Extreme Demon

Chapter 1036 Breakthrough 2

Lu Sheng's pace quickened, and the two passed by each other. Soon they turned a corner, and the strange sight disappeared behind them.

Walking quickly along the street, Lu Sheng soon reached the bottom of his newly purchased building.

He took out the key card and swiped it, walked in slowly, and quickly climbed up the stairwell.

Dark blue. Lu Sheng thought silently in his mind.

The light blue interface suddenly popped out of his field of vision. The remaining amount of spiritual power is displayed at the top of the interface.

‘Supernatural power: 564.81 million’

What follows is a series of small numbers. These are the total amount of supernatural power he has accumulated from the endless supply of scale stone mines for so long.

I originally thought it would be enough. From the previous Vinaga level, it can be seen that the personal force value in this world is indeed extremely high. If you want to quickly gain a foothold, the previous strength is no longer enough.

Lu Sheng knew very well that if the previous Wei Najia-level telekinesis master came two more times, he might have to kneel down at that time.

Time is not waiting for me. Lu Sheng sighed and looked up at the blue sky.

From time to time, private aircraft flew past the edge of the sky.

Young man, what are you worried about? An inexplicable old voice sounded from behind Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment and turned around slowly.

Behind him stood a bald old man who looked like he was taking a walk after dinner.

The old man was wearing red long-sleeved trousers, and on his hand hung a string of dark red wooden bead chains, like Buddhist beads. Standing in the stairwell, it seems that they are also residents living here.

How did you, old man, see that I was distressed? Lu Sheng said calmly.

Isn't it written clearly on your face? the old man said with a smile. Being able to compete with that little monster in Nessana and even force it back, I have to say, young man, your potential should not be underestimated.


Are you interested? Let's talk about it? The old man looked at Lu Sheng and showed a mysterious smile.

After a while.

In a cafe in downtown Anming City.

Lu Sheng and the old man sat opposite each other. Apart from the two of them, there were only two lazy waiters left in the cafe, leaning motionless behind the door, seemingly taking a nap.

The old man ordered a cup of dark yellow unknown viscous liquid, which was placed in front of him, exuding a faint and inexplicable sour smell.

Lu Sheng simply asked for a cup of light salt water to rinse his mouth.

Tell me, what's the point of coming to me? Lu Sheng didn't have the time to beat around the bush with this person. In his current state, the person who could silently approach behind him would definitely not be an unknown person.

Young man, don't be so impatient. The old man smiled, picked up the cup, and took a sip. Actually, you were unlucky, and you happened to hit the muzzle of the gun. Nessian from the Ninth War Zone came to inspect, actually to investigate the whereabouts of an important cadre of Blue Starlight.

Blue Starlight? Lu Sheng had never heard of this name at all.

An anti-government force committed to overthrowing the tyranny of the empire and reclassifying the nobility. The old man said lightly, Don't you think that in today's empire, the lower class people can't see the hope of moving up? The classes have been solidified, there is no hope, and there is no way forward. The lower class can always be the lower ruling class, and can only be the nobility.

What does that have to do with me? Lu Sheng asked.

. The old man's expression remained unchanged and he looked at Lu Sheng with a relaxed look. You really don't care, but are you willing?

No, you are not willing to give in. You have an unprecedentedly powerful fighting talent, and you have unparalleled fighting ability. Why can those high-ranking, corrupt imperial nobles always weigh on you from birth?

Your whole life of hard work may not be as much as what they spend on a random meal. Are you willing?

What do you want to say? Lu Sheng frowned.

In one year, you have developed such a large-scale organizational power. I think you are by no means a person who is content with the status quo. So, we invite you to join us. The old man smiled again, his previous cynicism seemed to Just a temporary illusion.

Who are you? Lu Sheng asked. What can it bring to me?

He is not a fool who will give up after others just tell you a few words. If you don't see any real benefits, you can't even think about asking him to cooperate.

We are Blue Starlight. The old man replied with a smile. Initially, we were a part of the manipulators that split from the Telekinesis Alliance. We were dissatisfied that the class was firmly controlled by the nobles, so we established the famous resistance of Blue Starlight. organize.

He picked up the cup and took another sip.

Later, a series of changes occurred. Our organization was classified as a terrorist organization and was wanted everywhere. And...

Tell me the important point! Lu Sheng was a little impatient.

Isn't it a terrorist organization? With so many private things to say, who can bear to listen to your nonsense? If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you!

He didn't have time to play guessing games with anyone right now.

Okay, okay. The old man nodded helplessly. It's not a good feeling to be interrupted in the middle of your conversation.

To put it simply, we can help you eliminate the bad effects caused by this time. But you need to help us cover and train a group of organization members to a certain extent. Do you accept this deal?

Oh? Lu Sheng was worried that the situation was developing too fast, but he didn't expect that someone would come to help right away.

How far can you solve it? He was a little doubtful.

It's like nothing ever happened. The old man smiled.

Lu Sheng fell silent, his mind racing through the pros and cons.

This man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and he accurately stated what was on his mind as soon as he spoke.

Obviously, if they are really an organization, then their intelligence capabilities and personal strength cannot be underestimated.

Maybe it can be done to solve the problem at hand.

How many people will be trained? To what extent? Lu Sheng asked again.

About a hundred people. They need to reach the physical strength level of your peripheral members. The old man demanded.

If you are sure that we can solve it, then it's a deal! Lu Sheng nodded.

Okay! It's refreshing enough. The old man pressed his skinny palm on the table, and a black triangular card suddenly appeared on the table.

The situation will be calmed down soon. After that, someone with a triangle card will come to contact you. He smiled mysteriously.

I hope you're not teasing me, otherwise I won't mind breaking the necks of everyone related to you. Lu Sheng said in a gloomy tone.

Don't be like this, I can't stand threats anymore. As I get older, I am different from young people. The old man turned his face and looked out the window in the distance.

Life is so good, calm, peaceful, and lazy. You think so too, right? He turned back with a smile and glanced at Lu Sheng.

Then his whole person slowly faded and disappeared, as if he had never been sitting across from him in the first place.

Lu Sheng watched helplessly as the coffee in front of him cooled rapidly. The heat on it seemed to be fast-forwarded countless times. One second it was still lingering in the heat, and the next second it cooled completely.

His whole body seemed to be in an indescribable state of rigidity.

Old man. The muscles all over his body were beating violently, and the volcanic power in his body repeatedly impacted the invisible power that solidified him in the outside world.

Lu Sheng, who was proficient in the manipulation of the five senses, instantly understood what the other party had done.

He manipulated his perception!

It made him feel that time passed quickly, and hours passed in just a short moment in his consciousness.


Suddenly, Lu Sheng's vision blurred. He seemed to have broken out of a closed space.

Sitting in his seat, he looked towards the seat opposite again. The sky has darkened. People on the opposite side have already gone to have tea. The old man didn't know how long he had been gone.

Interesting. Lu Sheng stood up slightly unsteadily.

In the realm of the fourth life, you don't even know when the opponent will take action. The manipulator is worthy of being a star destroyer. He is really knowledgeable.

He finally looked down at the table, where a stack of brand new banknotes was neatly placed.

Lu Sheng picked up the banknote and smelled it.

Having been away for more than four hours, has my sense of time been affected for four hours?

He put down the money, left his seat, and strode towards the door of the cafe.

He must go back and break through the fifth life. The spiritual power accumulated now should be enough. And in this super-level world, he alone may not be enough to achieve his goal.

He needs enough growth time, not only for him, but also for Jiu Mingtang.

Quickly returning to the room, Lu Sheng closed the door, drew the curtains, and notified Jiu Ming Tang to set up hidden sentries around the area.

He took off his clothes and moved the nutrient solution and compressed food to the corner of the living room.

Then he sat in the middle of the living room.

Dark blue.

The modifier suddenly popped up, and the upper box was clearly displayed.

‘The Spiral Nine Life Method: The fourth life – blood. (Traits: Skin hardening, muscle strength strengthening, endocrine optimization, blood mutation)’

The fourth life consumes tens of millions of divine power. The 560 million divine power I prepared this time should be enough.

Lu Sheng thought about it and clicked the modifier button.

The entire dark blue interface blurred for a while, then quickly became clear.

Promote the Spiral Nine Life Technique to the fifth level. He thought silently in his mind.

For a while, everything was calm inside the body, without any movement.

Lu Sheng waited for a short while, but a full five minutes passed, and Shen Lan didn't respond at all.

He looked slightly nervous.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation. Ever since he got Deep Blue, this ability has never let him down.


puff! !

Suddenly, he thrust forward and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The red blood mist strangely transformed into a blurry human shape in mid-air. The humanoid figure had facial features, hands and feet, like a miniature version of Lu Sheng. As soon as it was formed, it flew away from the window and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng was startled and was about to sense the direction of the blood mist humanoid.

At this moment, a loud thunder-like sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

An indescribably huge amount of divine power was compressed in his chest, and suddenly exploded.

His whole body spurted out several mouthfuls of blood mist again, and the blood mist quickly formed into a human shape, flew out of the window, and disappeared from sight.

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