Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1519

After another eight years, the Primordial Bell finally burst into pieces. When this Innate Spirit Treasure was broken, the Immortal Realm's infinite Space was illuminated. I saw one after another divine light. Fall apart, completely annihilated!

The light from the explosion of Primordial Bell lasted for a full four years before it dissipated. However, many formidable Heavenly Monarchs in Immortal Realm found that Primordial Bell was not completely broken and annihilated. There were still a few pieces. The larger fragment was not destroyed, but flew into the Immortal Realm and disappeared. Immediately, many powerhouses searched and tried to find the fragment of Primordial Bell.

Primordial Bell burst, Primordial Tower and Primordial Cauldron underwent more pressure, but the endurance of these Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures was also amazing, and there has been no crack.

At this time, Immortal Realm's Space has surpassed the Primeval overwhelming majority era, and its vastness has amazed many reincarnation Dao Monarch, and even a great influence has entered the newly opened Space of Immortal Realm. Among them, calm the earth, water, wind, and fire, and plan to develop there.

For example, Five Great Dao Ancestors in Mystic Prefecture, each led their own cult members, went deep into the new Heaven and Earth, and searched for heaven grotto and blessed land.

Asceticism Heavenly Venerate allowed Absolute Profound Dao Monarch to guard the cult, and he took three Deficiencies and other Monk Great Cult experts into the new Heaven and Earth.

There are other Great Cults, such as Supreme Oneness, Divine Mother, Myriad Manifestations and the others, who also lead the powerhouse and enter the new Heaven and Earth wasteland.

"Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng have been refining successfully. It is useless for me to stay here. It is better to let these two Magical Treasures grow on their own."

At Zenith, Jiang Nan Leaving Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng, and wanting to return to Mystic Prefecture, the seven Azure Birds in Great Overarching Heaven hurriedly shouted: "Master, don't worry, we will guard the Master’s Magical Treasure so that no one will be picked up!"

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Who can pick up my Magical Treasure, these two Magical Treasures will stay here, waiting for dozens of Heavenly Monarchs and I don’t want to be able to carry it, and I thought it would be fine. Collect. I will also use these two pieces of Magical Treasure to collect Primordial Beginning Energy. There is my Dao Body in the Magical Treasure, which will not be collected by anyone."

Under the big drum before Lupeng, stand With a Divinity holding two mallets, in Great Overarching Heaven, there are billions of myriad divinities stand in great numbers. These gods, human and divinity, are all Jiang Nan’s Dao Body, transformed by his Great Dao, and The avatar is not much different, but it is just the body formed by Great Dao, not the actual Fleshly Body.

These Dao bodies have Magic Power. If someone really wants to fight for it, his trillion body can urge Lupeng and Great Overarching Heaven to resist.

Not only that, these Dao bodies can also absorb Primordial Beginning Energy and capture more Primordial Beginning Energy for storage.

The seven Azure Birds hearing this, the smallest bird blinked and said, "Since the Master doesn't need us to stay here to guard, can we also travel in Immortal Realm?"

"Why can't it?"

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Immortal Realm is full of treasures now. Even if it is me, I have to go and search for it."

Seven Azure Birds are overjoyed, shuaa~ flew out of the Great Overarching Heaven and flew towards Immortal Realm. Suddenly the three smaller ones folded back and collected their nest, chirp chirp twitter twitter said : "How can you not bring a sleeping nest when you travel? A'da, is your nest belt?"

Three Azure Birds flew back and shouted: "Naturally bring them, otherwise the thief will steal If you don’t take the Master’s Great Overarching Heaven and steal our nest, don’t we have a big loss? They sleep in our nest comfortably, but we can only stare at us!"

"There is still more Yes, I heard that there are many bastards in Immortal Realm, and we need to bring weapons!" Another Azure Bird snapped a branch from the Emperor Tree, brought a few leaves, and shouted.

"A'er, more of these, bring two for this old woman!"

Jiang Nan shook the head, stepping towards Mystic Prefecture, originally these seven Although the strength of Azure Bird is not high, but after his sacrificial refining, Fleshly Body Magic Power and even Divine Metropolis have been divine light, and the terrifying strength accumulated in the body has been equivalent to Jiang Nan’s Magical Treasure.

They are not yet familiar with their own strength, and they can't show much strength, but they are not trivial. When they can complete their own strength, they can also be called the expert of Immortal Monarch Level. I want Beheading or refining them is even harder!

It didn’t take long for Jiang Nan to come to Mystic Prefecture, and the Heavenly Monarch Level powerhouse in Mystic Prefecture had already left. They opened up their respective territories, leaving only Jiang Nan’s former subordinates, Ti Xuanwei and Xi Chong. , Yue Youniang and the others.

Even Dao King, Jiang Xue, Xi Yingqing, Hades, Starlight and the others left Mystic Prefecture and plan to search for heaven grotto and blessed land, and search for rare treasure and comprehend’s Three Thousand Great Daos, each has its own gate.

Especially Luo Huayin rushed out immediately and pulled Immortal Elder Nanguo away together. It must be a treasure born in splitting heaven and earth apart.

Everyone took away a batch of troops, and the Immortal in Mystic Prefecture was also reduced by as much as 80%.

Jiang Nan sees that Mystic Prefecture is so deserted nowadays, it’s a bit unaccustomed. Mystic Prefecture nowadays is more expansive than before. It has Good Fortune of splitting heaven and earth apart, territory expansion, Immortal Energy abundant, Heaven The spirit of Spirit Essence converges between and Earth, Immortal Mountain is everywhere, holy soil everywhere, and even Immortal Mine ore vein is more than unknown.

Today’s Mystic Prefecture, even if Universes such as Three Realms are moved to Mystic Prefecture, it seems insignificant.

Other Immortal Prefectures are also expanding, more than a thousand times larger than before, but Mystic Prefecture has the widest area and benefits the most.

It’s just that these Immortal Prefectures were the first Heaven and Earth to be developed. They won’t be able to give birth to Primordial Beginning Energy and some Innate sacred formidable creatures like other newly opened places, nor that many Immortal Medicines. immortal plants.

Ti Xuanwei led the crowd to greet everyone. Jiang Nan saw Xi Chong, Yue Youniang, Hua Zhenyuan, Ou Shijing and the others all there, said with a smile: "Why don't you go to experience it?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said with a smile: "Mystic Prefecture must be guarded by someone. If it is invaded by foreign enemies, it would be bad, so I let them and the Great Overarching Heaven Army stay to guard Mystic Prefecture. "

Jiang Nan waved his hand and said: "I have come back, who else would dare to invade Mystic Prefecture? You go too, and there will be a lot of gains! We people of this generation have never caught up with the Exalted-Emperor. Now that the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Spirit Treasures are open, it would be a shame if you missed it. Trusted Advisor, you lead the Great Overarching Heaven Army, go with them, and I can be here."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said yes, but did not move, with a weird smile on his face.

Jiang Nan gave him a surprised look, and then saw Hua Zhenyuan, Feng Manlou, Ou Shijing, Shao Tianya and the others with strange smiles, even Xi Chong and Yue Youniang were also taking The look of pleasure in other people's misfortune makes me feel surprised.

And Jiang Lin stood aside, his face flushed with anxiety, wanted to speak, but didn't dare.

Beside, Heavenly Ghost Grandma hehe sneered.

Ti Xuanwei coughed and said softly: "Master fated tribulation has passed, gratifying. Master, please see who this is?"

Jiang Nan looked at her, only Seeing a little girl sticking one's head around to look for behind Ti Xuanwei, with a small tail holding a cloud in her hand, Jiang Nan laughed heartily and said: "So it is Xueqing! Come here, come to me."

Ti Xuanwei smiled and said: "Master has known Xueqing for a long time? Then her biological mother, Master, must have already known it? Dare to ask Master, who is Xueqing's biological mother?"

Jiang Nan was shocked, said with a smile: "Madam, what do you know? Xueqing's biological mother is obviously Younger Sister Lin'er..."

"Lin'er? Cult Master's pro-Younger Sister? "Everyone was in an uproar and looked towards Jiang Lin.

Yue Youniang's eyes widened, excited, whispered: "I thought it was Elder Sister East Pole, but now there are new developments! The Master and his relatives, Younger Sister, my sister-in-law, are simply the same It’s an unreasonable love! It’s a pity that Ancestor Master is not here, otherwise she must have jumped up for joy!"

Jiang Lin flushed and hurriedly shook his hand: "Fourth Brother, Xueqing is not mine, really It’s not mine!"

"Little Sister, what's the matter? Huh, Xueqing, how come you have Monster Race aura..."

Jiang Nan is surprised, Jiang Xueqing is a little timid Coming to him, this little girl has a long Monster Race Bloodline and a long Monster Race life span in her body, and her growth is slower, and her cultivation base progress is very fast, so she still retains her youthful appearance.

Jiang Nan immediately saw the bloodline origin of Jiang Xueqing and recognized the origin of Monster Race Bloodline. He couldn't help but dumbfounded and muttered: "It's not Little Sister's daughter, it's my daughter...it's me and Elder Sister Jiang Xue Daughter! What's the matter?"

He suddenly woke up and understood the entire process of development. He was entangled with Elder Sister Jiang Xue. With fruit, Jiang Xue was pregnant and gave birth. Jiang Xueqing sent to Lesser Realm.

She herself is a great expert at concealing aura. She once taught Jiang Nan the method of concealing aura, which helped Jiang Nan avoid Killing Tribulation many times, so she wanted to conceal that Jiang Xueqing’s bloodline had concealed it. Jiang Nan is not difficult. What's more, in Exalted-Emperor Inheritance Land, Jiang Nan meets Jiang Lin and Xueqing in a hurry, and doesn't pay much attention to things.

"Why did Elder Sister hide me? Why did we give our daughter the name Xueqing..."

Jiang Nan's heart is full of flavours, a bit bitter.

"Master, it's not this one that will embarrass you, but Elder Sister Xue is unwilling to leave Xueqing, saying that it is the bloodline of our Jiang Family and must be returned to our Jiang Family."

Ti Xuanwei waved to disperse the crowd, and stepped forward and said: "Elder Sister Xue is leaving this time, intending to set up a gate by himself to prove Heavenly Monarch, but only to keep Xueqing. The Master recognized this daughter in public, too Let her recognize ancestors and return to the fold, have a reputation, and not be a child without father and mother......"

"No father and no mother?"

Jiang Nan He took a long breath, and touched Jiang Xueqing's little head lovingly, messing up her green silk, said with a smile: "How can there be no father and no mother? Obviously my daughter, my princess in Mystic Prefecture ! Be the father’s pearl in the palm!"

He picked up Jiang Xueqing and said with a smile: "Madam said well, to be famous! My Cult Master Mystic Heaven loves her daughter. , My daughter is also the pearl of Immortal Realm!"

Jiang Xueqing bit his lower lip, timidly said: "Are you my father? Are you really my father?"

" Xueqing, my bloodline strength in your body has not been fully activated, only part of this cloud is activated. Take a look at the bloodline of our father and daughter, and you will know if I am your father!"

Jiang Nan laughed Heartily, whole body qi and blood are like vast sea, rumble, vibration, Dao Sound rumble, qi and blood form long rainbow, court, big bell, treasure tower, big cauldron, heavenly wheel, Golden Dragon, etc. natural phenomenon, which inspire Jiang Xueqing's body The bloodline strength.

Suddenly, the bloodline power in Jiang Xueqing's body soared into the sky, qi and blood rumble oscillated, Dao Sound rumble, qi and blood also formed various natural phenomena on their own, which was extremely amazing, and mirrored Jiang Nan's qi and blood. !

It’s just that the qi and blood of Monster Fox Race in her qi and blood also spontaneously fly out, forming the natural phenomenon of Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, which differs to some extent from Jiang Nan.

That is the bloodline inherited from her mother!

The qi and blood of the father and daughter are connected together. Jiang Nan thoroughly stimulated the power of Jiang Xueqing's bloodline. The hidden strength in the bloodline immediately made her cultivation base rise steadily, and her strength suddenly increased. Many times!

————Exalted-Emperor has fallen to fifty-three on the list, crying for a monthly pass, rolling for a monthly pass, creeping for a monthly pass!!!

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