Extreme Demon

Chapter 1003 Stage 1

In the interstellar era, most books have been transferred from physical books to online e-books.

A small storage disk can hold as many books as an entire library

Except for some readers who still have deep feelings for physical books, most people rarely go to libraries or bookstores to read books.

The Wenda Library where Lu Sheng worked was facing such a dilemma.

The territory of the Magic Map Empire is extremely vast, and the vast areas of several river systems are all fully occupied by the humans of the empire.

All other races were either wiped out or reduced to minorities and integrated into the Demonic Empire.

In this context, the cultural knowledge of countless ethnic groups has been integrated, and the knowledge base has been enriched to an extremely high level.

Lu Sheng used a lot of energy and spirit power at home to repair some physical injuries. To him, it doesn't matter that the earth's energy and soul power are hard to use.

As long as he finds the mainstream system of this world, Deep Blue will help him quickly improve himself and climb to a very high level again.

Only at home, after spending most of his soul power and earth energy, he could barely repair the heart disease in his body.

This made Lu Sheng extremely unhappy.

Although the energy conversion loss was extremely serious due to differences in rules, such loss in exchange for such a small result was also a huge waste for him.

After tidying up and taking a shower, he changed his clothes, cooked a meal in a hurry, ate it wholeheartedly, then fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Lu Sheng took out special work clothes from the closet, which was a set of gray trousers with a shirt. After putting them on, he looked in the mirror.

What was reflected in the mirror was a middle-aged man with fair skin, even to the point of being a little pale.

The man has a somewhat gloomy temperament, his eyes are always squinted and his expression is indifferent, but his back is straight. There is no cervical or lumbar spondylosis.

His facial features are barely handsome, but not handsome.

Being able to continue to be a librarian while also being able to stand out and no longer be ordinary. If this is my wish in this world, then I can fulfill it for you. Lu Sheng smiled at himself in the mirror.

He scratched his hair, still maintaining the same neatness and meticulousness as Wang Mu before.

Even the cuffs of the shirt are neatly buttoned.

Put on your shoes and walk out of the house. Lu Sheng pushed out a Red Square battery car from the stairwell, rode on it and drove towards the library.

Wenda Library was only about two kilometers away from his rental house. In ten minutes, Lu Sheng arrived at the deserted courtyard of the library.

The sun was bright and warm, but except for the old doorkeeper who was dozing off, there was no one else in the library.

Lu Sheng drove the car to a corner, parked it, and locked it. He straightened his collar and took out the key to open the library door.

The entire library is located in a remote area in the suburbs. Since it is a private library, it was originally established by many private individuals who donated books, so there was no intention to make much profit at the beginning.

This is still a two-story building purchased by a wealthy man in nostalgia, with a total of six large rooms, which is used as the main storage space of the library.

Xiao Wang, why are you here so early today? The old man at the door was awakened by the sound of keys. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Lu Sheng.

Well, I woke up early today and haven't had breakfast yet. Lu Sheng replied with a nod.

Pushing open the door, he walked in slowly.

A hazy dust rushed towards me inside.

There are too few manpower to provide even basic hygiene care. Lu Sheng shook his head and was speechless.

The entire library is divided into two floors, with three library rooms on the first floor, two library rooms and a magazine and newspaper room on the second floor.

Lu Sheng opened the doors and windows one by one to let all the rooms breathe.

Then I started to take a closer look at the situation in the library.

There are not many books, one library contains about 2,000 volumes, and the five collections add up to 10,000 volumes. The magazine and newspaper room has not been updated for a long time, so it is useless.

In other words, the entire library has a total collection of more than 10,000 books.

He flipped through it at random, many of which were outdated professional skills books.

Comparing the year of publication with some knowledge in Wang Mu's memory, I don't know how many years it lags behind.

No wonder no one came. Lu Sheng was speechless again.

Wang Mu's wish is that he can continue to be a librarian, and at the same time, he can stand out and no longer be ordinary.

Lu Sheng could understand the ambition in his heart.

In the process of finding his son, helping him fulfill his wish also improves his soul power.

Although he is now very strong, reaching the limit of human beings, maybe this method of absorbing his own soul from the parallel world is still effective?

You can try it.

Lu Sheng quickly found a seat at the borrowing desk in the library and sat down. I made myself a cup of tea and turned on the old broken computer on the table.


There was a constant, subtle noise coming from the computer case, like an old tractor slowly moving forward step by step, puffing out black smoke.

The computer is turned on, and then

Only then did he realize that he was not connected to the Internet.

The library's funding is very difficult. The last wealthy businessman who supported the library a while ago was completely cut off due to bankruptcy.

Until now, Wang Mu has been relying on the library's little profit to maintain his and the janitor's income.

There is no money to pay the Internet bill.

Moreover, the ownership of this place theoretically belongs to the bankrupt rich man, but there has been no news for so long, and we don’t know what happened to that man.

Lu Sheng looked at the data stored in the computer.

In addition to a large number of book stubs, there are also a large number of previously downloaded books.

There are all kinds of industries and categories.

He browsed a bit, especially the human body development aspect.

Unfortunately, the information is also old, and most of it contains ordinary professional skills and knowledge. It has little reference value.

After browsing for a while, Lu Sheng found nothing. Apart from gaining a deeper understanding of the world, there was no other content.

Soon, the morning passed without realizing it.

Lu Sheng glanced at the book borrowing system on the computer.

Although the system is old, it works reasonably well. As shown above, three people came into the library and were reading in the second library.

The book lending system is connected to the monitoring system and access control. You can clearly know when someone is coming in or out.

Is there really anyone reading the book? Lu Sheng was slightly surprised. While he was spending a lot of energy and soul power to repair this body, he was constantly getting to know this first super-level universe he entered.

After sitting for a while, Lu Sheng heard footsteps from the library door directly in front of him.

A little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, with a single ponytail, wearing a simple white T-shirt and jeans, walked into the door.

She held a book in her hand, which seemed to be about poetry.

Borrow this book. She put the book on the table in front of Lu Sheng.

Okay. Lu Sheng glanced at the title of the book, Farewell, My Autumn. 》

At first glance, it looks like a futile, boring and empty thing reserved for literary youth.

A book costs three yuan, and you can read it for a week, with a deposit of one hundred. Lu Sheng skillfully explained the rules for borrowing books according to Wang Mu's habits.

Okay. The girl paid from her wallet with a calm face. Lu Sheng scanned the code of the book for her, then watched her turn and leave.

With the first, there is the second and the third.

This is a small library. Because the price is cheap and cost-effective, I actually checked out eight books in one morning.

The three people in front of him borrowed books one after another. The two boys in the back were together and borrowed a whole set of historical documents in one go. Apparently they borrowed them back to search for information.

In the afternoon, Lu Sheng continued to repair his body and heart problems, and then continued to maintain Wang Mu's previous work.

Business was better in the afternoon than in the morning. Five people came, lent a total of 20 books, and collected nearly 100 yuan.

It was about to close in the afternoon.


The phone rang.

Wang Mu was wiping the desktop when he heard the sound and quickly took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket.

The name is displayed above.

‘Xu Shaogong. ’

This is Wang Mu's only classmate and friend. He is also the only person with whom he has not deliberately alienated himself since he became a poorly paid librarian.

Press the switch key. A cheerful and enthusiastic voice suddenly came from the phone.

Mumu, how are you doing recently? I just went to Huangjia City a few days ago. The water there is really blue, and the beach is full of girls in swimsuits. Didn't you see that scene? Some people even took off their bras to sunbathe naked. , Tsk tsk, I told you to go together a long time ago but you didn’t listen.”

Xu Shaogong's garbled chatter kept coming from the other end of the phone.

Lu Sheng didn't speak at all. For twenty minutes, he spoke from beginning to end without even a single pause.

Xu Shaogong's family background was ordinary, but he worked hard and became a department head in a foreign-funded enterprise, with a good salary. In addition, he is also outgoing and enthusiastic, so he quickly found a girlfriend to talk to.

Unlike Wang Mu, he has always been in contact with his former classmates and is very familiar with them.

It's just that he always hated Wang Mu and looked down upon his life philosophy of not striving for advancement. He always advised him to get rid of this job and go out to find a new job.

Just wasting time in a dilapidated library is simply a waste of youth.

After chatting with Xu Shaogong for a while, almost half an hour passed. Lu Sheng hung up the phone. He was actually listening to the whole process and had no chance to speak.

He turned his head and looked at the sunset slowly setting outside.

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

I almost understand it clearly. This place has no special power at all. It is just the most ordinary world of technological systems.

He frowned.

It seems that we can only start from the most basic physical training.

Although this is the slowest, it has the best applicability no matter where it is.

From the information I checked before, the training methods here are slightly different from those I have practiced before. But the roughest basic parts are the same. It can be used universally.

The most basic part, for example, by repeatedly exercising a body part, that part will receive more nutrients and be strengthened.

This law is the same in any universe.

This is the evolution and adaptability of living things.

Lu Sheng briefly recalled in his mind which skills were suitable for him to practice now.

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