Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1374

Ancient Divinity Maha is standing in the Annihilation Flower. His cultivation base is obviously more advanced than before. Jiang Nan has played against him before, when he mobilized the power of the forbidden zone. It is enough to easily kill the Immortal Monarch, and now the forbidden zone power he can mobilize has been greatly improved!

"Cult Master, you are improving, and I am also improving. Now five absolute kills are no longer difficult for me!"

Behind Jiang Nan, "Fairy Qing Chang" said leisurely: "You have a good time. I prepared the five absolute kill for you. Empyrean Origin and Profound Metropolis asked you to save Jade Capital. It is also in my plot against. This five absolute kill is for me. Your personality, style, study the various karma entangled in your Divine Soul, thoroughly study you, and calculate every foothold from the trillion kinds of possibilities. You don’t know that karma can affect a person unconsciously. Decided, in the eyes of my Divine Prediction powerhouse, every move and every step of yours is traceable."

She said with a smile: "This is why I see you all Living being, even if it is stronger than Immortal Monarch and Heavenly Monarch, is the reason for the boringness in my eyes. All your actions are as ridiculous as mischief child in my eyes, and all your motives are like the first scholar who learned the game at the beginning. So immature. However, I still value you very much. In order to prepare a five absolute kill, I must know that even for Jade Capital, I only prepared four for him. It shows how important you are in people's hearts!"

forbidden zone power, the prestige of Primeval Dao Monarch became extinct. Even the Jade Capital Immortal King of this power can only flee desperately and dare not firmly receive it!

Jiang Nan stepped suddenly, his body moved and landed under Longevity Lotus, and turned to say with a smile: "Is this five absolute kill set by you? Your wisdom is connected?"

The absolute kill hit, covering Jiang Nan and Longevity Lotus.

Longevity Lotus does not seem to be big, but it contains Space. At the foot of Longevity Lotus, this Longevity Lotus is already several acres in size. Jiang Nan stands under the lotus like a three inches little man.

"Fairy Qing Chang" contains said with a smile: "Yes. I am him, he is me, I only need to use his wisdom, it is not difficult to arrange a five absolute kill. Cult Master, you hide Longevity Lotus did not escape from my plot against, and even all the steps after you were clearly calculated by me!"

Sure enough, that absolute kill is like a long river, twisting in the air , Bypass the Longevity Lotus and roll towards Jiang Nan!

This is clearly that Ancient Divinity Maha has calculated all the actions of Jiang Nan, knowing that he wants to use the power of Longevity Lotus to resist the absolute kill, so when he arranged this absolute kill, he had already arranged to deal with it. The steps of all Jiang Nan's actions!


Jiang Nan ignored the absolute kill attack, and suddenly shook his body and turned into a thousand zhang Demon-Divinity. The probing hand pulled up the Longevity Lotus. With a big mouth open, I bit this Longevity Lotus ka-cha off a piece of the circumference of more than a mile!


Fairy Qing Chang's attack struck, tearing Jiang Nan's skin all over his body in just an instant!

But the Longevity Lotus contains infinite vitality, plus Jiang Nan Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, Fleshly Body is unprecedentedly formidable, much more formidable than Jade Capital Immortal Monarch, Longevity Lotus’s Thin vitality rushed in, his flesh and blood rebirth rapidly, no matter how this absolute kill was wiped out, he couldn't be killed, and he didn't even have the ability to severely damage him!

Longevity Lotus contains incomparably terrifying power. This power erupts in Jiang Nan. It is more formidable and purest than the energy of the sacred medicine treasure tree produced by Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Dao Fruit. The energy of the sacred medicine treasure tree keeps Jiang Nan's whole body Magic Power exploded, and the energy of Longevity Lotus is naturally even more amazing!

But this time Jiang Nan took a ditch and gained his wisdom. Instead of swallowing the whole Longevity Lotus, he bit down a "small piece".

But even if it is a "small piece" that is more than ten years old, it is no small thing. If it is changed to another person, even the Great Perfection Immortal Monarch will not be able to bear it, but he will bear it for life!

Although his Magic Power Fleshly Body has been impacted, the impact is within the range that it can bear!

The medicine effect of Longevity Lotus is also brought into play, allowing him to resist the attack of absolute kill without being destroyed!

"Plot against me from Divine Soul karma, calculate my every step?"

Jiang Nan's skin and muscles are constantly being worn out and reorganized, standing alone in front of Annihilation Flower, calmly Said: "I cultivate successfully Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, it is not my Divine Soul that karma entangles, but my Fleshly Body. Karma's interests are no longer able to interfere with any of my actions. Maha, I devour Longevity The actions of Lotus must have been beyond your expectation, right?"

The first absolute kill has exhausted its power, and in the distance, suddenly there is a very strong fluctuation, and the second absolute kill broke out, and the circulation Several thousands miles destroy!

Next, the third absolute kill broke out, then the fourth and fifth!

These four absolute kills failed. Jiang Nan did not act as expected by Ancient Divinity Maha, making his follow-up methods useless!

Jiang Nan laughed heartily, stood up and killed the Ancient Divinity Maha in Annihilation Flower!

Behind him, "Fairy Qing Chang" screamed, and the sword flew in. At the same time, the Ancient Divinity Maha in Annihilation Flower was like the palm of Skyscraping, welcoming Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan put his hand on his back, holding the tip of the sword, and the palm facing the Skyscraping palms!

"Fairy Qing Chang" complexion dignified, Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword Sword Qi rushed into the sky, the Ancient Divinity Maha in Annihilation Flower is also extremely dignified, and palms are extremely heavy, like two mouths of Annihilation Demon Eye.

His Divine Prediction absolute kill is definitely a huge killing move in places like Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. This is the first time his Divine Prediction miscalculated!


His palms collided with Jiang Nan's single palm. It was very dull, and there was no strength leaking. This is because his Divine Ability was obtained from Daoist. Annihilation, its Divine Ability blends the strength of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, the creepy changes of Immortal Dao, not only does the strength never leak, but it swallows all energy!

But he can't swallow the energy contained in Jiang Nan's palm at all. Jiang Nan's strength is unparalleled. Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit fuse together merge into a furnace, and his strength can't be swallowed. , On the contrary, the body trembled was shocked, and the palms were numb!

"Annihilation Divine Ability?"

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, he immediately sensed the origin of strength in the Ancient Divinity Maha palms, said with a smile: "Maha, it turns out that you still betrayed I took Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity and took refuge in Daoist Annihilation!"


Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword stabbed and was caught by Jiang Nan's two fingers, "Fairy Qing Chang" Wow, the power of the Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword broke out. The formidable power of this Primal Chaos Divinity sword is amazing. Ancient Divinity Maha was the Dense Light Immortal Monarch who used this sword to cut the Great Perfection Boundary back then!

Even Jiang Nan’s Fleshly Body could not resist the power of this sword. When the formidable power of Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword broke out, his palm was cut apart by the extremely sharp Sword Qi and drenched. with blood!

"Refuge in Daoist Annihilation?"

"Fairy Qing Chang" Jiao said with a smile: "Cult Master, you guessed it wrong, Daoist Annihilation and I are just using each other, he is in Plot against me, I am also plot against him! In the end, it depends on who is higher, the one to emerge victorious!"

Jiang Nan suddenly One Divine Wheel appeared in the back of his head, turning around with a buzzing sound. , Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven appeared, and suddenly pressed down, covering "Fairy Qing Chang" into Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

"Fairy Qing Chang" immediately shook the clouds, flying up into the sky, and at this moment Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven suddenly collapsed, and the curvaceous lady even hummed in the future and turned into ashes. !

Ancient Divinity Maha groaned, seeing blood on the eyebrows, "Fairy Qing Chang" is one of his dual Life Souls, which was obliterated by Jiang Nan with Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven. Divine Soul, Dao Fruit have the chance to escape. If there is none, it will be completely wiped out!

Primordial Chaos Three Saints Scripture is practicing past life next life. Now Jiang Nan has cut the "Fairy Qing Chang" three times, and the Primordial Chaos Three Saints Scripture is completely destroyed. Kill a Divine Soul!

Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword still stabs itself and stabs Jiang Nan’s Fleshly Body with a snort, but it is the Ancient Divinity Maha in Annihilation Flower who takes over, using his Magic Power to motivate Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword Power!

The two of them were originally one person, Twin Divine Soul, "Fairy Qing Chang" can spur Primal Chaos Punishing Immortal Sword, he can naturally too, this sword succeeds, Jiang Nan is finally injured!

At the same time, Ancient Divinity Maha’s rays of light burst into his brows, and Tribulation Light spewed out, turning into a light net, and slashed towards Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan took a long breath. Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword was unexpectedly clamped by his Fleshly Body, unable to penetrate. His fingers flew up and flicked again and again. The fingertips collided with the Tribulation Light, just listening to the zheng The explosive sound of zheng zheng is endless, the fingertips are cut off, and the Tribulation Light unexpectedly is broken by his fingers!

He flicked ten fingers in a row, and flicked on the chest of Ancient Divinity Maha, just like flicking on a boosting big drum, dong dong booming!

Ancient Divinity Maha's chest suddenly collapsed, Jiang Nan flicked every finger, and one of his ribs was broken, ten fingers flicked, ten ribs broke, the chest collapsed, he vomited blood and fell down Annihilation Flower!

This Ancient Divinity made a decisive decision. When it landed, he immediately grabbed Annihilation Flower and retreated. I saw him stepping out step by step. The earth trembled violently, and the mountain range rose from the ground, in the Celestial Phenomenon changed drastically with the sway of the remnant star.

Jiang Nan pulled out the Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword, stepped forward, and fell. The mountains that had just risen from the ground suddenly collapsed, and the qi and blood on the top of the head shot. The scattered stars shattered, following the Ancient Divinity Maha!

He each and every move is Divine Ability, with infinite formidable power, stepping on the earth and breaking down, qi and blood soaring into the sky, the Vault of Heaven collapses, and he does not give Ancient Divinity Maha the opportunity to use absolute kill!

Two silhouettes disappeared in the desolate Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. Ancient Divinity Maha’s eyes were like wheels, Annihilation Demon Eye's power unfolded and was easily broken by Jiang Nan. The qi and blood on his head turned into blood. Cloud, it is Judgement Day Blood Rain falling, open your mouth and roar, it is Judgement Tribulation Sound!

Obviously, Daoist Annihilation taught him more Annihilation Divine Ability, more subtle!

But his Annihilation Divine Ability poses little threat to Jiang Nan. Jiang Nan is now Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, with unprecedented defenses, body is the Dao, the Magic, the Fruit, the Soul, The resistance to any Divine Ability is amazing!

And now he took a sip of Longevity Lotus, the body is full of Longevity Lotus power, even if it is damaged, it will quickly recover, Magic Power is infinite!

Ancient Divinity Maha vomits blood repeatedly, and the defeat has already appeared. Jiang Nan stepped forward and did not give him a chance to put an absolute kill. Suddenly his body was vertical and broke through the Void, only to see the Void. Suddenly there are huge and magnificent buildings, simple and majestic, larger than the buildings of Ancient Divinity, and even more amazing, huge pillars supporting the sky, pavilions and kiosks towering in the clouds, it is a forbidden zone!

Jiang Nan stepped in and stopped suddenly. In front of him, the Blood Sea overflowing heaven, a group of extremely huge bones crash bang stood up from the Blood Sea, and a group of white bones rose above the head of the cloud. !

"Titan Dao Monarch Forbidden Zone!"

Jiang Nan took a long breath and looked around, only those huge Titan bones did not hinder the Ancient Divinity Maha in the slightest. Only stop him!

These Titan bones are filled with Martial Dao aura of overflowing heaven, and each of them is a formidable existence comparable to the Immortal Monarch!

"Lord Lingdao, what do you mean?"

Jiang Nan complexion sinks slightly, loudly said: "Why prevent me from removing this person?"

In the depths of the Titan Forbidden Zone, the terrifying Corpse Qi is permeated, and there is an extremely vicissitudes of soul awakening, and Divine Consciousness shocks: "Immortal Realm junior, dare to yell in front of me. This person has been to my forbidden zone. , Give me advice, since he wants to hide in my forbidden zone, no one can move him! Junior, if you don’t go, it’s dead end!"

"putting it that way, giant Mr. Lingdao wants to protect him?"

Jiang Nan complexion sank, turned around and left: "What happens today, the fruit of the next day, I will come to level your forbidden zone in the future!"

He flashed away, there was an angry hum from behind, and he saw Corpse Qi's diffused place, a big hand grabbed it, Jiang Nan's figure flickered, and this big hand grabbed an empty space and was caught by Jiang. Nan rushed out of the forbidden zone.

Ancient Divinity Maha relaxed, bowed and said, "Dao Monarch, many thanks, help. I have something to do and cannot stay for a long time. Before leaving, I still have to persuade Dao Monarch to reincarnation Immortal Realm as soon as possible. I will seize a place in the future."

Corpse Qi Zhongju Lingdao Jun said calmly: "Immortal Emperor Immortal Exalted is extremely talented, but the two of them are dead, so make a fuss about nothing? I am not reincarnation. , Wait until Immortal Dao Annihilation Tribulation is over before making any plans."

Ancient Divinity Maha bowed and left.

A few days later, Jiang Nan returned to Mystic Prefecture and shouted: "Great Dragon, where is the Great Dragon?"

The extremely majestic Great Dragon raise one's head to watch him , In a low, muffled voice said: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Go! With me, step on the Titan Forbidden Zone!"

————brothers, come A monthly pass! ! !

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