Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1335

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch nodded, taking Dao Child Linglong away, Jiang Nan looked around and chose a direction to go.

The Void here is fragile. He must be cautiously. If the speed is a little faster, the Void will be crushed by him and cannot be recovered. If you do not pay attention, you will fall into the Danger Domain. Body dies and Dao disappears!

The destruction of Heaven and Earth is the most terrifying. If Annihilation Tribulation has completely destroyed this piece of Heaven and Earth, then this place will be completely transformed into Primal Chaos, just like the outside world, not dangerous.

And this place is still in Annihilation Tribulation, it is dangerous, Heaven and Human Five Wanings everywhere, Annihilation Tribulation scrolling everywhere, Space-Time chaotic, Great Dao withered, life essence Elapsed, everything died!

Whether you are Heavenly Monarch or Dao Monarch, you can't change one's own ability, which is cut off by Annihilation Tribulation, your Fleshly Body is decayed, and your own endless life essence has extremeity, and it will even be transformed. As a mortal, it will inevitably fall in the end!

Even if you have the ability to dodge, you can’t dodge the collapsed Universe, the diffuse Tribulation Light everywhere, and the Power of Destruction that exterminates everything when the universe collapses. It will crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood and destroy all the creatures. Everything turned into Nothingness!

And the diffuse Tribulation Light everywhere is like a sharp sword, Tribulation Light cuts, cut the life and cut the ability, cut the Divinity, cut the Primordial, cut the Dao Fruit, even Void Dao Fruit has collapsed, and Dao Fruit has nowhere to pin it. It is cut by Tribulation Light, naturally soul flies away and scatters, and a cultivation base turns into running water!

Now this piece of Heaven and Earth has not completely collapsed for some reason, but Tribulation Light has emerged, one after another Tribulation Light is turbulent, passing through the dead Void, as if there is a tangible and innocent great net, Snatch a fish that escaped the net from Heaven and Earth.

"Why didn't this place completely collapse and be destroyed in Annihilation Tribulation?"

Jiang Nan couldn't help but wonder. Logically speaking, Annihilation Tribulation is based on crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. The Universe is about to be destroyed, everything belongs to Primal Chaos, Annihilation Heavenly Fire is ignited, and a new era is reshaped.

However, the three universes created by Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void have not completely withered and destroyed, and they have not been completely destroyed in 800 million years. It is really strange.

The strange place doesn't stop there. There is actually a vibrant place here, the mountains and rivers, like hidden land of peace and prosperity!

“There is still Human here...”

Jiang Nan walked out of nowhere, and finally came to a place that had not been infested by Annihilation Tribulation. He looked forward and couldn’t help but feel his mind. Shocked.

In front of him is a huge country, with ancient imposing cities, staggered in the mountain range, among these cities, people are coming, people going, men, women, and children, bustling with people. It is very lively.

There are farmers, artisans, merchants, officials, brothels, and a torrent of carts and horses, almost the same as the usual country.

In the central location, there is also an Imperial City with a circle several tens of thousands miles, majestic and magnificent, and there is even a cultivator guarding the air.

Jiang Nan Divine Consciousness swept through, my heart was slightly shaken, everyone here is unexpectedly cultivation base is not weak, everyone, from infant to gray-haired old man, unexpectedly is the boundary of Spiritual Divinity !

And his Divine Consciousness swept into the Imperial City. There are unexpectedly several Immortal cultivation base experts in the Imperial City.

Of course, for Jiang Nan, can't be considered expert, but like the previous Eight Great Universes tens of millions of years, only a few Immortals appeared, and this place is just a country in a ruined Universe , There are several Immortals, and I have to let him click one's tongue in wonder.

"How did this country escape from Annihilation Tribulation?"

Jiang Nan slightly frowned, Abandoned Land's Annihilation Tribulation is getting more and more intense. It is impossible to be disturbed by Annihilation Tribulation here. People’s cultivation base, I’m afraid that they would have died within tribulation long ago, but these people are happy lasting for ages, and seem to have not noticed the destruction of Heaven and Earth outside.

"There must be a secret in this country!"

He walked between the markets, and wherever he passed, I saw that there was indeed no difference from the outside world. There were quarrels, some Fighters, some bargaining, some married, some show affection.

"Strange, they don't know that they are in a universe that has collapsed and might die at any time?" Jiang Nan wondered.

He stepped forward to chat with a person, and these people were no different from outsiders, and their speech and behavior were also different.

Suddenly, Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, and he looked up, and saw a few immortal lights flying from the Imperial City, landing into a few Immortals, and quickly walked to Jiang Nan, a few Immortals. He hurriedly gave a salute and said: "Our Country Lord perceives the arrival of Mister, and I am specially ordered to wait for me to greet him. Please Mister to the Imperial Palace to have a narration."

Jiang Nan's eyes flashed, said with a smile: "I When I first arrived in your country, the Country Lord of your country already knew it, but he was a deeply hidden character. Well, I have something to ask the Country Lord of your country."

Those Immortals quickly led the way, Jiang Nan Follow them to the Imperial City and enter the Imperial Palace. The Emperor of Heavenly Space Country is sitting in front of him. The civil and military officials met and saw Jiang Nan coming. The Heavenly Space Country Emperor quickly walked down the Imperial Throne and led the civil and military hundreds. The officer greeted the Throne Room and laughed heartily and said: "There is a noble guest here, this Prince Dong'a is not welcome, please forgive the noble guest, and forgive me!"

Jiang Nan stared at it. My heart trembles slightly. This Emperor Dong'a unexpectedly is already an Immortal King-level powerhouse, and the cultivation technique is extremely weird. I just concealed it from Jiang Nan’s Divine Consciousness probe.

Furthermore, Jiang Nan asked himself invincible in the boundary of Immortal King, and he would be detected by this person, which is a bit strange!

"To disturb Your Majesty, I feel uneasy."

Jiang Nan returned the gift, said with a smile: "Your Majesty's name is Dong'a? This name is rare."


The Emperor Dong'a stepped forward and invited Jiang Nan to enter the hall, said with a smile: "The last name of this Prince is relatively ancient, probably because our country is in the East, so I gave it this name. Where did Mister come from? Come, why come to my Heavenly Space Country?"

In the Throne Room, Jiang Nan and the Emperor Dong'a were the guests of honor. The officials gave a gift. Jiang Nan said with a smile: "I come to your country, But I want to inquire about two people from Your Majesty. I wonder if Your Majesty has seen these two people?"

His mind moved slightly, his eyes were divine light, and Old Ancestor Dark- was reflected on the Imperial Court. The images of Bright and Other Shore Female Emperor are vivid.

The Emperor Dong'a saw the images of these two people, complexion slightly changed, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Frankly, this Prince has indeed seen these two people, but it was more than one million years. The previous event, the two caused a sensation..."

The Emperor Dong'a's eyes flashed, put this matter aside, said with a smile: "Mister, you just I just said why I came to Heavenly Space Country, but where did you come from. Mister, is it the same town as these two?"

Jiang Nan's eyes flashed too, said with a smile: "Your Majesty Why do you seize this matter and not let it go?"

The Emperor Dong'a laughed heartily, eagerly said: "Does Mister come from outside? I don't know which way Mister came in. Can you tell me something? "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "If Your Majesty can tell me where these two are now, I can also tell Your Majesty where I came from."

The Emperor Dong'a looked gloomy and uncertain, suddenly got up and said with a smile: "Okay, Mister, please come with me."

Jiang Nan got up, civil and military tight. Afterwards, the two of them walked deep into the Imperial Palace, all the way to the palace buildings, and the palace ladies paid respect.

Emperor Dong'a did not respond, and walked forward, saying with a smile: "When those two entered this place, they caused a big sensation, and many people thought they had hope of fleeing this place. , One by one was extremely excited, until a large number of people died, the incident gradually subsided."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "I see everyone living and working in peace in your country, and I don’t seem to think about it at all. The hope of escaping from this place, it can be seen that Your Majesty must be in good governance."

Emperor Dong'a slightly smiled, saying: "I wanted to go out at the beginning, but I saw so many people died, and that The two of them disappeared, and my mind faded a lot. But when I saw Mister coming, my heart became eager again."

They walked into the depths of the Imperial Palace and saw a mouthful in front of them. The huge deep hole, the entrance of which is covered with all kinds of strange runes, is densely packed, looks strange and sacred.

The great cave is bottomless, and there is immortal light overflowing in the cave, which is like water like tide, colorful.

Emperor Dong'a said with a smile: "Mister, please see, this is a Divine Well of my Heavenly Space Country, there is divinity in the well, knowing everything. Mister wants to know what those two people are Whereabouts, you might as well stand by the well and ask about divinity in the well. Divinity in the well will definitely tell you where the two are."

"divinity in the well?"

Jiang Nan didn't come forward, and looked at the Divine Well, said with a smile: "I'm afraid that the person living in this well is not divinity, but demon?"

Emperor Dong'a rushed to accompany said with a smile: "Where does Mister say this?"

Jiang Nan looked at this deep hole all around, said with a smile: "The rune by the well is a sacrificial rune, step on the side of the well , Is to board the altar and be offered to take out. And the nor is it divinity that lives in this well, but an Annihilation Evil Beast. This well is not Divine Well, but Deep Cave."

He said with emotion: "I used to have such a well. No wonder your Heavenly Space Country was not destroyed by Annihilation Tribulation. It turns out that there are Deep Cave and Annihilation Evil Beast here."

Emperor Dong'a complexion slightly changed, hurriedly bowed to pay said with a smile: "Why did Mister say this?"

Jiang Nan said with a slight smile: "Fellow Daoist Dong'a, don't be so low-pitched You are incarnation of a piece of Empire, countless creatures, you become male and female, even husband and wife, civil and military officials, and you deserve to play by yourself. I think you’re addicted to it."

Emperor Dong'a His face changed drastically, and suddenly laughed heartily: "Unexpectedly, you noticed it! "

hu hu hu ——

All the creatures in Heavenly Space Country suddenly bang bang turned into one after another Origin Energy, all disappeared, even those in this Imperial Palace Civil and military Hundred officials and Empress imperial concubine were all turned into Origin Energy. Many Origin Energy spewed into a torrent and rushed into the body of Emperor Dong'a!

"What can you perceive? "

His aura soared suddenly, and instantly he rose from an Immortal King to Immortal Monarch level, only listening to the voice of chi chi chi coming from his body, one after another scale under his skin Drilling out, in the blink of an eye it becomes an inhuman Primeval Spiritual Divinity, with a terrifying aura all over!

"A follower of Daoist Annihilation? Jiang Nan raised his head and looked up at Emperor Dong'a, wondering.

"Yes! I am Daoist Dong'a, the herder of Annihilation Giant Beast raised by Your Majesty! "

Daoist Dong'a laughed heartily, looking down at Jiang Nan, said with a smile: "I was exiled here. I originally planned to sacrifice the entire Abandoned Land and resurrect Your Majesty, but unfortunately it has not been successful! I originally only wanted to sacrifice you to the Annihilation Great Emperor, awaken the Great Emperor, and bring the Great Emperor back to life. Didn't expect you to not take the bait! But it’s okay, I’ll do it myself, you die faster! Come out, my treasure, your blood is coming! Swallow him and sacrifice to the Great Emperor! "

Behind Jiang Nan, there was a loud sound of ka-cha in the Deep Cave, the immortal light that spewed out of the cave disappeared, and an ugly giant beast jumped out of the well and filled the world. The most evil aura, pounce on Jiang Nan!

Annihilation Evil Beast !


Jiang Nan still faces the Daoist Dong'a, eyebrow A sword light flew up in his heart, and disappeared in a flash. I saw the Annihilation Evil Beast body behind him was split flat and cut in half. The huge corpse flew over Jiang Nan's side, smashing a palace.

————The third one is delivered!

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