Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1518

"Dao Void caused Primordial Bell to be damaged in advance, what is the picture? Is it to destroy the layout of Exalted-Emperor, let the Immortal Realm be completely destroyed, and become Primordial Chaos and Primordial Chaos , Restore Ancient Divinity Era?"

Jiang Nan slightly frowned, if Three Great Spirit Treasures can’t fully develop Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos, Primal Chaos will back pressure and destroy Imortal Dao Era, it will be a magnificent event. And the extremely tragic Annihilation Tribulation is enough to completely destroy Immortal Dao Era!

"But if that happens, I’m afraid the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Race will also be extinct. Except for the Dao Monarch Palace, which can escape, no one will be spared! Even the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone will be Heaven and Earth merged and destroyed! Dao Void impossible to do this, then what would his purpose be?"

Jiang Nan thought carefully, judging from Dao Void's actions, he is a race against race People who are extremely important, otherwise they will not turn their faces with Emperor and Exalted because of the killing of several Ancient Divinity.

If Primal Chaos counter-pressure destroys Immortal Dao Era, not only Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity will die, even Dao Void will not be spared. This should not be Dao Void's original intention.

The Primordial Bell was damaged before the Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron. Dao Void’s plot was not to destroy the Imortal Dao Era, but to save a part of the Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos so that the Imortal Dao Era could not be perfected. Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Race left a piece of land for shelter.

"Dao Void is playing with fire..."

Jiang Nan sighed, thought: "The Primordial Bell is broken in advance, so that Primal Chaos cannot be fully developed, but if he controls It’s not good. If the Primal Chaos is really crushed, and the Immortal Dao Era is destroyed, it is really an unprecedented tragedy."

Soon others discovered the cracks in Primordial Bell. Kind of a great catastrophe feeling close to the head.

"Primordial Bell is cracked, it must be Doaist Null-Void who is in secret. Does Doaist Null-Void want to try out Emperor and Exalted?"

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch Looking towards Primordial Bell, I saw more cracks on the surface of Primordial Bell, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the two Masters have Innate Supreme Treasure in their hands. Could it be that Doaist Null-Void wants to force out these two Innate Supreme Treasures? These two Supreme Treasures are destroyed on the way to open the sky?"

His subordinate talents are abundant, and the remaining 16 Immortal Monarchs of Emperor and Exalted seventy two discíples are all gathered in his Jade Capital Sacred Cult. Among them, Reverence Hall, Clear Brahma, Jade Palace, Lustrous Pearl, Sikou, Xu'a, Extreme Purity and the others, among which Immortal Monarch Xu'a relied on Asceticism Heavenly Venerate under care, and Jade Capital Sacred Cult annexed other cults when Asceticism Heavenly Venerate is also worried about being plot against by Jade Capital and driving Immortal Monarch Xu'a out of cult.

When Lustrous Pearl, Jade Palace, Reverence Hall, Kunlun and the others attacked the Primordial Tower Great Formation, several Immortal Monarchs such as Kunlun Immortal Monarch were buried in the Primordial Tower Great Formation.

However, the two oldest ones in Exalted-Emperor seventy two discíples, such as Grand Truth and Spontaneity and Immortal Monarch, did not join Jade Capital Sacred Cult. Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch has also won over these two. , But was rejected by Spontaneity and Grand Truth.

In addition to these old Immortal Monarchs, there are also new Immortal Monarchs such as Yu Linzi and Yu Xian'er, which are also ranked high level.

Currently, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch subordinate still has 21 Immortal Monarchs, and Immortal Kings are even more numerous. Although they are slightly inferior to Divine Mother subordinate, Divine Mother subordinate has more Immortal Monarch Heavenly Monarchs, but The powerhouse of the Divine Mother subordinate is all made by himself, but his subordinate is all solid connections and influence!

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch gathered more than a dozen cult influences, plus many Immortal Monarchs gained a lot of Three Thousand Great Daos in Exalted-Emperor Dao Field, more or less, got one Two, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch itself also got a lot of Three Thousand Great Daos, these Great Dao gathered together, many Immortal Monarch and Jade Capital research together, together with sacrificial refining, the harvest is naturally extremely amazing!

Today, the cultivation base boundary of the twenty-one Immortal Monarch subordinates are all advanced greatly, and they faintly set foot on the edge of the Heavenly Monarch Boundary.

The Three Thousand Great Daos itself is made by the Emperor, Exalted. It is the Great Dao of the Great Perfection Dao Monarch. One of the thorough researches can prove the Heavenly Monarch. These people do not have such achievements. Surprisingly.

Not only that, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch will also gather more than a dozen Great Cult scriptures that it has annexed, and study together with many Immortal Monarchs, absorb the essence of each cult doctrine, and integrate it into the Three Thousand Great Daos , The harvest is even more fruitful!

Immortal Monarch, under care of him, used the Three Thousand Great Daos to obtain the Heavenly Monarch, which is already an ironclad thing!

It is conceivable that if Jade Capital Sacred Cult had 21 more Heavenly Monarchs, plus tens of millions of cult members, it would be a terrifying thing!

And this thing is happening!

During this period, the cult members of Jade Capital Sacred Cult invaded the newly opened Space of Immortal Realm, everywhere searching for heavenly materials, earthly treasures, occupying heaven grotto and blessed land, delineating the territory, and cracks in the Primordial Bell. Naturally it will alarm Jade Capital and the others.

“Doaist Null-Void’s plan is difficult for anyone to see clearly, but it’s impossible to destroy Immortal Realm. The two Masters of Exalted-Emperor will surely anticipate this. Hands."

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch looked towards everyone, saying: "Everyone keeps on widening the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, don’t worry. Yu Lin, you go to Dao Lord Meng Xun and invite him to come and discuss Dealing with Divine Mother Dao Monarch!"

Yu Linzi took the order and flew away immediately.

In Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Heaven Country Leaders such as Spirit Maiden, Dayan, and Rama are also paying attention to the rift in Primordial Bell. Spirit Maiden suddenly said: "Don’t worry, my father just helped me Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Just looking for a place to shelter. Where is Heavenly Monarch Maha?"

Ancient Divinity Dayan said: "Since Rahula left Mystic Prefecture, Heavenly Monarch Maha saw that he did not kill Heavenly Ghost Grandma, and was furious. Now I’m missing."

Spirit Maiden thought for a moment and sighed: "Although Heavenly Monarch Maha is the leader of my Primal Chaos Heaven Country, this person is always invisible, making it difficult for me to trust him. . My father’s Dao Fruit fell into his hands, even if he had not refining, he also got a lot of benefits."

Ancient Divinity Dayan heart shivered, said solemnly: "If Maha completely refining Dao Fruit, only I am afraid that it will become the most formidable existence. Moreover, he has a wild ambition, and has close contacts with the reincarnation Dao Monarch such as Heaven's Mystery and Dao Scripture, and he also hooks up with the Divine Mother Dao Monarch. There must be a conspiracy, and you must not prevent it!"

Spirit Maiden said indifferently: "Maha certainly has a conspiracy, but as long as I am there, he will never want to control my Primal Chaos Heaven Country. Moreover, my father Dao Void, I am afraid he is about to show up..."

In the depths of Immortal Realm, in front of a huge Abyss, Heavenly Monarch Maha raise one's head looked towards Primordial Bell, slightly frowned, and then walked into Abyss.

The Abyss is like a bottomless pit, terrifying and eerie. As the Heavenly Monarch Maha deepens, I saw annihilation aura getting more and more centered. Numerous huge Annihilation rare beasts crawled on the stone wall of Abyss and opened their mouths. , Scarlet's tongue is flying, it's terrifying.

Heavenly Monarch Maha walked to the deepest part of Abyss, and saw that there was also Dark-Bright in this Abyss. A huge black coffin floated in the Void. One of the huge coffins was above the sky with a great flag. Wandering, filled with infinite ferocity and hostility, blasted the runes on the surface of the giant coffin.

The runes on the giant coffin are intertwined, which is the seal left by Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void. Now the chain formed by the interweaving of a runes Great Dao is gradually loosened by this great flag.

This great flag, impressively Seven Ominous Flags, has absorbed the ferocity and blood of the creatures that died in battles, Great Dao, and has now become a murderous soldier!

Daoist Annihilation handed this great flag to Heavenly Monarch Maha before the 7th Void opened, and asked him to sacrifice and absorb the hostility in the fatal tribulation. Now Seven Ominous Flags has been refining successfully to obliterate the Exalted -The seal of Emperor and Null-Void!

Heavenly Monarch Maha bowed to the giant coffin and said: "Master, Primordial Bell is about to break, discíple does not know what Daoist Dao Void's picture is. If the Primordial Bell is broken in advance, I am afraid that Immortal Dao Era will be destroyed... "


The voice of Daoist Annihilation came from the giant coffin, said with a smile: "I originally thought that Emperor Jiang was smashing the Immortal Realm Barrier. ,Immortal Dao Era will enter Annihilation Tribulation ahead of time, but forget the layout of Exalted-Emperor.Immortal Dao Era will not be so easy to destroy. Emperor and Exalted want to build an unprecedented Great Era that will make Annihilation Tribulation never come. Dao Void is to continue the destiny of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity and leave a little thought for Ancient Divinity Era."

Heavenly Monarch Maha praised: "Master being perceptive of the finest detail."


Daoist Annihilation's laughter became more and more weird: "The purpose of Doaist Null-Void this guy was investigated by me, but he absolutely did not expect that he wanted to continue the destiny for Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, which would result in such a big evil. Hehe, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era has passed 2.3 billion years, and there are 3.3 billion years left from the Annihilation Tribulation of Ancient Divinity Era. Annihilation Tribulation of Ancient Divinity is already not far."

Heavenly Monarch Maha heart shivere d, suddenly thought of a terrible thing!

Since the birth of the first Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, 2.3 billion years have passed. Although Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era was replaced by Immortal Dao, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity is still a huge one. Race, which has reproduced to this day, continues the destiny of Ancient Divinity Era!

While Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era has not completely disappeared, Daoist Dao Void continues the destiny for Ancient Divinity Era, so that the Primal Chaos has not been fully developed, and the Annihilation Tribulation of Ancient Divinity Era will arrive as scheduled!

Even if Daoist Dao Void does not do this, the Annihilation Tribulation of Ancient Divinity Era I am afraid it will still come!

"In 500 million years, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era will turn from prosperity to decline. When Annihilation is booming, my strength will slowly recover."

Daoist Annihilation said with a smile: "Emperor, Exalted, and Null-Void want to open up an era in which Annihilation Tribulation will never come, but they did not expect that Dao, impermanence Dao, Law, impermanence Law, everything will be effective. Death will decay and decay for a while, only Annihilation will last forever. First, Ancient Divinity Era Annihilation, then Immortal Dao Era’s Annihilation Tribulation, it won’t be too far!"

"I really look forward to it, Immortal Dao’s Annihilation Tribulation in this glorious era will be so spectacular..."

Heavenly Monarch Maha bowed lower, suppressing the shock of my heart, Daoist Annihilation said with a smile: "You don’t need to worry, even if It is the Annihilation Tribulation of Immortal Dao Era and you will not die. Maha, I need you to collect a batch of herders for me in Immortal Dao Era, to herd my beloved babies to eat Immortal Dao, and let Annihilation Tribulation come as soon as possible. Hehe, Blood Ancestor And Primal Chaos Plague Emperor is not bad, it can be used as the herder leader of my subordinate, but large-scale grazing requires more manpower. You do this for me, I help you completely refining Null-Void Dao Fruit, let You have become the existence of Dao Monarch Level!"

Heavenly Monarch Maha hurriedly said: "The discíple must find the Blood Ancestor and the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor as soon as possible. The Master prepares more herde r! "

He bowed and left, his eyes flashed, and said with a smile in his heart: "Daoist Annihilation, after all, is still controlled by Annihilation Great Dao. Although he has a lot of ideas, he can't see me. The background, sooner or later, it will fall into my hands and fulfill me. I am the controller of Annihilation Great Dao. You are just a thief, making me a wedding dress... However, herder is a good idea. I should accumulate some influence for myself..."

Behind him, a huge Annihilation Demon Eye appeared on a huge coffin. The Demon Eye reflected all aspects of Heavenly Monarch Maha.

"My discíple, it seems that it’s not so good for me. Feel relieved...hehe, even if he has some scheming, it’s okay, I'm about to get out of trouble, I'm about to get out of trouble..."

———— Brothers Happy New Year, First Heaven, Exalted in the first month of 2015 -Emperor Update the first chapter of this year, ask brothers to guarantee the monthly pass, Exalted-Emperor has fallen to fifty, ask firepower for support!!!

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