Extreme Demon

Chapter 1058 Goodbye 2

During this turmoil, if she hadn't happened to be in that club and had been safely carried in here, she would have become one of those roaring monsters outside.

It’s not like now at all, where all the best benefits are enjoyed first by Jiu Ming Group’s own employees. Guaranteed maximum safety.

She actually understood it in her heart.

Are you free now? Zhen He couldn't help but ask in a low voice. I want to thank you properly

It's nothing, it's just a small thing for me, don't worry about it. Lu Sheng said calmly.

For a big shot like you, it may be just a trivial matter, but for me, it is enough to change my whole life! Zhen He couldn't help but grab Lu Sheng's hand as he wanted to leave.

I just want to use my method to thank you and repay you! she said seriously.

Holding Wang Mu's thick palm, she, who had always been alone, suddenly felt an indescribable strong sense of security.

Looking at Wang Mu's strong and tall body, she suddenly felt a brief sense of peace and relaxation.

All along, she has been working hard to support herself, protecting herself and fighting hard in this strange city.

I send money back to my sister every month to go to college.

The burden of the entire family falls on her, including the heavy debt left by her father's business failure and her mother suffering from a chronic disease that requires constant spending on medication.

Such a burden made her almost breathless many times.

But now, just holding Wang Mu's hand, she felt a sense of security that she had never felt before.

You look very tired. Lu Sheng saw a hint of pleading in her eyes, a faint fear of losing.

I Zhen He nodded slightly. I'm tired. But sometimes you just get used to it.

She tried to smile, trying to look happy.

Life is about taking responsibility. Many times, I feel the same way you do. Lu Sheng said solemnly. If you work hard, you will have a good future in the Nine Lives Group.

I think so too. Zhen He smiled brighter. But I want to stay with you, is that okay?

Why? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

Because you are a big shot, and I have a much better future with you than by working on my own. Zhen He answered with a smile, very candidly.

In fact, she cares more about the deep sense of security in her heart.

Lu Sheng also saw the lack of scheming in her eyes. She really didn't know his true identity. I just simply wanted to follow him.

According to the common saying, this is called standing in line in advance. Zhen He said with a smile. The Nine Lives Group is so big, there must be many factions. It would be good to settle on a hilltop that you are familiar with first, right?

This girl is really smart.

He knows how to seize opportunities, but his intentions are very honest. This is rare.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

Okay. But I don't need assistants. You go first. Suddenly, his words stopped. His eyes couldn't help but look behind Zhen He.

At some unknown time, a girl with long hair slowly walked out of a room.

The moment he saw this girl, Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly expanded. His expression was slightly moved.

Why are you here!?

I'll come and take a look.

The girl was wearing a black and white plaid woolen dress. The dress clung to her body, slightly highlighting her perfect hot body line. A pair of perfectly slender legs on the lower body are still wrapped in pure black pantyhose.

I can only stay for a few days. The current me is just a temporary clone. The girl said with a smile.

I'm very happy that you can come. Lu Sheng walked forward slowly and took the hand that the girl raised.

Zhen He, you can accompany you here instead of me. I like this better than that Xiao Changling. The girl said with a smile.

Why? Aren't you jealous? Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

It's just a toy. If you like it, just eat it. The girl smiled, but what she said made Lu Sheng slightly startled.

Wang Jing, compared to the last time I saw her, seemed to be more indifferent to life.

He didn't know if this change was good or bad, but he kind of didn't like it.

Even food has the dignity of food!

I understand. You like to pray before eating. Wang Jing continued to smile. Actually, you don't have to pay attention to me at all.

I don't like you like this. Lu Sheng's face darkened.

Then what do you like about me? Wang Jing let go of her hand and turned around. The dark shawl hair rotated with her, exuding a faint fragrance.

She suddenly leaned forward and pressed her body tightly against Lu Sheng. His chest and legs were squeezed tightly against Lu Sheng's body.

Zhen He on the side couldn't help but cover her mouth and let out a low cry.

When she met this girl named Wang Jing before, she took the initiative to approach Wang Mu, which was also the advice given to her by the other party.

At this time, she didn't expect that Wang Jing and Wang Mu would have this kind of relationship.

Do you want to eat me? Wang Jing raised her head and looked at Lu Sheng with blurred eyes. I have hidden a gift for you in the deepest part of my body.

But you have to go get it yourself.

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng picked her up and strode into the back room.

Zhen He's cheeks turned red, and she immediately guessed what they were going to do. The little thought they had before disappeared in an instant and went nowhere.

That's right. How could a big shot like him like an ordinary girl like me? She lowered her head slightly disappointed.


In less than five seconds, the door suddenly opened.

Eh? Where is Sister Wang Jing? Zhen He was stunned and saw that there was no one in the room.

Eat it. Lu Sheng touched his mouth, holding a small and exquisite platinum box in his hand thoughtfully.

Huh??? Zhen He's eyes widened.



Hahahahaha! ! !

In a dark space.

A burst of wild laughter spread like thunder.

Amid laughter, Wang Jingku sat in the white flames, her pretty face like white jade turning red.

He really ate it!!? Hahahahaha!!!

The teacher next to him was laughing so hard that he could hardly hold on to the projection, and he almost had cramps while holding his stomach.

He, he. My brother is still young and doesn't understand yet. Wang Jing managed to squeeze out a sentence of defense.

I told you, just give him something, and you still want to be gentle with him. Look at the result. The teacher laughed with tears in his eyes.

It's okay, it's just a toy. Just eat it. I don't care. Wang Jing gritted her teeth.

Yes, yes, it just took you half a day and a lot of power to teleport to that super-level world. Of course, for the future King of Sorcerers, you do have the right to not care. The teacher waved his hand to comfort him. , wipe away the tears that just burst out from laughter.

Okay, practice well after the things are delivered. I can only help you so far. She paused and continued. Don't worry about your brother, he won't die even if you die. The invisible demon is not that easy to kill.

Yes. Wang Jing was helpless, and the look of shame and annoyance on her face faded a little. She decided that next time she talked to her brother, it would be better to be direct to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.



I was joking just now. Lu Sheng explained.

. Zhen He still looked incomprehensible.

The two of them were driving towards the headquarters of Jiumingtang in a car.

Since Zhen He was a toy specifically chosen by Wang Jing, based on Lu Sheng's understanding of Wang Jing, she must have done something to Zhen He.

He simply took the girl with him and stayed with him as an assistant for the time being.

This also made Wei Zhenyu on the side very dissatisfied. The eyes he looked at Zhen He looked a little evil from time to time.

However, Zhen He didn't seem to notice, and kept smiling at Wei Zhenyu in a gentle and friendly manner.

Go to the headquarters now. You can decide on your own what needs to be dealt with. When the cleanup task is completely completed, report to me. Lu Sheng ordered.


Wei Handong and Wei Zhenyu responded in unison.

Zhen He stuck out her tongue, feeling even more like she had made the right decision.

Wang Mu's status in the Jiu Ming Group is obviously not low.

The vehicle slowly stopped in front of an intact 100-story high-rise building.

Lu Sheng and the other four got out of the car one after another.

Someone from Jiu Ming Tang came to greet him at the door to check his identity.

After checking, he quickly saluted several people and watched them walk into the lobby of the building.

Two teams of people have already been lined up in the hall, all members of the Nine Lives Hall wearing black exoskeleton armor.

Each of them is more than two meters tall, with strong muscles and hard armor gleaming, intertwining into an inexplicable sense of power and oppression.

Lu Sheng took the lead and walked into the hall.

In the middle of the hall, Brother Bai Juncheng was standing there respectfully waiting with wounds all over his body.

You guys, what's going on? Lu Sheng stopped in front of the Bai brothers and asked in a low voice.

Some experts sealed off the entire Bai family, and our brothers struggled to break free from that area. A trace of hatred flashed in Bai Juncheng's eyes. My dad is still resuscitating him, and he is not out of danger! Please ask the teacher to take action!

Don't worry. Lu Sheng nodded. Then you will reconstruct all the characteristics and appearance of the group of people who took action and give them to me.

The modeler is already doing it. Bai Juncheng always arranges things in a flawless manner.

Who is this? He looked at Zhen He beside Lu Sheng.

Zhen He is a little confused now.

From the moment she entered the house to now, she has fully realized that the status of Wang Mu she is following may not be as simple as she thought before.

Judging from the formation of welcome formation at the entrance, Wang Mu's status in the Jiu Ming Group was at least one of the biggest bosses in the mountains.

Now being stared at by a pair of blood-red eyes from Bai Juncheng, she instinctively felt as if she was being stared at by a terrifying carnivorous beast. The body trembled instinctively.

She is just an ordinary person, don't scare her. Wei Handong measured his body and blocked Bai Juncheng's view.

Ordinary people? People who can stay with the teacher are not ordinary. Bai Juncheng laughed. Sorry, I was abrupt. He apologized quickly.

Zhen He opened her mouth, but found that she didn't even have the courage to speak.

Thanks to the two friends who tipped Wandian last week~

Forgotten Yue’s Sorrow

Sound Magpie Hall

Thank you both for your support.

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