu, but that it is gradually turning into the original appearance of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng stared at his face in deep thought.


The elevator has arrived.

The door opened, and Wei Handong and others walked into the corridor surrounded by Lu Sheng.

Just outside the glass wall on the side of the corridor, I saw helicopters approaching quickly and stopping towards the top of the building.

The huge sound of the propeller can be clearly heard even inside the building with excellent sound insulation.

They're coming.

Bai Juncheng whispered.

Let's go. Wait for everyone to arrive. Lu Sheng took the lead and walked towards the conference hall of the building.



Su Qin and others sat in the rapid response aircraft, whizzing past the city.

Through the saucer-shaped side windows of the aircraft, several people could see the apocalyptic ruins of Anming City below.

Su Qin's pretty face showed a trace of happiness.

Fortunately, I didn't stand in the wrong position this time. It was too dangerous this time. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed.

Where's Sif Reddy? Deen next to him coughed a few times. In order to protect several people in the team, he was injured in the internal organs by the aftermath of the explosion, and he is still recovering.

The protagonist of the plot? Su Qin frowned.

He was hired by Li Shaozong and became his personal bodyguard. The plot has come to this point.

It was in Li Shaozong's group that he encountered drastic changes, and thus got an unexpected adventure.

Li Shaozong's Juyi Group focuses on biotechnology. As one of the heirs of a large family, he is willing to hide on this remote planet. No matter where you judge from the plot, this coincidence is too deliberate. Deen explained.

Juyi Group is the largest technology group on this planet, and its force is beyond our ability to resist. Su Qin shook his head.

Even if we guess it was intentional, there's nothing we can do. So many reincarnations used to have Li Shaozong's ideas, but now he still doesn't attend various events and meetings properly.

Deen also fell silent.

Assassin Shati hesitated for a moment, then slowly spoke in the spiritual link.

What do you think will happen if we give this information and our heads to Jiu Ming Tang?

You have also seen Wang Mu's previous strength. It is much stronger than in the original plot, and he has gained a lot of power. Although he will definitely not be able to defeat those two perverts, if it works properly, it will definitely be a big help. Titus suggested.

Li Shaozong will definitely not be able to defeat the Nine Lives Group. The possibility you mentioned is really possible. Su Qin also nodded.

But even if you get the opportunity that originally belonged to the protagonist, you can guarantee that Wang Mu can defeat those two perverts. Those are terrifying bosses who can destroy stars at will!

No. However, the original protagonist was able to escape with that thing. Wang Mu is much stronger than the original protagonist. Maybe we can also take advantage of it. Shati explained.

“Let’s not talk about this first, the plot will soon come to the scene where the people from Blue Starlight ask Wang Mu to become a vassal force.

According to the original plot, Wang Mu refused forcefully and angered the other party, thus irritating the Blue Starlight and the Nian Energy Alliance at the same time, causing the Nine Life Hall to lose its backing. We have to change this scenario!

The representative of Blue Starlight is a coward. He is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. When he comes here, he is arrogant and acts like he is the best in the world. In fact, it is easy to greet him if he is a little roundabout. Su Qin smiled.

Don't forget, we still belong to the Blue Starlight camp and were sent to train the Nine Lives Hall. In fact, we are really Blue Starlight people. It's not difficult to get close to that guy.

It will be solved with an aphrodisiac. In the original plot, did the protagonist solve him like this soon? He is just a fool who can be deceived by a seductive phone call.

The rest of the team members laughed happily.

Now just wait for that pretty boy to come over and have a conflict with Jiu Ming Tang. Only when they come to the rescue at critical moments can their role be highlighted.



Ah! Your martial arts is as dazzling and bright as the sun! This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a powerful and powerful battle!

In the spacious conference hall.

Lu Sheng was sitting on the large black leather seat, his hands naturally placed on the armrests, and he looked calmly at the pretty face in a white suit projected in front of him.

This pretty boy was praising him with a fawning expression.

Master Wang, Nese'an's actions before were just his personal actions. I am here this time to express my most sincere apology to you on behalf of the organization. I believe that a powerful man like you will not pay too much attention to what he did before. A small offense, right?”

It doesn't matter. Nether'an has already given me enough compensation. I've always been a generous person. Don't worry about these little things. Lu Sheng said casually. I feel like I can't stand this guy's flattering skills.

Just when he was about to have a small meeting, a team of people from Blue Starlight suddenly came over, and the leader was this pretty boy named Xixiang.

You are truly a powerful and generous person, and you are worthy of being the leader of such a powerful Nine Lives Hall. The pretty boy's mouth was quite sweet.

I am here on behalf of the organization this time, hoping to cooperate more comprehensively with Jiu Mingtang. I hope that Jiu Mingtang can train dead soldiers for our organization in the long term.

Death warrior? Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow. Have you gone to see those people from before?

Very satisfied. The effect of your special training is very good. The pretty boy praised. In fact, he is also an extremely proud second generation.

But after watching the previous video of the fight in the Jiu Ming Hall, he clearly realized that the strength of the hall master in front of him was very likely to reach the top level of Venaga level manipulator.

If you are able to master martial arts, you can reach the Vinaga level, which is equivalent to a telekinesis master.

Such talents are simply national treasures that are rarer than endangered animals. If telekinesis masters receive such powerful martial arts training, how strong will their overall strength be?

This is simply unimaginable.

So this time he came to win over this Wang Mu.

Actually, according to the original intention of the higher-ups, we hope that Jiu Ming Tang can join us, so that you can get maximum support of all kinds, and we also hope that Hall Master Wang will become our full-time martial arts trainer. However.

He changed the subject. From the moment we saw the hall master's heroic appearance in the previous battle, our decision was unknowingly deviated. A powerful Venaga level warrior like you has so many powerful martial artists under his command. Such a force The power is already qualified to become our collaborator.

Thank you for the compliment. I am also honored to be a collaborator of the powerful Blue Starlight Organization. Lu Sheng was praised by him for his heroic appearance and his power, which made him smile slightly.

If possible, if you join us, you will be invited to join the Supreme Cross Council and become one of the fifty official members. You will have supreme power far beyond what you have now. The pretty boy said with a hint of bewilderment.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they just looked at Lu Sheng's strength and speed in training his subordinates.

Lu Sheng's rise was too fast, and his own strength was bottomless, and he never exploded at full strength. If a conflict really breaks out, their local losses may be huge.

Especially at this critical moment when we are competing with the Nian Energy Alliance, we must be even more cautious.

I need to think about it. Lu Sheng was really moved. If you can become Blue Starlight's official logistics trainer, then any trainee who passes through his hands will become his tentacles, spreading throughout Blue Starlight.

But he was not sure whether anyone would discover this method. thus being exposed.

This world is different from others. The energy level here is too high and there are many powerful monsters. You must be cautious and cautious.

I can't reply to the proposal you mentioned right away. It will take time. Lu Sheng answered directly.

It is understandable that such a big matter naturally requires time to think about. We will stay here for a week and hope you can give us a reply as soon as possible. In addition, let me introduce myself again. In Xixixiang, my father is the member of the Cross Council Sisien. Xixiang bowed slightly and his figure slowly disappeared.

Lu Sheng touched his chin and thought.

Soon a slender figure stood up slowly in the corner.

Hall Master, this good-for-nothing Xixiang didn't lie to you. The higher-ups really really want you to join this time. The person who spoke was none other than Naise'an.

This guy now explained with a respectful look.

Although Xixiang is useless, his father is well-known as a powerful figure in the Cross Council. He will not lie about this kind of news.

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