Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1377

Jiang Nan tone barely fell, suddenly I saw the small village disappeared, the sky filled the haze rolling, and suddenly in the haze a very ancient formidable silhouette appeared, and a formidable silhouette surroundings surrounded one. After another galaxy, dumbstruck in galaxy is countless stars, trillion suns hong, long, long running!

this is one ancient Dao Monarch, but all have died, only corpse and soul are left!

The Old Man Heavenly Harmonious Sacred Dao is full of rolling, prestige solemn, the Old Man Extreme Revolution body has gained countless laps, he has a big belly and he has a chessboard in one hand, and a black and a white in the other. , The Hunter Peaceful Manifestation is extremely mighty, and the Changgong in his hands is filled with majesty of the world!

The weaver Usnea sits in front of the loom and weaves. His body is vast, sacred pure and sacred, and the slender jade hand swipes the billions of silver threads through connecting the heavens, the woodcutter tall and Sturdy is stronger, almost inferior to the giant Lingdao, holding a big axe just like splitting heaven and earth apart!

The other villagers in the past, even mischief children, are showing an unusually formidable and terrifying side at this moment. They are a respected deceased Primeval Dao Monarch!

Twenty or thirty Primeval Dao Monarch corpse stand in the Void and seal this place!

Peaceful Manifestation bends the bow, pointed straight at Jiang Nan, opened the mouth and said: "We are courteous to you three points, first courtesy and then pawn! If you let us original size appear, we will show you the original size appear!"

"You brought this Wild Great Dragon to my Uninhabited Forbidden Zone for wrongdoing. You can level the Titan Forbidden Zone today, and we can level our forbidden zone in the next day!"

"We First salute and then soldiers, since you don’t eat toasts, then you’d better eat fine wine!"

"Most people in Immortal Realm are greedy people, eating bowls and watching the pot. Little guest, your heart is too big. , Uninhabited Zone is not your territory!"

"You can subdue Myriad Curses and other scums, but you don’t want to get involved in my Uninhabited Zone!"


A sound that pierced Heaven and Earth sounded, causing Jiang Nan and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch to retreat again and again. Myriad Curses Dao Monarch loudly said: "Everyone Fellow Daoist, you are afraid of misunderstanding, I have nothing to do with this matter, just passing by. , Not the same guy with Mystic Heaven this guy..."

"Shut up!"

"Traitor of the forbidden zone!"

"Curse Dao's scum!"

"Speaking to you scumbags, it's insulting the dignity of my Dao Monarch!"


A shout of curses came, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch flushed, stretched out his hands to hide his face, faceless to see people, angrily said: "Mystic Heaven, I have said that if I come with you, my reputation will be stinky, you see, it really stinks, right?"

"counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir. Dao Monarch is here, naturally someone can stop it!"

Jiang Nan was hunting in clothes and shouted in a low voice: "Great Dragon!"

hong long!

Great Dragon moved and hid behind him, a little timidly said: "Cult Master, they are crowded, I can't beat most of them..."

Jiang Nan couldn't help but stop. Big, although this dragon is tyrannical, arrogant and despotic, but also very courageous. When he meets a Primeval Dao Monarch, he will fight when he fights, but this Great Dragon withers as the number of opponents increases. You want to protect my appearance.

"Big Brother Dragon, you are also Innate Magical Treasure anyway, and you have a mouthful of Innate Magical Treasure around your neck. How can you shrink back?" Jiang Nan earnest and well-meant advised.

"They will beat me to amnesia."

The wild Innate Magical Treasure, who is too strong to speak, said pitifully: "I have been beaten to amnesia once. I can’t remember anything after being beaten again. Cult Master, you said you would protect me..."

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and said: "Great as you..."

"Cult Master, you are as great as I am not afraid, I rely on you..." this Great Dragon protruded out a big claw and quietly pushed Jiang Nan forward.

Jiang Nan was speechless. He raised his head and immediately changed his face. He said to twenty or thirty Primeval Dao Monarch corpse with a smile: "Everyone Fellow Daoist, we have something to discuss, so why bother? Why not sit down? Slowly talk about..."

"miserable wretch! We used to treat you with good wine and food. We want to talk to you, but if you don’t talk about it, now we want to talk again!"

that Female Dao Monarch Departed Mother said with a smile: "Now you want to talk, we won't talk to you! Simply kill you, and cut it off with your running dog Myriad Curses, to avoid future troubles!"

Jiang Nan complexion slightly changed, with a flick of his sleeves, laughed heartily: "It turns out that you are all cowardly people and will only take advantage of one's position to bully people. No wonder you have to hide in the forbidden zone all the time. This small place has been for several billions years and dare not show up. Daoist Annihilation will terrify you. I am afraid that when Annihilation comes, you will have to hold his thighs and snot and tear and beg him for your life, right?"



"Immortal Realm first cannon mouth!"


Many Dao Monarch corpses furiously shouted, and the earthquake shattered Heaven and Earth, sun, moon, and stars collapsed, Jiang Nan was shaken to qi and blood, laughed heartily, laughed heartily, and sank his face:" If you are not as timid as a mouse, how can you sit and watch Daoist Annihilation destroy your hometown and dare not resist? If you are not as timid as a mouse, how can you hide in this barren land struggling on whilst at death's door? If not as timid as a mouse, Emperor and The Primordial Spirit of Exalted flew to the Uninhabited Zone to patrol, why don’t you dare to show up? You group The courageless rat generation has lived for too long, and has no bloody blood, no blood flow in the body! In my opinion, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is better than you, the lowest he dares to reincarnation to Immortal Realm, dare to rise in this life and fight for the late Curse Dao creature! "

"But you dare not! "

"What qualifications do you have to laugh at him?" Courageless Rats! "

Many Dao Monarch corpse are even more angry, murderous aura overflowing heaven, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch can not help but hit a few shuddered, trembling with fear: "Mystic Heaven, Cult Master, stop talking..."

Great Dragon is also trembling with fear, glanced around, a look like leaving Jiang Nan and Myriad Curses running away at any time.

Jiang Nan laughed loudly and said: "Say you guys If you are a courageous rat, you also look up to you. You are just relying on your previous cultivation base ability to bully that's all the weaker than your cultivation base boundary. If you encounter a powerhouse, you will cover head and sneaked away like a rat, embarrassed. Escape. Today I will draw down the road, and challenge you with the Immortal Monarch Level boundary. If any of you can beat me with a half style, I will die! If you can't beat me..."

He sneaked, indifferently said: "This Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, I come and go as I want, you can't stop me! "

The scene is extremely silent, silent terrifying, a pair of anger overflowing heaven faces obscuring the Vault of Heaven, a pair of deep and unmeasurable eyes are looking at Jiang Nan, they are so imposing, so formidable, Jiang Nan in their sight is as small as mole crickets and ants.

Jiang Nan with his hands on his back, allowing these Dao Monarch corpse to watch, calmly said: "Everyone Fellow Daoist, don't you dare? If you dare not, you can kill me as much as you can, and let me see how the courageless rat kills a little Divine Monarch. You shoot, come and kill me, I will not resist! "

The scene is even more silent.

Suddenly Peaceful Manifestation said with a smile: "It is true that you are the first cannon mouth of Immortal Realm!" It's just that you are too arrogant and owe discipline! "

His corpse trembles slightly. The Great Dao Fragments in the corpse overflow and turn into one person. It is exactly the same as the Peaceful Manifestation, but it is a Fleshly Body composed of pure Great Dao. The bow, that bow is also made by Great Dao.

These Great Dao are different from Immortal Dao, they are more ancient and mature. Although Immortal Realm has developed more than 800 million years, it has not reached the peak state. , Immortal Dao is still developing and still young.

But the Great Dao of Peaceful Manifestation is the true mature Great Dao, and it contains more Dao Truth than Immortal Dao, more complex and purer. And mature, the power is stronger and bigger!

If Primal Chaos is completely developed and Immortal Dao develops to the peak state, it will be level with the Great Dao of Peaceful Manifestation, but it is still far from it.

However, the Peaceful Manifestation is also trustworthy. This Daoist Peaceful Manifestation is really transformed by the Great Dao of Immortal Monarch Level, and it is level with the Jiang Nan cultivation base boundary, and there is no surpassing by half.

Obviously he is going to fight Jiang Nan with the Immortal Monarch Level boundary and kill Jiang Nan, the first cannon mouth of the Immortal Realm!

"Is only Peaceful Manifestation a bit bloody? "

Jiang Nan carried his hands on his back, and his gaze swept across a Dao Monarch corpse.

A Dao Monarch corpse coldly snorted, only one of those imposing silhouettes, one After another Great Dao flows, washed down from in midair, the colors are very colorful.

When these Great Dao land, they immediately turn into a Daoist. There are men and women, old and young, holding all kinds of Great Dao. Magical Treasure by Dao. Heavenly Harmonious Saint hehe said with a smile: "It’s been a long time since I was scolded like this. Although it’s a radical general, it makes me unexpectedly excited. Every Fellow Daoist, let's just beat him to death according to his wishes? "

Other Dao Monarchs were nodded one after another, Departed Mother Dao Monarch said with a smile: "I'm about to beat this cannon mouth to death, justify our name!" "

Jiang Nan qi and blood skyrocketed, black hair danced wildly, laughed heartily said: "Okay! please! "

When the Daoist Peaceful Manifestation came out first, he fetched his bow, bent the bow and shot, duh!

The moment he bent the bow, Jiang Nan suddenly felt his Divine Soul , Dao Fruit Primordial Spirit is locked, the next moment an arrow glow blasts, and he wants to shoot him Dao Fruit Primordial Spirit!

this arrow is indeed the arrow of Dao Monarch, and it freezes when it opens. Primordial Spirit Dao Fruit, shoot the arrow, and shoot the Primordial Spirit Dao Fruit!

Peaceful Manifestation Dao Monarch, is the Dao Monarch of Primeval’s glorious era. In his era, the main cultivation was Divine Soul, born Divine Soul is extremely formidable, so its Great Dao has amazing accomplishments in dealing with Divine Soul Primordial Spirit Dao Fruit!

Jiang Nan sucks up, and the next moment takes a heavy beat, the earth Exploded, the figure rushed forward to face the arrow light!


He punched out, his fist collided with the arrow light, and the arrow light suddenly shattered into countless pieces , All directions exploded, Daoist Peaceful Manifestation withdrew back, bowed and fell, shua~ shua~ shua~ arrow light flying all over the sky, instantly shot out an unknown number of arrow qi, from all directions to Jiang Nan!

"Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven! "

Jiang Nan's body shook, and the Primordial Beginning Energy on top of his head was vast, and a majestic Great Overarching Heaven rose up, and with a scream, all the arrow lights were fixed on the ground within three feet of his body. Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven Turning, the explosive sound of click, click, and then continue to come, one after another arrow light is worn out and shredded!

His figure is as fast as a floating light, and he rushes to Daoist Peaceful Manifestation in the blink of an eye. The Daoist Peaceful Manifestation sneered, holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. The big bow fiercely knocked down, and the sharp arrow pierced Jiang Nan's eyebrows. The two palms of Jiang Nan turned up like white butterflies flying around. , Shook back the longbow.

Daoist Peaceful Manifestation was shocked and burst into a tiger’s mouth, suddenly opened his mouth and drank, a white light pierced Jiang Nan's eyebrows, Jiang Nan suddenly split his eyebrows, and was pierced by this white light. Drowsy!

"Myriad Arrows Pilgrimage! "

Daoist Peaceful Manifestation shook its body, the arrow light appeared in the sky, densely packed, countless arrows pointed to Jiang Nan lasing away!

"Immortal Realm first great cannon mouth, die! ! "

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