Extreme Demon

Chapter 1035 Breakthrough 1


The wooden door was slammed open.

Several men who were hiding inside and discussing something around the map were about to get up in a hurry to get their guns.

Immediately, several experts from Jiu Mingtang swarmed up and cooperated with the police to quickly control the person.

Several laser guns were aimed at several people's heads instantly.

Don't move! Stand up and press against the wall with your hands raised!

Several policemen shouted harshly.

The people in Jiu Ming Tang were all wearing different clothes from the police, and behind them was this huge Nine Characters.

Their bodies are much stronger than those of fitness enthusiasts who take supplements for a long time. Compared with them, the police around them are no more than bean sprouts.

Several of the men who were arrested were handcuffed by the police to the heating pipes in the room, unable to move.

A short-haired man from Nine Lives Hall slowly walked to the end of the room. In a corner, he bent down and picked up a small black box.

The lid of the box was open and the contents had been taken away.

There is still a fine residual powder on the edge.

The man reached out, dipped some in it and smelled it.

It's phosphoric acid solid porphyry. It's indeed them. It's the most commonly used component of micro-bombs by Horus's troops. Take it away!

The man waved his hand, and a group of people were immediately turned around and taken away by the police and Nine Lives Hall masters.

In Anos Province, it is almost impossible to tell who is who between the Nine Lives Hall and the police department.

Many people in the police department have joined the Nine Lives Hall. There are also many members and officials of the police department in the Nine Lives Hall.

At the same time, scenes like this continued to occur in various important cities across the province in just a few days.

Horus's manpower and strongholds were being cleared quickly. In a very short period of time, the Planet Communications Office received strong protests from the Telekinesis Alliance.

The Imperial Planetary Ministry is required to severely deal with Arnos Province's wanton behavior and violation of the law.

However, the main power department of the Planet Ministry, the Imperial Defense Department of Belga Star, issued several orders in succession, but they were all directly rejected by the Anos Province.

The Ministry of Defense was furious and officially dispatched a small mixed mecha unit of hundreds of people.

It includes about four telekinesis masters.

Unfortunately, this mixed force was attacked by unknown persons on the air route to Anos Province, causing heavy casualties. Only one telekinesis master escaped because he temporarily fell behind.

Anos Province quickly issued a statement stating that the attack was completed and responsible for a terrorist organization called Shaka.

The Ministry of Defense issued a direct ultimatum to Provincial Minister Betisel, requiring him to cooperate with the General Defense Force as soon as possible to investigate the truth of the raid.

At the same time, a total of three coordinated auxiliary troops from the nearby province of Anos were marching towards Anos at the same time.

Supporters of the Horus family, Major General of the Planetary Defense Department, Moganl Andes, personally led the way to Anos.

Within Anos Province, the raid from Horus was finally ended with the heads of the heads of the Horus family strongholds in several surrounding provinces.

After Lu Sheng, on behalf of Jiu Ming Tang, met with the provincial minister Betisel, the top person in charge of the province, he expressed his full support for the provincial ministry's various actions in investigating the raid.

On November 5, the provincial ministry held a discussion press conference and invited reporters from dozens of media outlets to conduct interviews.

Huge display screens and projection screens are being projected at strategic locations across the province.

Shopping malls, subways, airports, intersections, stations, etc., all places with the highest traffic volume, have all installed numerous temporary light curtains.

Betisel is nearly seventy years old. While serving as the provincial minister, he also serves as the head of the provincial defense department. He is a truly powerful figure in the military and political circles.

Her face appears on tens of thousands of screens simultaneously. The face full of ravines and wrinkles has a calm and solemn expression.

“We express our deep sympathy and condolences for the attack on the General Defense Department’s investigation team.

Although the case occurred at the junction of the two provinces, it did not reach the border of our Anos province. But out of humanitarianism, we have sent condolences and a certain amount of solatium to the families of the victims.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of our province has set up a task force to conduct a comprehensive model reconstruction of this case, and has mobilized dozens of criminology experts to conduct joint research. It is necessary to solve this case as soon as possible.

At the same time, please rest assured that the general public, we have invited the famous private security agency, Jiumingtang Security Joint Group, to conduct a joint investigation of this case.

The scene turned and the camera moved to another place. A strong man in a suit and leather shoes with a solemn expression was standing on a white podium and said in a low voice.

In response to the severe and vicious terrorist attacks that occurred not long ago, our Jiu Ming Tang Security Joint Group has set up a special investigation branch. We must fully cooperate with the police to arrest the culprits as soon as possible and maintain the daily stability of the people of the province.

At the same time, in response to the fierce exchange of fire between unknown armed forces that occurred half a month ago, our Jiu Ming Tang is also quickly cooperating with the police to fight back. Now the unknown armed forces have been expelled. We are cooperating with the Ministry of Defense to prepare for sorting out and rebuilding the city.

Inside the hospital ward.

Wang Cheng sighed and shifted his gaze away from the screen, landing on his sister Wang Ziyun who was unconscious on the hospital bed.

Not long after he got married, such a tragic incident happened.

Even if my sister sits on a bench at a bus stop, disaster will come from the sky.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door and then opened slowly.

A doctor in a white coat slowly walked into the ward with a strong man wearing sunglasses. After a few words of warning, he left on his own.

How's it going? The visitor was Lu Sheng, who had just arrived from the Jiu Ming Tang headquarters.

His uncle was very kind to him, so naturally he would not remain indifferent to such an important matter.

Wang Cheng smiled bitterly.

Although I was hit, I was very lucky. I just survived the danger of my life yesterday. Now I just need to rest. There may be sequelae in the future, and I will have to undergo rehabilitation training in the future.

Of course, not dying is a blessing among misfortunes.

Lu Sheng looked at his cousin and could see that his eyes were a little swollen and he had obviously spent a lot of time crying.

There is no newlywed wife around either.

Where are the uncle and aunt? he asked in a low voice. Look at Wang Ziyun on the hospital bed.

After staying up for several days and nights, they couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as they were out of danger, I asked them to go back and rest. Wang Cheng shook his head.

Lu Sheng stepped forward, gently opened the quilt, and looked at Wang Ziyun's covered hands.

His arm was covered with countless dense bandages. He stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Wang Ziyun's wrist, feeling it carefully.

The internal situation of Wang Ziyun's entire body was quickly and completely displayed in his mind.

Immediately after the accident, he quietly arrived to hang up Wang Ziyun's life. He was forcefully pulled back from the hell gate.

Now, after several consecutive secret treatments, Wang Ziyun's condition has been stabilized. But scars are inevitable.

Can your family hold on recently? Lu Sheng asked again.

Wang Cheng knew what he was asking.

The money is enough, dad has a lot of savings, this is nothing, not to mention I still have a lot of savings here. Don't worry.

You're right, where are my siblings? Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

. Wang Cheng didn't answer, just smiled reluctantly.

Lu Sheng probably guessed what happened. He walked over and patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder, saying nothing.

After staying in the ward for a while, he put down the fruits and tonics he brought and quietly left the ward.

After walking out of the hospital, Lu Sheng sighed.

The Horus family is menacing, and they go all out when they take action. They immediately target his family and relatives, and their methods can be said to be without scruples.

The fourth life has almost been transformed. It has been accumulated for such a long time. It seems that it is time to take a further step.

His current blood transformation has already evolved his entire body into some kind of strange super magnet that can freely control all types of energy.

The fourth life of the spiral nine-life method has completely separated people from the category of ordinary life and entered the extraordinary life form.

It has terrifyingly powerful resistance to all types of damage, and can freely influence and control most high-energy inanimate material forms.

Terrifying self-healing power, tyrannical strength and speed, and skin and muscles so hard that only the interstellar main cannon can barely break them open.

And if you can enter your fifth life, you can transform your bones. The possible results will be earth-shaking changes.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Suddenly the phone rang again.

Lu Sheng took out his phone and looked at it.

It was from disciple Hong Ci.

Teacher. Hong Thorn's injury has healed and he has returned to normal.

This joint force from the three provinces has a large number of people. Do we still want to take action?

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly.

No, in this case, if we take action again, it will be equivalent to standing on the bright side, which is not in line with my previous plan.

In addition, Zheng Huan has informed him that he can take action.

Hong Qi was startled, and then his expression changed slightly. Zheng Huan was the most mysterious department of destiny users in Jiu Ming Hall.

There are all kinds of telekinesis masters absorbed by Nine Lives Hall who are targeting the Horus family.

The most terrifying thing is that these telekinesis masters are all strengthened and trained by Lu Sheng himself. Although they can only practice the most basic load-bearing fighting skills, combined with telekinesis, the power is simply incredible.

I understand, I will inform Senior Brother Zheng Huan immediately.

In Jiu Ming Tang, the changes in titles are entirely based on strength. Whoever is stronger will be respected as senior brother or senior sister by everyone.

That's it. Horus' people will come with the joint forces of the three provinces this time. I just need to retreat for a period of time. I will leave all the specific daily affairs to you and County Ansha. Lu Sheng ordered. .

Don't worry. Red Thorn replied respectfully.

Since the last time she and Lu Sheng had not started a formal challenge, she was defeated early. The person who defeated her later was as vulnerable as a chicken under Lu Sheng's hands. This huge contrast made Hongthorn wake up again.

After cutting off the contact, Lu Sheng put on his cell phone and strode towards the newly purchased building.

But on the way, a gray-haired old man wearing glasses happened to be walking.

The old man was wearing a neat gray cardigan, and his body was extremely neat and orderly. Beside him were two girls, one big and one little girl.

The older one is fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger one is only six or seven years old. They are all wearing white pleated skirts, white stockings and black leather shoes, and their skin is white and beautiful.

Seeing Lu Sheng, the old man paused slightly, his eyes showing doubts, and his eyes glanced at Lu Sheng's face several times.

Lu Sheng also felt a slight sense of familiarity from him. But he didn't care, knowing that this should be the residual influence of Wang Mu's memory. He is here mainly to find his son. Nothing else matters.

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