Extreme Demon

Chapter 1002 Super Energy Level 2

Eight-headed griffin beast? Lu Sheng vaguely understood where the root was.

Send someone to send a message and warn Xidi. If you don't listen, I will come to visit you personally next time. He said calmly.

The Thousand-Legged Giant Turtle is a strong person from the Death Star. Li Shunxi said hesitantly.

It doesn't matter, just send someone. He can't represent the ancient beast clan. Now that the ancient beasts have been severely damaged and have ceased war with the stars, they don't want to start a war again because of this trivial matter. Lu Sheng saw it clearly.

I will join the Stars when I am pressed. Although the Mother of Pain is my enemy, it does not mean that all the Stars are my enemies. The Star Alliance is huge, and I can completely turn to another faction in the Star Alliance. A party hostile to the Mother of Pain’s faction.”

Li Shunxi nodded clearly.

I understand. Now your power has reached a point where even the two major forces will not underestimate you. That's why you are qualified to stand on the table and negotiate.

That's right. Lu Sheng nodded. Last time, we killed a batch of incarnations in one go. They seemed a little scared.

The world of demons is not boundless, nor are the ancient beasts and star spirits infinitely powerful. Among them, a Death Star strongman can be said to be the backbone of the team.

That is a terrifying existence that can easily destroy several star systems. Can easily take charge of one side and stabilize the situation.

But such a powerful backbone was actually killed by four or five incarnations in front of Lu Sheng. This makes them a little scary.

There is one more thing.

When Lu Sheng met the old man Purple Star in the Purple Star Alliance this time, he vaguely revealed something.

That is the confrontation with the power of desolation.

There are many powerful people in the Demon Realm, but in this war, a lot of them perished. The ancient beasts and the Star Alliance suddenly stopped fighting a while ago, and they suddenly woke up and found that there was a dark hand in the war that was recklessly adding fuel to the flames, making their fight more and more brutal.

After investigation, it was found that it was most likely the black hand of the power of desolation from the void force.

It is precisely because of this that both sides were originally jealous, but now they have to restrain themselves and jointly investigate the black hand's desolate power.

There have been enough casualties in the demon world.

Don't think too much. Just arrange for me to descend into the magic circle. There's no point in hanging around here any longer. Lu Sheng ordered.

Also, contact the Star Alliance to find out the whereabouts of the Mother of Pain. See if this matter can be resolved peacefully. After thinking about it, he added.

no problem.

Lu Sheng stood up and looked at the large group of meteor showers flying slowly past the window.

It won't be long before I send some of my subordinates to come and contact you. Remember not to misunderstand me and pay attention to the tokens.

What is the token? What subordinate? Li Shunxi asked curiously.

The token is my soul power. Like you, they are also my powerful subordinates scattered in different worlds. You are connected together and can manage together conveniently.

Of course, the research association is still independent and will not have a great impact on you. Lu Sheng added.

When subordinates from other worlds come to the Demon Realm, their strength will be weakened, but this is a plan that has to be completed.

The forces under his command must be integrated as much as possible. Otherwise, facing the Star Alliance and ancient beasts, the strength is still too weak, let alone against the desolate force that may invade and erupt at any time.

In the world of soul power, he has really broken up with the power of desolation.

Okay, I understand. Li Shunxi nodded.

Ban Sai is getting married soon. When will your son come out? Lu Sheng smiled and changed the subject.

It's still early. This matter is not urgent. Li Shunxi's old face turned red.

You are not young anymore. Why don't you hurry up? Do you have to wait until my grandson comes out before you take action? Lu Sheng shook his head.

There's no rush. ​​Li Shunxi said awkwardly. It's probably almost done once we find your son.

Soon, soon. Lu Sheng replied with a smile. He looked a little distracted as another meteor streaked across the night sky.

It's almost time. If you collect more spiritual power this time and force a breakthrough, you will almost be able to take revenge. When the time comes, kill the mother of pain, find your son and relatives, and find a place to rest and live.

This is simply the perfect life he dreamed of.

It would be even better if I could go back to Earth again



Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The kitchen faucet kept dripping water.

The crystal water droplets separated from the faucet and fell freely to the smooth silver metal sink, causing a small splash of water.

Lu Sheng slowly woke up from his daze.

He was lying on his side on the cold stone floor of the kitchen, covering his heart with one hand, where severe pain still remained.

A large number of memories quickly poured into his mind and merged with it.

Because this is his own personal memory in this world.

Wang Mu, 30 years old, is the administrator of Wenda Library.

He died of an acute heart attack and myocardial infarction. When he went home to cook in the afternoon, he couldn't lift his breath. He collapsed on the spot in his kitchen and disappeared.

The rest of the information is that he is unmarried, has no children, and his parents have severed ties with him. After graduating in his early years, he was dismissed because of his mediocre academic performance, dull personality, and lack of sociability. After working in a few jobs, he was dismissed because of conflicts with colleagues.

Afterwards, I unexpectedly found a job as a librarian.

Instead, he worked for four years.

Tsk, tsk. Let's see what remaining wishes you have. Lu Sheng sorted out his identity information, and then began to touch the causal soul power remaining in this body.

Reluctance, loss, depression, mixed with a trace of despair with no expectations for the future.

This is the aura of Wang Mu's remnant soul.

It would be great if there was a career in the world where you could manage a library and get ahead at the same time.

Wang Mu is a very interesting person.

Lu Sheng only discovered this after arriving.

Wang Mu not only hopes that he will no longer be ordinary and become a successful person, but also wants to live a quiet life.

He doesn't want to be disturbed, doesn't want to be dyed black by society's dye vat, and he envies those rich and powerful people who stand out.

He believes that he is independent, unique, and living clearly in this world. I always fantasize that I am a peerless master, but I am tired of the worldly world and live in seclusion in this library to cultivate my mind.

Unfortunately, in the end, all illusions will be shattered.

Although Wang Mu often pretends to be a mysterious and expert person to satisfy his slight vanity.

But because he has no money, no power, no status. The income of librarians is still very low. The only thing that can maintain one's excessive self-esteem is the demeanor of a hermit.

Therefore, Wang Mu cut off contact with almost all his classmates. Except for one only friend and classmate, the others had nothing to do with him.

Then from time to time, with an inexplicable and extraordinary desire, he would dig out some miscellaneous books on so-called qigong from the library and learn to cultivate inner qi by himself.

It's a pity that those miscellaneous books recorded all false tricks. After practicing for a long time, not only did the inner energy fail to develop, but there was a heart problem.

Wang Mu didn't know it, but he suffered a heart attack after returning home and died in the kitchen of his rented house.

There is no inner energy in this world. Lu Sheng stood up and shook his head slightly.

Wang Mu's heart was still hurting. If Lu Sheng hadn't come and forcibly washed his cardiovascular system with a huge amount of soul power, he would probably still be lying on the ground and unable to get up.

As expected of a super high-energy world, the rules here are so comprehensive that it's outrageous. Lu Sheng's soul power changed and he quickly sensed the special nature of the surrounding environment.

The rules here are extremely repressive, which is common.

And the most important thing is that whether it is matter or energy here, if you want to move here, you need a very, very high energy level.

Compared with the Heavenly Demon Realm, this world is like being in water. There is resistance, but you can still swim and move.

But it's like it's embedded in stone. If you want to move, the resistance from the surrounding environment is incredible.

In other words, a powerful demon of my level can move freely only after it descends. If it were an ordinary Xuming, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to squeeze in his own body, and he wouldn't even be able to possess him.

Lu Sheng coughed a few times, trying to mobilize his soul power and stabilize his physical condition in his body.

But unfortunately, his extremely huge soul power still needs to adapt to higher and more almighty laws. The amount mobilized at this time would have been very powerful in other worlds, but here, at most, it could barely nourish the nervous system of this body.

The soul power is connected with the life magnetic field and the physical body through the body's nerve network. But now even this part of the link rules has changed a lot.

The role that soul power can play has been weakened to the limit.

Even I am restricted like this. I guess no one dares to come to this place. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

He is the top Ningluo Heavenly Demon in the Heavenly Demon World, and he is also considered a big boss among the Heavenly Demons, but here, he can't even exert a little bit of power.

If it were other demons, the weaker ones might not even be able to enter this world. Those who come in and can successfully complete the possession are probably the very few who are the strongest. Most of them were probably crushed mid-air by the air pressure here.

Forget it, my soul power is not good, let's look at the earth's energy.

Lu Sheng began to test the various powers he had mastered. Earth Qi can simulate many kinds of energy.

Unfortunately it still doesn't work.

It’s not just that the rules in this place don’t match, the key is that the energy level is too high. The energy that can destroy planets in other worlds can only be breathed and fanned here.

This energy level gap has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

Lu Sheng let out a breath, walked to the faucet, turned on the water, held the water in both hands and rinsed his face.

If a demon who is weaker than me comes and wants to murder people, I am afraid that if I have to use all my strength, I can only create some illusions in the minds of the creatures here and be done with it.

Even the entity cannot be revealed. All monsters and monsters have become hallucinations. Meaningless.

In this way, as long as you are a little more determined, you can ignore these illusions and directly ignore the damage.

For some reason, Lu Sheng suddenly remembered some rumors he had seen on Earth.

It is said that a righteous scholar can drive away ghosts and gods with just one word.

Now it seems that this may really be possible.

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