Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1375

The big dragon eye shines, and the limbs prop up the majestic body, hehe said with a smile: "Treading the forbidden zone? I'm afraid something is wrong? We will go there. Will be beaten?"

This Great Dragon grinned openly, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was clear that it had planned for this a long time ago, and it was only bewildered.

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "With me, what are you afraid of?"

The Great Dragon immediately rejoiced, hong, long, long walked quickly to Jiang Nan In front of him: "What are we waiting for? Let's set off now! Step down..."

He scratched his head, apparently forgetting which forbidden zone to step down. Jiang Nan reminded: "Titan Forbidden Zone."

"Step on the Titan Forbidden Zone!" The Great Dragon exclaimed happily.

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Wait a minute, we have to take Myriad Curses Dao Monarch. Daoist Brother Myriad Curses, come with us to level the Titan Forbidden Zone?"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch was alarmed a long time ago, ghost-like appeared, watching from a distance but not approaching, hearing this shook his head and said: "No. If I go with you, I will flatten the forbidden zone of Lord Lingdao, Uninhabited Those in the Forbidden Zone will think that I am a traitor to the Uninhabited Zone, and I will definitely not have my good fruit in the future."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Daoist Brother, you stay in my family , I’m not at ease. In case I leave with Great Dragon, you carry Curse Dao Heavenly Altar and leave. Isn’t the Great Dragon no place to sleep?"

Great Dragon, have a clever look and hurriedly looked towards Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, the complexion said badly: "stinking brat, it’s not so easy to carry my Dragon Nest! Come with us!"

He reached out his paw and gently lifted Myriad Curses Dao Monarch Squeezing, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is still waiting to resist, but his arms can't twist his thighs, but the Great Dragon grabs it firmly. Unable to move, he said angrily: "Mystic Heaven traitor, let me down, I will fight you three hundred Round!"

"scoundrel, let me down, if I go with you to level the Titan Forbidden Zone, I won’t be able to raise my head in front of those Primeval ancient existences! They must say that I have taken refuge in Immortal Realm. Native ground beetle, despise me, treat me as an enemy!"

"Damn, don't you let it go? Don't let me curse your whole family young and old!"


Myriad Curses Dao Monarch was foul-mouthed with smoke from his nostrils, Jiang Nan whispered to the Great Dragon: "Look at this guy's face, you will definitely carry your Dragon Nest away. Great Dragon, take him seriously, don't let him slip away. "

Great Dragon looked at Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, repeatedly nodded, and said: "I can't run him. "After talking, let go of your paws.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch finally got away, couldn't help but be overjoyed, the body flashed hurriedly away. This Great Dragon flew away with a whirr after he ran away. After a while, The Great Dragon flew back and pinched Myriad Curses Dao Monarch to the ground, with an interesting taste: "You try again. "

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch gritted his teeth, his figure suddenly turned into a shadow, and flickered against the ground.

this Great Dragon waited for a while, waiting for Myriad Curses Dao Monarch to run away Then he flew up again, grabbed the shadow of Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and flew back to the original place, and then pinned him to the ground. He is Innate Magical Treasure, transformed by Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, and others can’t catch the shadow. , But it’s nothing difficult for this barbarian dragon.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch hates it, ran away more than ten times, and was caught every time. I was hovered between life and death. Finally, All thoughts are lost.

"Now he will go with us obediently. "Great Dragon said with a smile.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch has an appointed look, with a dull look and despair: "I will be looked down upon. They will definitely say that Myriad Curses has taken refuge in this scum. The ground beetle of Immortal Realm, my face..."

Uninhabited Zone, Titan Dao Monarch Forbidden Zone is in peace. The withered Titan bones that emerged from the Blood Sea a few days ago have long been silent in the Blood Sea. Only one incomparably majestic building remains.

The giant Lingdao is silent, and the vast Corpse Qi covers the forbidden zone. The Corpse Qi here is so strong that Immortal Monarch must be careful when entering this place. Assimilation!

After all, this is the place where the giant Lingdao died. Corpse Qi is extremely terrifying, and the Titan Forbidden Zone is also one of the most dangerous forbidden zones. Since times immemorial entered this forbidden zone to experience treasure hunting. I don’t know how many people have died!

Suddenly, just hearing a loud bang, Jiang Nan cut open the forbidden zone Void, stepped into this place, and stood above the forbidden zone!

"Who dares to disturb my deep sleep? "

Corpse Qi tumbling, the voice of the giant Lingdao came from the rolling Corpse Qi, surprised: "Unexpectedly it's you, Immortal Realm junior!" The last time you escaped, you actually dared to show up, really act recklessly. Forget it, I will kill you today, peel off your skin, and hang your skin on the Dao Palace of Immortal Realm to warn Immortal Realm's respectless of the law and of natural morality! "

In the forbidden zone, the Blood Sea waved, and a statue of White Bones Giant crash bang rose from the Blood Sea, and countless corpses of the Titan Divine Race stood up, and ferocity permeated the entire forbidden zone!

"Grab him! "

The voice of the giant Lingdao came from the strongest place of Corpse Qi: "The prestige of Dao Monarch is not to be trampled on!" ”

Countless White Bones Giants moved together, and White Bones Giants flew all over the sky to grab Jiang Nan. The white bones were joined together, amazing!

Jiang Nan Standing still in midair, turning a blind eye to the countless Titan white bones in front of me, suddenly, the Void vibrated violently, and then the forbidden zone fragments of Space shattered, and an extremely huge head plunged into this forbidden zone!

This head is as large as stars, with an even larger and amazing dragon body attached to the back. The Great Dragon tries hard to squeeze into the Titan Forbidden Zone, with two long noses erupting from the nostrils, and the Titan White Bones Giant is all over the sky. The two Inextinguishable Divine Light flew, and in the sky it was like a white bone rain!

Countless bones fell from in the sky, some fell into the Blood Sea, some collapsed Buildings and palaces, some collided with the towering stone pillar, and some fell into Corpse Qi!

The Great Dragon finally squeezed into this forbidden zone and glanced around. He happily said: "Little Demon Myriad Curses, let's trample here together! I like to trample on the dignity of these guys! ”

Behind him, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch walked into the forbidden zone with a bitter face and reluctantly walked into the forbidden zone, listless.

this terrifying Great Dragon hong , long, long I rushed forward, wherever I went, everything collapsed, the mountains fell, countless palaces were lifted off by this Great Dragon, and the Blood Sea was blown into the air by this barbarian dragon in one breath!

In an instant! In the meantime, the originally organized Titan Forbidden Zone became messy.

In the deepest place of Corpse Qi, an extremely angry voice came: "Myriad Curses Dao Monarch? Curse Dao Era's scum, traitor, you unexpectedly became Immortal Realm junior's lackey, I want to squeeze you to death like a mole crickets and ants... Evil Dragon you dare! ”

“roar— ”

The Great Dragon opened its mouth and roared, and the terrifying sound waves rushed towards the Corpse Qi, and the Corpse Qi enveloped the circulation millions of miles, so rich that it was terrifying, even Immortal Monarch enters it and it will be corpse and melt away, but after a loud roar, millions miles Corpse Qi are all blown away, revealing an ancient and strong Dao Monarch corpse!

that Dao Monarch corpse sits in a strong and powerful slap Among Corpse Qi, Corpse Qi is exuding from his body!

He is dead, with a strain of Primeval Sacred Medicine growing on him, and the fusion of Corpse Qi and medicinal fragrance.

The other Dao Monarch is that Primeval Sacred Medicine is produced on Dao Fruit Fragment after Dao Fruit is broken, but he is sacred medicine on corpse, which is very strange.

This is because Titan Ancient Divinity does not repair Magic. Power, its Dao Fruit is Fleshly Body. After the person died, sacred medicine was produced on Fleshly Body, but for this reason, no one has picked a sacred medicine on Titan Ancient Divinity Corpse so far. There are dozens of Primeval Sacred Medicine!

He is too formidable. From Curse Dao Era to the present, no one has been able to step into Corpse Qi to pick sacred medicine up close. The superb Heavenly Monarch or Dao Monarch can do it. , But to pick sacred medicine will inevitably conflict with the giant Lingdao monarch, and sacred medicine has little effect on Heavenly Monarch Dao Monarch, and other existences cannot get close, so he has not lost a sacred medicine!

Jiang Nan saw his eyes straight, dozens of plants Primeval Sacred Medicine, with flowers, grass, trees and fruits, hangs on this giant Lingdao, what a fortune is this?

But what makes him even more frightening is that on this giant Lingdao Jun corpse, unexpectedly also faintly diffuse the luster of Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light!

Obviously the giant Lingdao is extremely formidable. He has already begun to come into contact with refining himself to Innate Magical Treasure level, but he has not yet had time to refining himself to Innate Magical Treasure. Annihilation Tribulation has exploded, making him body dies and Dao disappears!

"Evil Dragon, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you!"

That giant Lingdao Jun corpse boomed up, his Human Immortal and Mortal Soul are still there, Titan Ancient Divinity itself No Magic Power, no Magic Power to support Fleshly Body!

"It's all if you do evil in other places, but in front of me, you are not qualified!"

that giant Lingdao Jun corpse hong, long, long takes a step forward, big He rushed forward and said sternly: "Why do you want to trample on my forbidden zone and trample on my dignity? I will kill you today, refining successfully Innate Magical Treasure!"

Great Dragon steps forward Charge to meet the giant Lingdao, the two huge monsters collided, and the forbidden zone was burst open by the strength of the two huge monsters. Jiang Nan and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch were lifted by the hurricane and fiercely shot out of the forbidden zone. .

The two stood firm, and saw that these two huge monsters played heaven falls and earth rends in the forbidden zone. Although the giant Lingdao corpse was dead, the Fleshly Body survived. Its Fleshly Body Strong, it has reached almost Innate Magical Treasure level. It is a kind of Fleshly Body Great Divine Ability, the power is amazing!

And Great Dragon is purely Wild Innate Magical Treasure formed by Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light. It has been rampant in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone for more than 800 million years. No one dared to provoke it. It is heaven shaking earth to fight. shattering!

The two huge monsters are desperate, how hot the scene is?

However, this Fleshly Body of the giant Lingdao is dead after all. Using Immortal and Mortal Soul to control Fleshly Body has a lot of inconvenience, and the barbarian dragon's muscle pimple itself is not inferior to him, even more than him. Stronger, more brutal, stronger!

After a while, the giant Lingdao Jun corpse died, and a strain of Primeval Sacred Medicine was beaten up and down. It was seen that Jiang Nan and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch were both fleshy pains.


The barbarian dragon swept its tail and slapped it on the giant Lingdao Jun corpse, crushing six or seven Primeval Sacred Medicine, Jiang Nan and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch almost vomited blood when he saw it, and screamed wasting natural resources recklessly.

The Great Dragon roared and shook the giant Lingdao Jun’s corpse skin exploded, the black corpse blood, and the remaining Primeval Sacred Medicine were shaken to pieces by the roar, and shattered in midair!

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch flustered and exasperated said: "barbarian dragon, keep your voice down, click it! Damn..."

Primeval Sacred Medicine is broken, fragment all directions fly away , Myriad Curses Dao Monarch also ignored the dough, and hurriedly flew around, picking up the still intact branches, roots, flower stems and fruits of sacred medicine.

Jiang Nan also searched around. The two picked up a lot of sacred medicine fragments. They were distressed. The medicine effect in these fragments lost a lot, and the medicine effect was scattered by this barbarian dragon. Nearly half, not as good as before.

"wasting natural resources recklessly, wasting natural resources recklessly..." Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stuffed a handful of sacred medicine leaves into his mouth, muttered.

————The house pig’s request for a monthly pass was ignored again, the house pig felt that his dignity was trampled on, and the house pig’s dignity was restored and came to ask for a monthly pass again~~~

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