Extreme Demon

Chapter 101 Approaching 1

The blood-red setting sun slowly set along the sky, leaving half of it on the horizon.

In a dilapidated building on the top of the mountain.

Zhen Xun slowly opened the door, stepped on the gravel and mud on the ground, walked into the lobby of the building, and looked towards the window on the right front.

Blood-red sunlight shone in from the arched window, revealing a slender figure with long hair at the window.

Zhen Xun squinted his eyes and took stock of his surroundings.

There is nothing in the entire hall, no furniture, no pillars, not even stairs up and down. At a glance, there is only a flat area, the ground is full of gravel residue, and broken pieces of wooden furniture. Standing at the door, you can directly See the round arched windows on all sides.

Most of the round arched windows, which are as high as two people, are broken, and some still have broken wooden frames. A sudden protruding wooden thorn hangs lonely in the center of the window.

The entire hall was dyed red by the setting sun, giving off a strong sense of decadence and dilapidation.

The long-haired figure stood in front of a window, holding on to the frame of the window and looking out. The cold wind blew by, causing the hem of her skirt to float back.

Zhen Xun frowned. From his angle, he could only see the dark shadow of the figure, and he couldn't even tell what color skirt she was wearing. The red sunlight is so vivid that it makes all other shadows darker.

The sun is blood red and the shadows are dark.

I don't like to meet you in this kind of place, this kind of time, and this kind of situation. My dear sister. Zhen Xun frowned and said in a low voice.

If I don't have to come, I don't want to see you. The shadowed woman still looked out the window into the distance without looking back.

Her voice was very soft, like a weak and defenseless girl, giving people a strong sense of softness and harmlessness.

Zhen Xun frowned deeper when he heard the sound.

Tell me, what does the family mean? Let me come out to deal with this matter, but how long has it been since I sent out the order for help? There is no reply yet. Is it possible that they plan to ask you to help me solve the problem?

Of course it's impossible. The woman replied with a smile. Of course, if you ask me personally, as your dearest brother's request, I can consider helping you. That's what she said, but the sarcasm in her tone was extremely obvious.

I don't have much time. Zhen Xun's face darkened.

What a boring brother. The woman slowly turned her head, her long shawl hair kept blowing up in the wind, covering most of her face. Most of her face in the shadow was dark, and only a pair of shiny red eyes could be seen. Bloody eyes stared at Zhen Xun quietly in the sunlight.

Every time I see you, I have the urge to kill you.

What a coincidence, so am I. Not to be outdone, Zhen Xun met the woman's bloody eyes head-on.

The two looked at each other calmly for a long time.

The house is almost ready and may be evacuated at any time. You have to be prepared for the aftermath. The woman finally told the news she came to deliver.

Zhen Xun was stunned, closed his eyes and thought for a while.

How come it's so fast?

Because the Shangyang family has also come, the other small forces are okay, but they, who are also members of the aristocratic family, are obviously coming to the resource-poor Northland. The purpose can be imagined. So our dearest grandfather decided to Evacuate in advance. The woman replied calmly.

Zhen Xun took a deep breath, somewhat unwillingly.

Then the foundation we have here, the power we have cultivated, and the situation.

With the magic sword in hand, it will be the same wherever we rise again. That is our foundation. What is the current situation? As for the power, they are just mortals, like weeds, they can grow again soon after they die. This is also Do you need to worry? the woman interrupted him.

Zhen Xun fell silent. He knew very well that once they left, those foundations and forces that had lost their support would be like castles in the air, instantly collapsing under the impact of Hongfang and other forces.

The foundation that has been cultivated for decades and hundreds of years will be reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

After a while, he recovered from the sudden news.

when are we leaving?

I don't know, but it won't be too late. The news that we have the Red Dragon Tribulation Demon Knife spread very quickly, and the forces that were lured away before started to rush here again. So it won't be too late, the woman replied.

I understand. Be prepared when you get back. Zhen Xun breathed out,



The sky was bright, and in the gray-white light, beside the Songjiazhuang that had been burned to ruins.

Under a dead tree, three pieces of bluestone the size of the sole of a foot were placed. The stones seemed to be placed randomly under the tree, but in fact they formed a skewed triangle.

The dead trees were showing their teeth and claws, and their bodies were dark, as if they had been smoked by fire. A few crows sat on the branches of a tree and combed their black feathers, making strange croaking calls from time to time.

Click click click click

Suddenly there was a rhythmic sound of footsteps in the distance. The boots stepped on the black ash and sand on the ground, making a crisp sound like stepping on snow.

A strong, tall, bald man was walking slowly towards the dead tree.

He carried two machetes on his back, wore a black suit, and wore brown wrist guards and half leather armor on his arms and chest. What was even weirder was that not only did he have no hair, he also had no eyebrows or beard. , not even eyelashes.

This kind of bare water gives people an inexplicable feeling of danger and fierceness.

The man walked under the dead tree and looked at the three blue stones on the ground. He took out a long stick-shaped object wrapped in black cloth with his backhand, touched it lightly with a flint, and lit it.

Yellow-red flames danced, accompanied by bursts of black smoke. An indescribable stench slowly spread.

Time passes minute by minute.

Soon, the crows on the dead trees were disturbed and flew away in the distance, squawking.

The man turned around and saw in another direction not far away, a woman dressed in black and wearing a hat and a veil, slowly walking towards here.

But outside the road? the woman asked in a deep voice.

Zhuo? Lu Sheng only asked for the pronunciation of one character of his name.

Yes. I brought some things, all collected during this time, eight items in total. I need time for the rest.

Lu Sheng grinned.

You show me first, and I'll check it. There's no need to trade this time. I'll first see if the goods are what I want.

Zhuo Wenyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She took out a piece of gold-woven obscene clothing from the small bag she was carrying on her back and gently threw it to Lu Sheng.

The latter caught it and could smell the faint fragrance from it.

Among the things you want, is this okay? This is someone else's underwear, woven with gold thread, something from hundreds of years ago.

As soon as Lu Sheng received it, he immediately felt a trace of yin energy coming from the clothes. He seemed to be able to absorb this substance with extremely low Yin Qi content without dripping blood. Just like the green stone at the beginning.

At that moment, he calmly held the shirt and pretended to examine it carefully. A trace of Yin Qi continued to flow into his body as he examined it.

Okay. Count it as one. He smiled and explained: The first thing I want is a tomb object. The age doesn't matter, but it can't be too short.

Second, it must be something that was close to the original owner during his lifetime.

This is easy to handle. Zhuo Wenyu nodded. I'll try to find as many of these things for you as possible, but I also hope you can help me collect some things in exchange.

What? Lu Sheng asked.

Human blood wine for one hundred people. It needs to be mixed with different people's blood. There doesn't need to be too much blood. One drop per person is enough. Zhuo Wenyu made this weird request.

Lu Sheng thought for a while.

Okay. Where he was, it was easy to obtain such blood wine. The only thing she needs to worry about is that she will use this blood wine to do something bad to the people who have been bled.

But after Lu Sheng thought about it, he realized that his idea was a bit ridiculous. If she had such terrifying strength, she would not be able to defeat even a mortal like herself who was not yet at the level.

And please take good care of the little tripod. Zhuo Wenyu was extremely sad about the little tripod.

Don't worry. Lu Sheng wrapped the gold silk clothes in the black cloth he had prepared in advance. What else? He raised his head and continued to look at Zhuo Wenyu.

Can you let me see the small tripod first? Zhuo Wenyu said softly.

Of course. Lu Sheng took out a palm-sized black cauldron from his arms. After you give me fifteen, I will give it to you.

Zhuo Wenyu gritted his teeth and stared directly at Xiao Ding.

Okay! She quickly took out various small things from her backpack, such as a dressing box, a bronze mirror, a wooden comb, and a small pillow.

These things were handed to Lu Sheng one by one, and he touched them carefully one by one. There were seven things here, only two of them had Yin energy, and they were not many. This made him a little disappointed.

That's all? There are only two items here. Including the first item just now, there are three items in total. He frowned.

Only three?! Zhuo Wenyu was helpless. She didn't know what Lu Sheng's purpose was in being so picky, but there was no difference between these things. They were all funerary objects and favorite things of their respective owners during their lifetime.

But Lu Sheng actually chose only three items from them and didn't want the rest.

I'm not bluffing you. It's true that there's nothing I want. Lu Sheng explained. Besides, I have to check it myself before I know whether I want it or not.

Zhuo Wenyu couldn't understand it, but she had seen a lot of such weird needs. Many weird and demonic families were extremely weird, so she was no longer surprised.

But in this case, Lu Sheng had the final say as to how many of these things could be counted, and she had no choice.

Okay. In that case, let's count it as three this time. Do you still want these things? You don't want me to take them back.

Lu Sheng shook his head.

Take them all back. He also saw that Zhuo Wenyu could not sense where the Yin Qi was. In other words, so far, he has not seen anyone who can feel the presence of Yin Qi like himself.

If according to what Duanmu Wan said, there is no power and vitality in the air in this world, then what exactly is Yin Qi? Why its essence can be used by oneself is a question that needs to be studied.

The so-called Yin Qi was just the name he originally defined for this thing. In fact, he didn't know what this breath was.

The two exchanged the time and place of the next transaction under the tree, and then Zhuo Wenyu left in a hurry. Lu Sheng also quickly returned towards the way he came.

He needed to go to the old gang leader again, and he had to carefully inquire from Hong Mingzi about the situation of the Zhen family recently.

Recently, the situation between Hongfang and the Zhen family has become increasingly confusing. In particular, the Zhen family's movements seemed a little too quiet and something was wrong.

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