Extreme Demon

Chapter 102 Approaching 2

The third floor of the cabin of the Red Whale.

Greetings to Uncle Master. In the garden, two handsome men and a woman clasped their fists and bowed their heads in salute to Lu Sheng, with respectful expressions.

Lu Sheng nodded casually. He knew these two people as the two apprentices accepted by his senior brother Hong Mingzi.

Is your master here?

He just came back from outside and went straight to his senior brother. Unexpectedly, it was a rare encounter with these two little guys.

These two young people, one named Lin Honglian and the other Yuan Zhong, are only fifteen or sixteen years old. But he has good talent, and he is a disciple that Hong Mingzi only recently accepted.

Rest inside at the Flower and Fruit Pavilion.

Lin Honglian replied loudly. As a woman, she was much more cheerful and generous than her senior brother. At this time, she was looking at Lu Sheng curiously. She had heard her master mention it long ago. This uncle in the sect was a genius. He was only twenty years old, but he had already reached a state of concentration that was jaw-dropping. It can be said that he is the most amazing and talented person in our sect in a hundred years.

She had expected a lot of her uncle's appearance and temperament, but she never expected that it would be like this.

Bald, strong, and arrogant, he carried two machetes stacked on top of each other on his back, like he was carrying a cross.

The face without eyebrows or eyelashes looks bare, giving people an increasingly fierce, cold and emotionless look, which is intimidating at first glance.

Lu Sheng walked quickly towards the Flower and Fruit Pavilion inside, and soon disappeared around the corner.

Lin Honglian was left standing there, both letting out a sigh of relief.

Is this the very powerful Uncle Lu in the sect? Yuan Zhong stuck out his tongue and asked in a low voice.

Yes, I don't know how strong my uncle is. If I have time, I can ask him to give me some advice! Lin Honglian is a martial arts fanatic, but she is not afraid, and her face is full of excitement.

Are you crazy? Yuan Zhong exaggerated, Have you not seen the muscles of my uncle? One of his arms is as thick as yours, and those two machetes can kill you with one strike! Yuan Zhong felt that his sister This idea is crazy.

The situation is very bad now. Master said it won't hurt if we get closer to him. Lin Honglian whispered.

That's what I said, Yuan Zhong said hesitantly, but when my uncle saw it, he felt very cruel.

Can you be braver? With your courage, if you show it out and say it's my senior brother, I, Lin Honglian, can't even afford to shame this person! Lin Honglian said angrily.

Let's go and see what the master and uncle are talking about. She quietly walked toward the pavilion in the small garden in front.


Hong Mingzi was half lying on the armchair, squinting at the bright sky in the distance. From his point of view, through the arc-shaped goldfish eaves, he can see the blue sky that has been blocked from the sun.

Lu Sheng followed his example and sat on another armchair on one side. The chair is made of bamboo and feels cold when you lie on it.

A gentle breeze blows in from the garden, bringing out the fragrance of flowers.

Junior brother came here in a hurry, but you want to see me if you have anything? Hong Mingzi knew what Lu Sheng had been busy with lately, practicing martial arts and doing some weird things like collecting antiques and tomb objects.

Although he was strange, everyone had their own secrets, so he didn't intend to delve into it. Just like himself, he has been able to control the largest gang in the North for so many years without incident, and he also has his own secrets.

Lu Sheng looked at Hong Mingzi carefully.

He seemed to look better than before, his complexion was much rosier, and his face that was originally full of wrinkles was slightly plumper. He seems much younger.

There's something I want to ask my senior brother about, he said frankly.

I can probably guess what you want to ask. Hong Mingzi smiled. He reached out and took out a piece of pear blossom cake from the stone table beside him, stuffed it into his mouth and tasted it slowly.

Our boss's recent actions have been somewhat lacking. However, a big counterattack should be brewing. Don't worry about this. I just communicated with the superiors.

Senior brother, you told me before. Lu Sheng was a little confused.

I must have misunderstood. After all, the Zhen family has been operating here for so many years. How can something happen just by saying something is wrong? Such a behemoth is not easy to defeat. The old gang leader didn't know what happened, and he seemed to be in a good mood. .

Lu Sheng didn't know where the source of his information came from, but as the cunning senior brother judged this way, the situation should not be a big problem.

Okay, I just felt a little distracted before. After I heard you talk about it, senior brother, I have been paying attention to this news.

Don't worry, there will be news soon. Hong Mingzi smiled and waved his hand. After all, Hongfang is no match for the Zhen family. As long as they really free up their hands.

That's fine. Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Once something goes wrong with the Zhen family, the entire Northland will be in real trouble.

Bei said it was under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, but in fact it was the major gangs commanded by the Zhen family who actually controlled the situation. The imperial court was just a yamen that set up some ordinary people as a stronghold. It controlled in name, but in fact it had no control in secret.

And this is also the reason why the senior officials of the Red Whale Gang can be on an equal footing with the senior officials of big cities like Yanshan City.

Don't worry. By the way, have you seen my two new disciples? Since I listened to your proposal, junior brother, I also feel that our Chiri Sect has too few people. If this continues, something will happen sooner or later. If our connections are cut off, Trouble.

So I thought about it and decided to recruit more disciples. Qualifications came second, and character and temperament came first. The first important thing is to respect the teacher and respect the Tao, and the second important thing is to have a tough mind. As for martial arts, I, the Red Whale Gang, have a great career and can always find a martial arts system that suits him. Hong Mingzi said with a smile, looking very satisfied with the two apprentices.

Lu Sheng laughed in his heart. This senior brother was so old that he had several heirs who did not live up to expectations. They only wanted to fight for power and gain. Now he regarded the two new disciples as his own heirs.

Senior brother, as long as you are satisfied. By the way, my Chiri Sect's mental method is the only Chiji mental method?

Yes, the Chiji Mental Technique is a powerful martial art created by the exploration and exploration of the ancestors from generation to generation, integrating three different internal skills.

After training to the seventh level of the peak, the power will be enough to be proud of the world and achieve Tianyuan! Speaking of this, Hong Mingzi also showed a slight look of pride on his face. Such an internal skill should be passed down as the core. As long as you practice it well, you can do it all over the world.

Tianyuan is the highest realm that mortals can achieve in the world, and it is extremely rare. Moreover, any Tianyuan, according to Lu Sheng's calculations, must be at least eighty or ninety years old unless there is an unexpected encounter.

That said, I want to see more about other internal skills, which can broaden my horizons. At the same time, senior brother, you also know that I am practicing hard skills. Is there a higher-level hard skills in the gang? I want to go there carefully. Do some research on this aspect. Lu Sheng spoke out his thoughts carefully.

That's okay, but junior brother must remember that you can't bite off more than you can chew. Senior brother, when I didn't have a strong foundation, I went to practice another qi-preserving skill, hoping to use it to make up for the excessive heat poison of the yang internal skill. Unfortunately, it was As a result, he was distracted, resulting in an unstable foundation, and finally stopped at the sixth level of Chiji Mentality, with no hope of progress. When Hong Mingzi talked about this, his tone was full of regret.

Lu Sheng comforted him with some kind words, but he didn't say that he had reached the peak of Chiji Mental Technique.

And not only did it achieve it, but it also used other martial arts principles to integrate and break through to a new level, forming such a tyrannical technique as Chiji Jiusha Kung Fu.

This skill is probably equivalent to the accumulation of an ordinary person's two hundred years of hard training. The strength of cultivation is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if you tell Hong Mingzi about this kind of skill, he probably won't believe it unless he actually demonstrates it. But that might also reveal the secret of his modifier.

Coming out of the small garden, Lu Sheng saw Lin Honglian and Yuan Zhong again. These two new disciples, Hong Ming's talents, were secretly hiding at the entrance of the garden, looking like they wanted to eavesdrop but did not dare to enter.

Lu Sheng glanced at the two of them and shook his head speechlessly.

What's wrong, you two?

The two of them slowly came over.

Uncle Master. It was Honglian who dragged me here. I didn't want to eavesdrop! Yuan Zhong decisively betrayed Lin Honglian. The little girl's face turned red with anger and she stretched out her hand to grab him.

Okay. Lu Sheng's voice was low, and he immediately calmed down the two young men who were fighting. Have you learned the Chiji Heart Technique?

I haven't learned it before. What we are practicing now is the second-level Red Whale Heart Technique. Together with the Red Whale Knife Technique and the Red Whale Body Technique, it is a complete set of foundational martial arts for the gang. Lin Honglian replied quickly.

Well, practice hard. If you have any problems, if you have time, you can come to me for advice. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Since senior brother Hong Mingzi is very optimistic about these two people, he might as well give them some care.

Thank you, uncle! The two of them quickly saluted with fists clasped.

After bidding farewell to the two of them, Lu Sheng thought that since he was already here, he went directly to Xuanwu Pavilion.

The previous deduction of Chiji's mental method made him think of a possibility.

If there is enough yin energy and enough experience and experience in the principles of the exercises, can it be possible to deduce a very high-level mental method at once?

‘The sky changes nine times, and only one is clear. ’

Suddenly this sentence came to his mind. This is a line of words written casually by a former sect master at the end of the seventh level in the Chiji Heart Method.

It means that the sky has nine color changes, but I only take the clear color among them. The color of a clear sky means Yang Hong.

Chiji Chiji, this is the origin.

Thinking of these words, Lu Sheng suddenly thought that in his body he not only had the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong, but also the hard qigong Jiujiang Tiesuo Gong and the Yin Yang Jade Crane Gong.

It seems a little too complicated. He frowned slightly. Jiujiang Tiexuo Gong is a hard skill, and Yin Yang Jade Crane Gong is a supplementary internal energy. But in fact they are all internal skills. If I fuse all the internal energy together to form the strongest internal energy, and use all the internal energy to All the skills are transformed into one. I don’t know how powerful it can be.”

When he thought of this, he knew that he was a bit fanciful, and his internal skills were all different in nature. How could they be integrated? Perhaps when he would have a broad enough experience in martial arts in the future, he would be able to embrace all rivers and merge into one.

Forget it, I still have a lot of contributions. I just want to look for all the hard skills, internal skills and mental skills, and try to integrate as much as possible.

To further develop internal strength, the consumption required is too great.

The cost of improving one level of internal power is almost the same as the cost of improving hard power such as Jiujiang Tie Suo Gong three times.

This is only the eighth level. If the ninth level is deduced, the consumption will probably be even greater.

Lu Sheng planned that it would be best to first improve hard skills such as the Jiujiang Iron Rope Kung Fu, which had a very good life-saving effect, to the point where they could not be mentioned.

He plans to combine all the hard skills he can find into one, if conditions permit, to create the strongest hard skills.

At the same time, for those with conflicting natures, it is best to practice whatever you can. Anyway, with the modifier, you can superimpose things like hard skills.

As long as he has enough yin energy, he can continuously cultivate a variety of different hard skills.

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