Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1466

Immortal Realm 7th Void, the lights of various colors are like glowing clouds. Before the heroes arrive, suddenly a wave of inextinguishable Dao Prestige soars into the sky, but you can see layers of Five Colored Lotus. Flower blooms outwards and appears in the depths of Immortal Exalted Palace, anchoring one pole of the 7th Void!

The first power of this Innate Magical Treasure broke out completely. The gorgeous Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light shook the world, one after another rays of light overflowed, heaven shaking earth shattering, dazzling!

After the emergence of Innate Five Colored Lotus, I saw another vibration. Numerous Dragon Qi skyrocketed and corrected them in midair, turning them into a golden dragon!

Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword!

The inextinguishable power of Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword is not inferior to Innate Five Colored Lotus, but Five Colored Lotus focuses on defense, while Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword focuses on attack, strong, firm and fierce, overbearing !

Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword also settled on the pole of the 7th Void, followed by a gate gradually raised from the ground with a boom, nurturing Good Fortune, and full of vitality!

Good Fortune Gate, in charge of Good Fortune, nurturing Myriad Spirits, is the Magical Treasure used by Emperor and Exalted and Null-Void to create all living things, and it also occupies one pole of the 7th Void!

Then Innate Chaos Origin Pearl floats into the sky, rays of light shines, immemorial everlasting, and it is also the place where the 7th Void is fixed.

Innate Spirit Root, with countless roots, branches and leaves flying, hiding the sky and covering the earth, lush and green, it is also a place where the 7th Void is anchored.

Innate Detestation Demon Spear rises from the ground again, like a dream, big spear is turbulent between hard to tell if it's real or false, and settles in the extreme place of the 7th Void.

An Innate Divine Lantern flew out again, shining brightly like the sun, dispelling the gloom and haze, and anchoring the 7th Void in one pole.

Innate Plague Emperor Coffin flew out again, suppressing evil, plague, twilight, Death Energy, and anchoring the last pole of the 7th Void.

Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures come out and settle in the land of eight poles!

The Peerless Dao Prestige of Inextinguishable Great Dao is connected together to block the 7th Void, and under the Eight Great Magical Treasures, there are eight gates, each with a path leading to the Two Great Dao Palaces !

The heroes were shocked and inexplicable, and they were enthusiastic about seeing them. They all had different thoughts: "Is the Emperor and Exalted really so generous, to give out this Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures to a fated person?"


How valuable is Innate Magical Treasure?

If you get one of these treasures, you can survive Annihilation Tribulation safely, and you can even live for three consecutive eras!

Primeval Era, I don’t know how many Dao Monarch yearn for something even in dreams are unavailable, and now the 7th Void of Immortal Realm is hanging with Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures!

There was another loud noise. I saw the 7th Void trembling violently. The Primordial Tower rose from the ground and appeared not far from the Azure Lotus. Then Primordial Cauldron also emerged and appeared there. Not far from the World Tree!

The group's heart is more shaken, but at this moment only a loud bang was heard. The Primordial Bell in Primal Chaos Heaven Country flew out uncontrollably, hanging high in front of Azure Lotus and World Tree. Facing the Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron far away, forming a triangle!

The crowd was in an uproar, Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures came out together. Even the Primordial Bell was no longer controlled by the Ancient Divinity of Primal Chaos Heaven Country. It flew to the 7th Void and became masterless. object!

What an opportunity is this?

"No wonder we estimate that when the 7th Void opens, there will be a big destiny that will be the Lord of Immortal Realm in the future. If you can get the Innate Magical Treasure, it will be a big destiny, or will it become the Immortal Realm in the future. Ruler?"

The crowds are surging, and they are speeding up to the 7th Void!

Mystic Prefecture, millions of Mystic Prefecture Immortal Army are silent, all the troops are ready to go.

Jiang Nan looked at Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, Demon Ancestor Ji Du, Demon Ancestor Rahula, opened the mouth and said: "I divide the army of Mystic Prefecture into six You five, each lead an army. Each army has two hundred Immortal King Levels. These days, I have cultivated the four formatíon diagrams, and I will give you one after another, Ji Du, you have Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, you don’t need to give you a formatíon diagram."

He took out four volumes of formatíon diagram, Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, and Rahula went forward, and Jiang Nan One volume of formatíon diagram is distributed.

Daoist Hong unfolded the formatíon diagram, slightly startled, and quickly raised the formatíon diagram. I saw this volume of formatíon diagrams, and the formatíon diagram disappeared with a scream, leaving only one Thirty Three Layers Heavens Treasure Tower. It is the shape of the Primordial Tower!

There are several millions strength nodes in this Primordial Tower. Immortal can stand in these strength nodes, freely play its Divine Ability, urge its Magical Treasure, and let its Magic Power and strength be the same as others. People are connected.

Furthermore, the defense of Immortals is also based on the entire tower, and the formation is constantly changing. The opponents that cannot be killed by the 1st-layer tower will be sent to the 2nd-layer, and the 2nd-layer cannot be killed. It will be sent to the 3rd-layer, and so on, until it is sent to the person on the top-level main formation.

This is an extremely huge formation!

This Primordial Tower Great Formation should be made by Jiang Nan imitating the Primordial Tower and turning the form of the Innate Spirit Treasure of the Primordial Tower into a great formation. Numerous Immortals have joined forces to form this formation, which is enough to play Out of abnormal formidable power, equivalent to a copy of Heavenly Monarch Level!

The more critical point is that this Primordial Tower of Heavenly Monarch Level, formidable power can be stimulated to the maximum state, and there is no need for the existence of Heavenly Monarch Level to stimulate, just these Immortal stimulates!

This is very valuable!

Ordinary Immortal, True Immortal, and even Immortal King, it’s difficult to gain a foothold in places like 7th Void. The strength they can play is limited and they can’t control the battle. After all, the 7th Void is all Heavenly Monarch Level exists, and most of them are Primeval Dao Monarch!

Even Immortal Monarch is very dangerous in the 7th Void.

With this volume of formatíon diagram, ordinary Immortal True Immortal can also exert formidable battle strength, and can even strangle Immortal Monarch, threatening Heavenly Monarch!

When Daoist Jun saw this, he also expanded his formatíon diagram. I saw that this volume of formatíon diagram turned into Primordial Cauldron, and there are also countless strength nodes!

Rahula unfolded his formatíon diagram and looked at it. I saw that this volume of formatíon diagram was turned into Primordial Bell. I couldn’t help but relax. Thought: "This time, the formatíon diagram given to me by Cult Master is not It’s the weakest of the four..."

Empress Other Shore took out his formatíon diagram and saw that there was a Great Dragon on the formatíon diagram, which was exactly the same as the Wild Dragon in Mystic Prefecture. It was strong. Get terrifying.

This volume of formatíon diagram can be transformed into a great formation of dragon-shape!

The four people each accept the formatíon diagram, and Ji Du each commander an Immortal Army.

The sixth army is the Great Overarching Heaven Army, Xi Yingqing, Dao King, starlight, Jiang Xue, Ti Xuanwei, Luo Huayin, Deficient Emptiness, Hao Shaojun and Linglong are the most formidable Mystic Prefectures Exist, all in this Great Overarching Heaven Army.

The Commander of this army, unexpectedly, all exist in the Immortal Monarch Level!

"The Great Overarching Heaven Army does not have to participate in the war, but only supports five great formations. Trusted Advisor is also invited to control this army."

Jiang Nan walked around slowly for a week, waving his hand. : "The army is dispatched!"


Mystic Prefecture shakes violently, one by one Immortal Mountain, one after another Innate Immortal Domain, one after another Immortal Pond, Immortal City, Immortal Mansion, Immortal Ships soared into the sky and headed for the 7th Void!

The reason for bringing the Innate Immortal Domain is because many Immortal Dao Fruits are entrusted in the Innate Immortal Domain for warmth. With Immortal Domain by your side, Immortal can be revived faster and invested again. Into the battle.

Not only that, Innate Immortal Domain is also a formidable power Magical Treasure, and a great formation that integrates defense and attack. It can be transformed into a Magical Treasure attack or a great formation defense, complete The power of the Innate Immortal Domain is completely comparable to Heavenly Monarch. It can be said to be a Great Killing Artifact!

In the distance, Great Cult armies are also dispatched one after another, Immortal in cult controls all kinds of Laws, Immortal Ship, Immortal Mansion, Immortal Domain, Immortal Pond, formatíon diagram, At this moment, I saw the sky above Immortal Realm, Immortal's silhouette covering the sky, covering the sun, moon, and stars!

This spectacular scene is amazing and unforgettable!

Mystic Prefecture is already empty, only a few old and weak Immortal are left, and other Immortal Prefectures are also empty. All battle strengths have emerged 7th Void, competing for future destiny for each!

Now, the battle has not yet begun, but it has already made people smell a strong bloody smell!

Before entering the 7th Void, battles have erupted, countless Immortal Dao Divine Ability filled the sky, countless Magical Treasures burst out of power, millions of Immortal battles and fights, this moment is blood dyed The sky was red, and a corpse fell like rain from the sky!

Immortal Realm has opened the first Killing Tribulation!

Mystic Prefecture’s Five Great Dao Ancestors led five armies into the 7th Void. The Great Overarching Heaven Army responded, and the five armies separated. Rahula led all the way to the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin to Dao Prestige. Going away from the opened gate, rushed into that gate first.

Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Empress Other Shore, and Demon Ancestor Ji Du each walked one sect household, and the Great Overarching Heaven Army rushed into another gate.

Jiang Nan looked towards Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, which gate are you going to?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother has become Heavenly Monarch and is now Those reincarnation Dao Monarchs are not inferior either, said with a smile: "Cult Master, I am walking with you, if you encounter a fatal tribulation, I can help as much."

Jiang Nan shook his head and said: "I Your fated tribulation is very powerful, you just achieved Heavenly Monarch, and you still can’t share the worries for me."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother jumped and flew away, chuckle and said: "Alright, people are really afraid to follow You were swarmed by others and killed them."

Jiang Nan was dumb, watching her walk into a gate, but followed the army led by Empress Other Shore into the gate of the Good Fortune Gate, thought :"Empress Other Shore is the weakest link. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is here, but it can make up for it."

"Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, are you still going in?" Jiang Nan looked towards not far Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, said with a smile.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch hesitated for a moment and said: "Imperial Tutor, we said before, only wait for this time I will help you, whether you are dead or alive, both Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell and Curse Dao Heavenly Altar It belongs to me. You can't go back!"

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "I am the kind of stingy person? Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, I have given it to you first. After this battle, Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, I will return you too, never break my promise!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch gritted his teeth and stepped into a gate.

Jiang Nan looked towards a block of gates, I only felt frightened and faintly felt the great Killing Tribulation, it seemed that as long as I walked into it, it would be difficult to protect myself!

Finally, he walked towards the gate of the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, took a long breath, and his murderous intention radiate all around: "I want to see, how does Immortal Realm's heaven plan to destroy me?"

————I got home, so tired, all the hard work of a month seems to be coming up at this time. The house pig really wants to have a good night's sleep, but unfortunately there are codewords...

Tomorrow, the Killing Tribulation is about to start! Brothers, here is a monthly pass to cheer the house pig, don't let the house pig's will slack off! !

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