Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1465

Rahula hesitantly said: "This Innate Plague Emperor Coffin......"

"Innate Plague Emperor Coffin is your grandfather seal, I will unlock the Method of Sealing For you, you can undo the seal, and even absorb the Great Dao contained in your grandfather seal, and let you go one step further!"

Spirit Maiden reached out and clicked on Rahula’s eyebrows to solve it. Open Method of Sealing and teach it to him, said with a smile: "Maha asked you to kill the Heavenly Ghost Grandma, you don't have to kill her, keep her against Maha. Maha, this person, has already taken refuge in Daoist Annihilation, last Everlasting Book Child came to look for him, and I saw the clues and found that he had gone to 8th Void and came back after a while. It must have been discussing some shameful activities with Daoist Annihilation!"

"Daoist Annihilation! "

Rahula's heart shook, hoarsely said: "Maha takes refuge in Daoist Annihilation, isn't it dangerous for my Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Race?"

Spirit Maiden said with a smile: "No need Worry about Daoist Annihilation, Emperor and Exalted and your grandfather are arranged, Daoist Annihilation can’t escape. You are in Mystic Heaven subordinate, as long as you don’t do anything to endanger him, Mystic Heaven will not attack you. This time Mystic Heaven is aura. It’s gone, about body dies and Dao disappears, after you get the seal Great Dao left by your grandfather, you can become the head of the Five Great Dao Ancestors and inherit the foundation of Mystic Heaven, I Primal Chaos Ancient Divinit y Era, it must come again! "

Rahula spirit vibrated and bowed and said yes.

Spirit Maiden stepped into the painting again, disappeared.

Rahula relaxed, but at this moment, Suddenly only heard Jiang Nan's voice from outside, said with a smile: "Rahu, are you inside?" "

Rahula panicked and hurriedly went to collect the Spirit Maiden painting in front of the incense burner, but it was still a step slower. Jiang Nan had already walked in, Rahula felt terrified, and brace oneself said: "Rahu Congratulations to Imperial Tutor. Imperial Tutor Here, what's your enlightenment? "

Jiang Nan didn't answer. He walked to the incense burner with his hands on his back, looked at the Spirit Maiden on the painting, and after a while, he praised: "What a beautiful woman, I feel sorry for it." Rahu, your mother doesn't look like a young woman at all, but she looks like a girl. She also took the flowers I gave her..."

Rahula was hovered between life and death in her heart.

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "You did not regard your mother as an enemy, and you hung up her portrait to worship. I am very pleased. "

Rahula's heart is even more entangled: "Don't be like this, okay, you are not my father!" "

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and gently patted his shoulder, hehe smiled and said meaningfully: "No need to do this, although your mother is in the enemy's camp, she will definitely come back in the future, let us You can become a one family. "

Rahula's mind burst into confusion, all kinds of thoughts were confused, thought: "One family? Isn't I created by my mother, but my mother and his...impossible, then Mystic Heaven should still be the weak existence of Extreme Sovereign Dao Boundary, why would my mother fall in love with him? Then why does he say one family...no, next time I will ask my Mother, what is going on! "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Rahu, this time the 7th Void is opened, for the father... Well, I have a mission with you. "

Rahula was in a mess, Jiang Nan said with a smile: "After the 7th Void is turned on, you go to turn on the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin and release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor. "

"For the father... as expected... what? Release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor? "

Rahula suddenly hit a clever, almost violent, sacrificed Primal Chaos Immortal Sword to kill, but knew that he was not Jiang Nan's opponent, she was sweating hua hua and she didn’t know what to do. .

Jiang Nan said leisurely: "Don’t worry, release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor. I want him to be of great use. The Plague Emperor was suppressed by the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin for more than a billion years, and he was a cultivation base. As much as 50% has been wiped out, he can't get over the waves. "

Rahula stopped shed cold sweat, boldly said: "Dare to ask Cult Master, why release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor? "

Jiang Nan slightly smiled and walked out without answering.

Rahula unable to make head or tail of it, Jiang Nan was still thinking about the sentence that Jiang Nan just missed.

Rahula unable to make head or tail of it Said "for the father", Jiang Nan just left, suddenly I saw Spirit Maiden's painting, Spirit Maiden avatar walked down, and asked: "Mystic Heaven just now came to you, what did you say? Mother was worried that he would notice the strangeness of the picture, so he hid in the painting and didn't even dare to listen to his voice, lest he would notice it. "

Rahula complexion entangled, hesitated for a while, mustered the courage: "Mother, tell me the truth, I..."

He gritted his teeth: "Am I you and Mystic Heaven was born? Is Mystic Heaven my father? If he were my biological father, I would not be able to deal with him..."

Spirit Maiden slightly startled, the pretty face flushed, and angrily said: "talk rubbish! How did you give birth to this bastard mind? Yes! It must be Mystic Heaven that said to you, right? This guy commiting any imaginable misdeed is messing up your mind, mother must die this time, die without a burial site! "After that, I walked back to the painting angrily.

Rahula was stunned, and it took a long time to remember that he did not tell Spirit Maiden Jiang Nan to release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, but he hesitated again. , Thought: "Mother is still angry with me now. Even if I pray and wish, she may not pay attention to me, but forget it. Anyway, they are all going to release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor... Well, the ugly thing that you adults have done, Falling in love and killing each other, but hurting their own children......"

The opening day of the Two Great Dao Palaces of the 7th Void is getting closer and closer. The Immortal Realm is filled with tension, especially Mystic Prefecture, It's even more like a big enemy, and a large army is pulled out to practice, intensively preparing for the upcoming battle of life and death!

The battle of Two Great Dao Palaces is life and death for Mystic Prefecture. death Battle of survival!

Suddenly, Heaven and Earth vibrated, and one after another Great Dao of Immortal Realm emerged from various prefectures, densely packed, swarming towards Mystic Prefecture, Dao Sound trembling, resounding Heaven and Earth.

This is a sign that someone has proven the Heavenly Monarch!

The Immortal Realm heroes have searched and found that Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch is not Cult Master Mystic Heaven, but Ice Lotus The Sacred Mothers are all relaxed.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother reincarnation Immortal Realm, after more than three thousand years of bitter cultivation, finally once again certified Heavenly Monarch Fruition!

But Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is formidable, but still inferior to reincarnation Dao Monarch, even if Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch is also not a concern.

On the same day, the Immortal Prefecture, where the Immortal Emperor Empyrean Origin is located, also self-transmitted the vibration of heaven shaking earth shattering. Someone was Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch. This person of Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch was impressively Dense. Light Immortal Monarch!

Dense Light Immortal Monarch originally existed with Empyrean Origin, Profound Metropolis, and Jade Capital, but it was a pity that both died in a battle with Ancient Divinity Maha. Later, he took possession of Song Yuan and reborn the cultivation, and now he finally boarded Heaven. Forest!

However, the shock brought by Ice Lotus Sacred Mother and Dense Light Heavenly Monarch is not over yet, Immortal Realm various prefectures, among the great cults, a sound of vibration spreads throughout Immortal Realm and Immortal Realm. Cult Master of great cult, Dao Monarch of reincarnation in the past two thousand five hundred years, unexpectedly one after another Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch!

More than a dozen reincarnation Dao Monarchs such as Crown Prince Meng Xun, Black Flower Sacred Mother, Ghost Martial Dao Monarch, etc. have all attained Heavenly Monarch, which is really terrifying!

Many soldiers in Mystic Prefecture were still happy in the future and were hit by the news. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, Dense Light Heavenly Monarch and Crown Prince Meng Xun can all be said to be characters in their lineage, but others Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch's are all opponents and enemies!

Jiang Nan's fated tribulation, if you add these dozen Heavenly Monarchs, it will add fuel to the fire, and the vitality will be slim!

However, as the fated tribulation is approaching, Jiang Nan becomes calmer and calmer. He seems to have determined that he is capable of Transcending Tribulation.

Finally, 9th Void suddenly The earth shook and the mountain quivered, a terrifying light beam fell from the sky!

hong long!

This light beam blasted straight into the center of the Immortal Emperor Palace of the 7th Void, shaking the Immortal Emperor Palace. Numerous immortal clouds rose up, and immortal light burst out all around. , Shine immortal clouds myriad flowers!

This strength is almost comparable to Dao Monarch full strength attack in Peak state!

hong long!

Another light beam blasted down, the same strikes in the Immortal Emperor Palace, then another light beam blasted down, and then the fourth light beam, fifth light beam ……

There is a nine light beam one after another, and the terrifying power makes people tremble and horrified. I saw the Immortal Emperor Palace following the strikes of one after another light beam, Immortal The originally sealed place in the Emperor Palace gradually faded away, and the endless territory was constantly revealed from the Void!

The original Immortal Emperor Palace was extremely vast, but now that the fog has faded, this Immortal Emperor Palace is exposed in more places, magnificent, and seemingly endless.

Looking from a distance, I saw Immortal Emperor Palace stand in great numbers, Immortal Palace stand in great numbers, majestic, endless treasure, endless pearl, rising from the deepest part of this Dao Palace!

hong long!

The 9th Void suddenly blasted down with a light beam, blasting towards the Immortal Exalted Palace, and the Immortal Exalted Palace shocked, constantly opening up more Spaces, one after another The light beam kept falling, the nine light beam fell, and finally this Dao Palace was fully opened!

The existence of a formidable statue in Immortal Realm looked at the Two Great Dao Palaces one after another. I saw the endless territory of the Two Great Dao Palaces. I couldn’t see how far it was, I could only see it vaguely. Immortal Emperor Palace Immortal Energy is like a dragon. Immortal Dao is like a dragon. There is a divinity able to support both Heaven and Earth.

In the deepest part of Immortal Exalted Palace, you can also vaguely see an enormous Azure Lotus!

Immortal Realm 7th Void, has disappeared, replaced by these Two Great Dao Palaces, Two Great Dao Palaces, which completely cover the 7th Void!

"Immortal Realm's biggest Killing Tribulation in history is finally about to begin!"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor took a long breath and sacrificed Golden Light Suppressing Dao Cauldron , I took out an extremely strong Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, and saw the divine light change, turning into a strange Innate Magical Treasure that looked like a hammer and a scepter. This Magical Treasure has a long handle and a mesh at the top. The densely packed divine light is intertwined into a cage.

Asceticism Heavenly Venerate also stood up at this moment, walked out of Monk Great Cult, and walked towards Two Great Dao Palaces with Innate Bitter Bamboo, Absolute Profound Dao Monarch walked side by side with him.

Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Spirit Maiden, Dayan, Rama, Primordial Heaven, and Maha also dispatched each and flew to Two Great Dao Palaces. Heavenly Monarch Maha was one step behind, quietly raising the Seven Ominous Flags, only Seeing the great flag swish into Heaven and Earth, disappeared.

Empyrean Origin, Purple Blossoming Lotus, Meng Xun, Supreme Oneness, Jade Capital and the others also set off and flew to Two Great Dao Palaces.

The Great Cult Master Cult Master of other cults from Immortal Realm flew up one after another and headed for the Two Great Dao Palaces.

At the same time, a statue of Immortal Monarch and Immortal King flocked to the Two Great Dao Palaces, and another Immortal Army was launched, the flag covered the sky, Immortal City Immortal Mansion Immortal Ship Immortal Mountain densely packed , There are countless Immortals standing above them, flocking to Two Great Dao Palaces!

This destiny battle related to Immortal Realm's future, the biggest Killing Tribulation in Immortal Realm's history, has finally kicked off!

————The family of three Zhaizhu finally returned home, 26 days in Beijing, 26 days of torture. I ask for a monthly pass to comfort you~~~

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