Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1334

"Does Doaist Null-Void suppress this person here? This is the universe created by Doaist Null-Void, which is Abandoned Land?"

Jiang Nan slightly Startled and glanced at Skyscraping Immortal Monarch, they all saw the joy and doubt in each other's eyes. The joy was because the time came, and finally found Abandoned Land.

What is puzzled is that Doaist Null-Void is what kind of existence, and only two people have been suppressed in this life. One is Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, and the other is teaming up with Exalted-Emperor to suppress Daoist Annihilation by dividing the corpse.

Who is in this Annihilation Demon Eye? Actually also qualified to be suppressed by Doaist Null-Void here?

Dao Child Linglong boldly said with a clear voice: "You have admitted the wrong person, we are not Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, nor the Doaist Null-Void who sent us here, we were accidentally Passing by here. We will leave..."

In Annihilation Demon Eye, the weird voice sounded again, and Demon Eye is also constantly moving, earning 99 planet chain zheng zheng sounds, and the tone is full In response to the boundless grievances, coldly said: "You three little demon also want to fool me? I sensed that two of you three human bodies have the bloodline of the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. It's a pity that the other human body is not pure. I also felt the Great Dao aura of Null-Void! Where is Rama? That bastard was ordered by Null-Void to suppress me. It must be that he didn’t dare to come to see me, so he sent three of you little demon to take a look. Am I dead?"

In this round of Annihilation Demon Eye, there is a terrifying boundless aura, which is the unique overbearing aura unique to Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, which was suppressed by the chain of 99 Primal Chaos Planet. , Impressively is the ancient existence in Primal Chaos!

In Annihilation Demon Eye, an overbearing violent aura enveloped their three people, manic, full of ruinous thought!

Jiang Nan trio complexion dignified and glanced at each other. They are not stupid people. Hearing that Ancient Divinity's words just now, they can deduce the entire process of development that this person was suppressed here!

This person must have been suppressed here before the opening of the sky, and even Doaist Null-Void did not hesitate to leave a Primal Chaos Divine City to guard this person to ensure that he could not escape!

However, after the battle of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity and Immortal broke out, the Ancient Divinity Rama who was ordered to guard this place also participated in the battle. As a result, the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity was defeated and the Doaist Null-Void was killed, leaving the remaining Primal Chaos Ancient. Divinity can only hide in the Primal Chaos Heaven Country struggling on whilst at death's door, losing the Primal Chaos territory, and Ancient Divinity Rama also losing the strategic garrison.

The old monster suppressed here is naturally unguarded. It is estimated that it sensed the aura of Abandoned Land, so he dragged 99 planet chains to penetrate the Void and forcefully entered Abandoned Land!

Abandoned Land is Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void. The failure of splitting heaven and earth apart caused the three universes in a state of death, which are constantly in annihilation. Among them, Annihilation Tribulation is raging. The old monster in Ancient Divinity used Annihilation Tribulation to erode the 99 planet chains in an attempt to get rid of the suppression!

The Annihilation Demon Eye scrolls so that their three people can clearly sense that a pair of vision is watching them through Annihilation Demon Eye, and said: "I sense that your bloodline is impure. Has the outside world collapsed to such an extent? Bloodlines like yours are slaves in our era! My Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity unexpectedly even the slaves with impure bloodlines were taken out and entrusted with the important task, Null -Void this guy, unexpectedly I also accepted a discíple, which is really shameful and shameful!"

He said "discíple" refers to Jiang Nan, Jiang Nan has cultivated Null-Void Great Dao, and he was caught by this guy. After a glance, they found out that Jiang Nan and the three were even more shocked, and they became more and more sure that this person is an extremely remarkable existence in Primal Chaos Era!

"hehe, even your three impure bloodline slaves can be reused. It seems that the two foreigners, Emperor and Exalted, have finally revealed their true colors. Null-Void this guy must be theirs Disabled, my Ancient Divinity era has been replaced! I have long told him that Emperor and Exalted, two foreigners who are untrustworthy, did not listen to me. Now, he has finally ruined my Ancient Divinity... "

The person in Annihilation Demon Eye is foul-mouthed, calling Emperor and Exalted as a sinister villain, calling Null-Void stupid as a pig, but he mistaken Jiang Nan and the others for Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, but the guess is correct.

Things are exactly as he said, Exalted-Emperor beheaded Doaist Null-Void, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era was replaced, and the era of Ancient Divinity is gone forever!

Jiang Nan coughed, gave Skyscraping Immortal Monarch and Dao Child Linglong a wink, and said: "This senior, we are really not sent by Doaist Null-Void or Ancient Divinity Rama. We still have something to do. , Goodbye."

The three immediately moved their steps, planning to bypass the Annihilation Demon Eye.

In Annihilation Demon Eye, a violent aura broke out, covering Jiang Nan three people, Skyscraping and Linglong's foreheads were sweating coldly, that person said with a smile: "You thought I was Primordial Heaven Divine Is Ancestor so easy to be fooled? Now I give you two roads, one is a dead end, and the other is to worship me as an Adoptive Father."

He hehe said with a smile: "Dead, naturally I killed you and squeezed you in your hands to squeeze the gravy. You are still young, and the gravy must be very delicious. Your slave is the life of being squeezed. As for the other way, it is much more comfortable. You worship me There are many benefits for the Adoptive Father. I can purify your bloodline, transform you into an Ancient Divinity of purebreds, and can also refine my fresh blood into your body, so that your bloodline can be elevated to the level of nobility in the blink of an eye. Two You choose one path!"

Skyscraping and Linglong's foreheads are sweating coldly, Linglong muttered: "Father, if we all worship him as the Adoptive Father, the generations will be messed up. I will call you father then. Or brother..."

Skyscraping fiercely hammered him in the head, and said angrily: "I am your father too!"

Jiang Nan laughed involuntarily and stepped forward. , Said: "Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor, right? We don't choose either of the two roads you mentioned. If you want to play, play slowly by yourself and let's go!"

Skyscraping and Linglong are confused , Trembled: "Cult Master, don't die, at worst, bow our heads, we still worship him as the Adoptive Father......"

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "This old slut is bluffing us Well, I want us to worship him as an Adoptive Father, do things for him, and save him. He was suppressed by 99 planet chains left by Doaist Null-Void. Without Magic Power, afraid of a ball?"

Annihilation Demon Eye In, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor said with a smile: "junior, the chain of Null-Void can suppress my cultivation base, but I use Annihilation Demon Eye to kill the chain..."

Jiang Nanpower Blink your eyes, said with a smile: "Annihilation Demon Eye surrounds you and the chain, which not only consumes the power of the chain, but also consumes your power at the same time. With Annihilation Demon Eye surrounding you, even if you can use a bit of Magic Power, you cannot let Magic Power deliver Annihilation Demon Eye. You are now caught in Annihilation Demon Eye, I'm afraid you will get a ball? "

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor was furious, shouted: "little demon, you don't know my Divine Ability method, even Null-Void is afraid of me, and you don't hesitate to suppress me here..."

"Null-Void fears you? "

Jiang Nan lost said with a smile: "Doaist Null-Void has suppressed even the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, and even the Daoist Annihilation has been dismembered. Will he be jealous of you?" If he was jealous of you, he would have killed you a long time ago. He suppressed you here, just to know you were wrong. But if you tell me that you are wrong and worship me as an Adoptive Father, I can let you go. you consider it. "

The Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor was furious, and sternly said: "little demon, I want you..."

"Don't make a noise! "

Jiang Nan complexion sank, coldly said: "Under the whole world, on Annihilation Great Dao accomplishments, except for Daoist Annihilation, it's me! If you continue to talk, I will absorb the Annihilation Demon Eye that covers you, so that you don't know how to get out of trouble! "

Skyscraping and Linglong were so scared that they were pissed in one's pants in terror, trembling with fear, and waited for a long while, then the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor in Annihilation Demon Eye has no sound. I don't know if it was fainted or really not. Dare to offend Jiang Nan.

Skyscraping and Linglong hurriedly followed Jiang Nan, whispering: "Cult Master, this old monster...Uh, this old slut, really can’t use Magic Power? "

Jiang Nan stepped forward, said with a smile: "If he could use Magic Power, would he have so much nonsense?" We have been slaughtered a long time ago, so I can refining the planet chain and return to Primal Chaos Heaven Country to seek revenge on Null-Void. "

Dao Child Linglong swallowed his mouth and said: "Master, can you really absorb the Annihilation Demon Eye around him?" "

"It's okay to absorb refining, but if I get closer, I will definitely be killed by this guy. "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "On Fleshly Body, I am not his opponent. "

Dao Child Linglong glanced back and lost said with a smile: "Master, then why didn't he even dare to put a fart?" "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "It is estimated that I have been in jail for too long, so I don't think it divine light anymore. "

When the Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor heard this, Annihilation Demon Eye jumped up and down, angrily roared: "You come back stinking brat, and the old man will break your corpse into pieces!" You come back to me..."

Dao Child Linglong glanced sympathetically, and said, "How could Master go back? It seems that his brain is really not divine light..."

"When the old man is out of trouble, the old man will pinch you in his palm to squeeze the meat! "Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor screamed.

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch shook the head, sighing: "It's been suppressed for so long, it's pretty poor... Cult Master, can you kill him?" "

Jiang Nan thought for a while, shook his head and said: "If you can collect all the Annihilation Demon Eyes in this Abandoned Land and pile them all on his body, you can probably kill him. But collecting so many Annihilation Tribulation, even I do not have the ability..."

"... Juice the three of you! "Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor thundered and shouted.

The three shook the head, Jiang Nan said with a smile: "If there is a chance, it is better to kill him, lest he really get out of trouble in the future , Is not good for us. I don't want to be squeezed by him..."

Daoist Linglong stuck out his tongue and said, "Master, this place is so big, where should we go? "

Jiang Nan looked around and saw fragmented land and sky everywhere, Death Energy filled, everything was dead, the sun went out, the stars shattered, even Void was dead, nothing Any elasticity will break at the touch of a touch.

The Space here has been corroded and riddled with holes. The aura of Heaven and Human Five Wanings is shrouded in this place, filled with Primal Chaos Energy everywhere, and some places have become Danger Domain, terrifying matchless, even if Immortal Monarch falls into it, body dies and Dao disappears!

However, some places have not been destroyed by Annihilation Tribulation. There are still mountains and waters there, which is very strange .

"You go to find Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, I also want to find two old friends. "

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, two Primordial Beginning Energy flew out and fell into the two human bodies, said with a smile: "These two Primordial Beginning Energy include Annihilation Great Dao, which can protect you from being Annihilation Tribulation attacks, but you also need to avoid those Danger Domains. Senior Brother Skyscraping, Linglong, let’s separate and meet here then! "

————The second change! There is the third change in the evening! The double monthly pass is about to end, brothers who have monthly passes should vote!

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