Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1379

Countless arrow lights submerged Jiang Nan in an instant. The Daoist Peaceful Manifestation hit the Jiang Nan Primordial Spirit by spitting out white light first, disturbing his mind and making him confused. Then there will be a violent, killing Jiang Nan with a killing move!

This method is sharp and overbearing, and when you meet, you will directly tell the outcome of life and death!

The battle experience of this kind of existence is too rich, and the battle of this kind of existence is extremely dangerous. A little carelessness will cause body dies and Dao disappears!

Jiang Nan's sanity was only slightly dizzy, and then he recovered sober, but this short moment made him immediately passive!


Primordial Beginning Energy is diffused above his head, Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven rises up, anchoring countless arrow lights, layered arrow light densely packed, countless and difficult Moving forward extremely, there are too many arrow lights, even using Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven to suppress it is a bit difficult. These arrow lights are still moving slowly, approaching Jiang Nan!

Not only that, Daoist Peaceful Manifestation's body shook, and more arrow light lasing, which brought greater pressure to Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!


He opened his mouth and drank, and another white light slashed towards Jiang Nan. At the same time, Magic Power turned into a big drum, and the sound of a drum vibrated with a sound of a drum attack Jiang Nan Dao Fruit Divine Soul Primordial Spirit!

At the same time, the longbow in his hand rises and falls towards Jiang Nan. Changgong wants to trap Jiang Nan and cut off his head!

And the arrow in his hand also flew up at the same time, piercing Jiang Nan's eyebrows, surprisingly to nail Jiang Nan's Primordial Spirit!

This series of attacks was completed almost in an instant, which was dizzying and dazzling. Even if other Primeval Dao Monarch corpse saw it, they couldn't help but be shocked secretly and admired the method of Peaceful Manifestation.

"It’s no wonder that the Fellow Daoist Peaceful Manifestation has to pretend to be a hunter. You can’t guard against it like this hunting method."

Extreme Revolution Dao Monarch hehe said with a smile: "Immortal Realm's young guests really brought about one's own destruction this time."

Other Dao Monarch corpse have nodded.

Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven rotates slowly, it is very obscure, every time it rotates, layers of arrow lights will be shattered. However, there are too many arrow lights. If this trend continues, sooner or later it will be suppressed. Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch also saw that it was not good, thought: "Mystic Heaven this guy is careless, after all, he is still young, fighting with these ruthless characters, even the same level can not tolerate the slightest carelessness! Well, did I escape after this brat died, or just now... Damn, these scums blocked the nearby Space-Time, and I can’t escape! Or after Mystic Heaven dies, I will brace oneself with these scums Duel...It's estimated that they don't bother with my duel, but just kill my scum...Mystic Heaven fuck you, it hurts me!"

Everyone didn't even think about it, and suddenly they saw Jiang Nan lift up. With one hand, Daoist Peaceful Manifestation's mouth spit out white light, a backhand slapped Changgong, loudly shouted, and numerous sound wave strikes, so that the sharp arrow could not be added!

hong long!

There was a loud noise, countless sword lights collapsed Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven, and a volley of arrows came, flooding Jiang Nan!

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch feels cold: "It's over, Mystic Heaven this guy is dead, I'm afraid it's not far away... By the way, this barbarian dragon must have a method to escape these Dao The Space-Time seal placed by Monarch..."

The Great Dragon seems to have full confidence in Jiang Nan, and dozes on the ground without worrying about Jiang Nan's defeat.

"It's time to end."

A Primeval Dao Monarch corpse smiled. Suddenly, their smiles froze on their faces and saw the ten thousand arrows shot on Jiang Nan. It is like shooting Jiang Nan into a big hedgehog, but slowly the arrow light disappears and melts. In less than one breath, all arrow lights melt like ice arrows, disappeared!

Jiang Nan is still standing there, his skin is shot out by arrow qi one by one small caves, but not deep, just pierced his skin!

And the countless arrow lights just now were absorbed by the wounds of his skin, and they were all absorbed into the body!

"Such a powerful Fleshly Body is even more abnormal than Immortal Monarch Level Fellow Daoist Titan, right?"

Old Man Heavenly Harmonious and the others complexion is extremely solemn Although Daoist Peaceful Manifestation is only the boundary of Immortal Monarch Level, its attack method uses Dao Monarch Divine Ability!

Under the attack of Divine Ability, it can be said that no one can stop Heavenly Monarch!

Even if they were replaced by them, they couldn’t resist the disadvantage of Jiang Nan just now, because the Daoist Peaceful Manifestation’s attack was aimed at the Divine Soul Primordial Spirit, shooting the Primordial Spirit Divine Soul, soul flies away and scatters , Natural body dies and Dao disappears!

However, Jiang Nan just carried it down, only the skin was shot through by arrow light, Primordial Spirit Divine Soul unexpectedly did not seem to be damaged at all!

This is horrible!

Departed Mother Dao Monarch suddenly said: "I see! He is walking the same path as the giant Lingdao, Body, Dao, Fruit Trinity, his body is Primordial Spirit, Dao Fruit is Great Dao If you don’t break your body, it’s hard to break his soul!"

"He has Magic Power and can go further than the giant Lingdao. It is Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity!"

Old Man Extreme Revolution shook his head and said: "How did he refining successfully? You must know that even if the giant Lingdao is abnormal, he can only achieve Trinity, and he will not be able to refine the slightest Magic Power in his life..."

Quaternity speaking of which is simple, but existences like them are well aware of the difficulties. Even Dao Monarch, who has ruled the roost in each era, few people can refining successfully Trinity, let alone the more difficult Quaternity!

If you want to refining successfully Quaternity, the most difficult thing to solve is not to make the four compatible, but the cultivation technique!

A cultivation technique that can unify Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit!

The cultivation technique of the giant Lingdao only achieves Body, Dao, Fruit Trinity, which is already an outstanding existence in Dao Monarch. How much talent and wisdom are needed to develop the Quaternity cultivation technique?

How amazing is its achievement?

Is this something that a small Immortal Monarch Level existence can do?

everyone Dao Monarch has not yet come back to his senses from shock, Jiang Nan has already fought with Daoist Peaceful Manifestation. The strength of Daoist Peaceful Manifestation is that its cultivation technique is aimed at the Primordial Spirit Divine Soul, and he too Majoring in Primordial Spirit Divine Soul, Primordial Spirit Divine Soul is extremely formidable, but his Divine Ability power, Fleshly Body power, and Magical Treasure are much weaker than other Dao Monarchs!

His attacks have little effect on Jiang Nan. Close combat with Jiang Nan is even more downwind. What he can now rely on is his extremely deep battle experience and skills.

In this regard, he is better than Jiang Nan one can't tell how many, and it is his last chance to win!

In this level of existence confrontation, sometimes strength is not the most important, battle experience and skill will play a decisive role instead!

Compared with his experience of 5.6 billion years of battle hardening and fighting like this, Jiang Nan's battle experience and skills are still very young!

The two quickly fought against each other. In a short moment, they fought against several millions. It was also a huge test for Jiang Nan. It was the first time he fought against Dao Monarch. In this battle, he harvest was huge!

In the past, he played against Divine Mother Dao Monarch and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch. They all used Magical Treasure’s formidable power to crush each other. There was no chance of head-on conflict. In fact Jiang Nan also knew his battle experience. It can't compare to this kind of existence, so it is the best way to win with one's own strength and the other's shortcomings.

Now, confronting a Dao Monarch who is in the same boundary, he absorbs the opponent's battle experience to make up for his shortcomings and makes him more mature in his use of his energy!

As soon as he played against him, he was injured. Although the Daoist Peaceful Manifestation can inflict limited injuries on him, their attack speed and frequency are extremely fast, and each of them has millions. Even if only a small injury can be caused by the confrontation, the sum total is also very impressive, enough to threaten his life!

But as time goes by, his injuries are getting less and less, on the contrary, Daoist Peaceful Manifestation has more and more injuries!

"Peaceful Manifestation, give up!"

Old Man Heavenly Harmonious suddenly said: "He is absorbing your battle experience. If you steal too much from you, I'm afraid we The chance of defeating him is less!"

On the side, the Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch complexion is sinking, coldly snorted, opened the mouth and said: "Immortal Realm's cannon mouth does have some methods..."

Before he finished his words, Jiang Nan suddenly shouted loudly, his strength exploded, black hair flying all over the sky, black hair skyrocketing, countless black hairs were like black sharp swords, shua~ shua~ shua~ cut to Daoist Peaceful Manifestation!

When the Daoist Peaceful Manifestation body shakes, there are countless arrow light lasses that fight against black hair. At this time, Jiang Nan palm breakthrough arrow light fiercely shoots on the forehead of Daoist Peaceful Manifestation. The explosive force of Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven crushed down, crushing the Daoist Peaceful Manifestation!

Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch was about to say the scene and let his Great Dao Avatar surrender. Before he finished speaking, his avatar was already killed by Jiang Nan. Unable to complexion sank, the longbow bowstring in his hand was slightly beating. It calmed down again, and didn't hurt Jiang Nan as a killer.

"You won."

Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch coldly snorted, Changgong flew up and hung behind him, his stature sank and disappeared, but he consciously failed and left no face here.

The scene was silent, and many Dao Monarch were silent.

Daoist Peaceful Manifestation was beheaded and Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch left, so that they could no longer underestimate Jiang Nan.

"Young Fellow Daoist is not entirely cannon mouth."

Old Man Heavenly Harmonious hehe smiled, his Daoist Heavenly Harmonious avatar stepped forward, said with a smile: "Young Fellow Daoist’s ability is amazing. It does have the ability to talk to us. No matter, I talked to Young Fellow Daoist..."

He has seen Jiang Nan’s ability and he no longer calls Jiang Nan is a "little guest", but changed the name of "Young Fellow Daoist", which shows that Jiang Nan has been recognized by him to some extent.

He has a brilliant attitude, which is different from the sharp feeling of showing off one's ability of Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch. On the contrary, he is like a Saint who sanctifies and educates the world.

Jiang Nan paid respect and said with a smile: "The old man is the Dao Monarch of Sacred Dao Era, Heavenly Harmonious Saint?"

Daoist Heavenly Harmonious, said with a smile: "It's the old man. Young Fellow Daoist has heard of the title of the old man?"

"Have you heard."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Heavenly Harmonious Saint My name, I like thunder piercing the ear. I also ask Saint to retreat and change someone else. If someone fights against me, they may be able to support a few rounds, but Old Saint, you, I'm afraid I will kill you with just one blow."

Even though Heavenly Harmonious Saint has a good temper, I can’t help but get angry when I hear this, like a smile yet not a smile, and said: "A single blow is obliterated? Little guest, you are too impudent, I want to see it. See how you kill me with one blow! Please!"

Jiang Nan helplessly said: "Frankly, I have studied Old Saint's Absolute Art..."

Dao Monarch Usnea fluttering said with a smile: "trifling Immortal Realm native, I want to meet Sacred Dao, but dare to say something about it?"

"Please!" Daoist Heavenly Harmonious complexion sinks slightly, said solemnly.

Jiang Nan sighed, said: "Please!"

When Daoist Heavenly Harmonious body moved, Get Rid of Mundanities and Transform into Saint Great Divine Ability immediately broke out, Sacred Dao grand and prosperous, Righteous Qi is awe-inspiring, and the spirit is long rainbow, to suppress everything with big magic power and big formidable power!

hong long!

Get Rid of Mundanities and Transform into Saint’s formidable power broke out to the most violent moment, Jiang Nan palm Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven knocked Daoist Heavenly Harmonious over Helplessly said: "I didn't lie to you? I really have a deep research on Old Saint's Absolute Art."

————October 29th, the end of the month, where is the brothers monthly ticket? Zhaizhu Xiaopu Street, here is my brother, solemnly ask for a monthly pass! ! ! If there is a reward for recommending a horse, it is very good...

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