Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1305

(It’s time to double the monthly pass. Brothers and sisters of Exalted-Emperor, please ask for a monthly pass! This is the first update, and today there is a second and third update!! Monthly pass! , Where is the monthly pass?)

In the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain, the cry of Crown Prince Southern Bright is touching. He knows that Jiang Nan, the Southern Streamer Immortal King, when he returned from Sea Prefecture, he angered himself and His subordinates have talked about his grudges with Jiang Nan.

At that time, the Southern Streamer Immortal King gambling with Jiang Nan twice, one bet lost to Mixed-Hump Prefecture and had to ceded Mixed-Hump Prefecture to Jiang Nan, the other time it was at Immortal Fire He lost to Jiang Nan in terms of attainments, and was regarded by him as an extraordinary shame and humiliation.

At that time, Crown Prince Southern Bright heard this grudge and had hatred Jiang Nan. If it weren't stopped by the Southern Streamer Immortal King, he would look for Jiang Nan's bad luck and find his place.

Southern Streamer Immortal King also has a hatred for Jiang Nan, which Crown Prince Southern Bright also knows.

However, the Southern Streamer Immortal King has a hatred for Jiang Nan, but he entrusted his only son to Jiang Nan, and Jiang Nan unexpectedly came here as promised, and there was a grudge against each other unexpectedly. The parents and children of the enemy are entrusted to the enemy, and the enemy unexpectedly comes willingly and fulfills his promise when the enemy's son has nothing!

Crown Prince Southern Bright cried, crying that he was betrayed by someone who thought he was a close relative. He originally thought he was a close relative. Instead of rescue, he killed him in order to cut weeds and eliminate the roots. Envoy sent for help, including his wife.

He is crying for someone who has nothing to do with or even hatred. For a promise, he came to help and help the enemy's son!

The former made him despair, and the latter gave him hope.

Who is the real righteous man?

Jiang Nan stood by his side, the silhouette shining on him, giving him a feeling of incomparably firmness, as if this person is standing here, even if the sky falls, he will protect his safety .

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven?"

Sovereign Yang Immortal King swept his eyes, coldly said: "Aren't you dead in Beginning Source Land?"

Jiang Nan is dumb, said with a smile: "You guys are not dead, how could I die in Beginning Source Land?"

Sovereign Yang Immortal King coldly snorted, said indifferently: "Mystic Heaven , Do you know that I got a great chance in Beginning Source Land, now I am not what I used to be, and my achievements are no worse than Southern Streamer Immortal King!"

Vast Sky Immortal King said with a slight smile "In Beginning Source Land, although many Immortal Kings died, they also created many formidable existences, such as me."

"Mystic Heaven, you hypocritically come to help, what kind of support, what Taking care is nothing more than thinking about the territory of the Southern Streamer Immortal King and wanting to annex it!"

Hearing Moon Immortal King, said with a smile, said with a smile: "Your plan can be hidden from the Crown Prince."

Hearing Moon Immortal King Southern Bright, I can’t hide it from us!"

On the side, the six newly promoted Immortal Kings looked at Jiang Nan, and a newly promoted Immortal King said with a smile:" Cult Master Mystic Heaven? Mystic Prefecture should be in your name, right? Mystic Prefecture Spiritual Energy has been increasing recently. It is said that Mystic Prefecture will also be re-divided into three Immortal Prefectures. You are powerless to defend yourself and you want to take Southern Streamer Immortal P refecture? "

"Doesn't he know if he is looking for a way out for himself?" "

A Female Immortal King said with a smile: "His Mystic Prefecture is gone, and he just came to swallow the Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture. ”

The two Immortal Kings have never entered the Beginning Source Land, and have never seen Jiang Nan’s awe-inspiring, and Sovereign Yang, Vast Sky and Hearing Moon have also boarded the stone pillar early. When jade talisman was exhausted, he was reported to be out of Beginning Source Land. I have never seen the horror of Jiang Nan's action.

But there is a young Immortal King who has seen Jiang Nan and his palace in Beginning Source Land. In addition, the Eight Immortal Monarchs were bombarded with Fleshly Body twice, and even the Dao Fruit of the Deep Black Immortal Monarch was killed by him, soul flies away and scatters, completely dead!

This Immortal King His face changed abruptly, and he quietly stepped back.

Jiang Nan blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting, when present life, among the living, those who dare to speak to me like this are already It's really not much. Because of the people who talked to me like this, I killed them all. But this time, I can give you a chance. "

Sovereign Yang Immortal King laughed heartily, Vast Sky Immortal King also sneered, as if hearing the most ridiculous joke.

"Mystic Heaven, you probably don’t know our strength yet. ! "

Sovereign Yang Immortal King laughed off, and the complexion suddenly sank, coldly said: "We are now, equivalent to three Eight Immortal Kings powerhouses, what are you? Actually dare to say to give us a chance! I want to see, how do you give us this opportunity! "

Jiang Nan doesn't care. Standing at his height, he can no longer be angry with the existence of Sovereign Yang, Vast Sky, like a few mole crickets and ants provoking him, if he is unhappy , Step on to death, why bother to get angry?

"This opportunity is..."

Jiang Nan looked towards Crown Prince Southern Bright and whispered: "You want me to kill They, for you are the loyal people of Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture, or do you want to keep them alive, wait for your strength in the future, and seek their revenge yourself? "

Crown Prince Southern Bright startled, looked up towards Sovereign Yang, Hearing Moon and the others, with pain and hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I want to avenge myself and ask Cult Master to do it." "

Jiang Nan smiled on his face and praised: "Your father Southern Streamer Immortal King fought with me back then, and lost both bets. If you change to someone else, I'm afraid you will turn your face at that time. If you don’t turn your face, you have to stay outside the Sea Prefecture, waiting to take my life. But he rushed away angrily, did not kill halfway, and later did not attack me because of this. You are like a father. "

"Mystic Heaven, are you enough?" "

Vast Sky Immortal King laughed heartily, suddenly offering his Magical Treasure, I saw a bamboo basket flying up, and countless fireballs flying out of the bamboo basket, turning into countless Immortal Suns across the sky, extremely hot !

"If you say enough, you can die! "

Vast Sky Immortal King furiously shouted, countless Immortal Suns melted the Void into a Great Sun Refining Demon Formation, shrouded the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain, said with a smile: "I didn’t die at Beginning Source Land is your luck, but today you are going to die here, in my hands! "

Sovereign Yang Immortal King and Hearing Moon Immortal King and the others smiled. Watching this scene, Hearing Moon Immortal King said leisurely: "Daoist Brother Vast Sky's strength is really improved, but this set Magical Treasure is difficult to train. If he has enough materials to raise the Great Sun Refining Demon Formation to the Immortal King Great Perfection level, it will probably be impossible for even Immortal Monarch..."

She said Before I finished talking, I saw a big bell gradually raised in Jiang Nan's eyebrows, and it instantly turned into the size of a big house.

bang ——

The big bell vibrated, clear and clear.


Melodious, the Great Sun Refining Demon Formation was suddenly swept away and all annihilated.


Vast Sky Immortal King burst into pieces, turning into a ball of blood mist, and then Sovereign Yang The Immortal King Fleshly Body exploded, and the Hearing Moon Immortal King and the five newly promoted Immortal Kings burst into pieces one after another!

The bell sound spread, and in an instant it spread hundreds of millions of miles, catching up Just now that recognized the young Immortal King of Jiang Nan flying away.


that Immortal King exploded and was crushed in the air.

Jiang Nan probed his hand, Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell fell into his palm, and said to the puzzling Crown Prince Southern Bright: "Don't worry, I didn't kill them, I still keep their Dao Fruit. Cut them off once, just because they were rude to me. "

Crown Prince Southern Bright was silent for a moment, looked at all around, and saw that the originally sacred Trigram Fire Immortal Domain had been blood dyed red at this moment. There were ruined walls everywhere, and familiar faces everywhere. It's just that these familiar faces have turned into cold corpse.

"Teacher, please accept me. "He leaned over and bowed, and kowtowed.

"Do you want to worship me Master?" "

Jiang Nan was stunned, waving his sleeves lightly, Crown Prince Southern Bright involuntarily got up, somewhat dejectedly said: "If it was in the past, I would accept you as a disciple, but now my path is no longer found A discíple that can inherit my Legacy. "

He stood silent for a long time, his eyes were far-reaching, and he whispered softly: "No more, no discíple, no fellow Fellow Daoist...this road is destined to be only me... …"

Crown Prince Southern Bright looked at him and felt that although this man was cheerful, full of wisdom and domineering, and no lack of friends, he was lonely.

One This kind goes deep into the heart, deep into the loneliness of soul.

"i am Divinity. "

Jiang Nan turned his head and looked towards him, said with a slight smile, becoming more and more lonely: "the only divinity."

"Southern Streamer Immortal King himself laid down Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture, Commander South Nine Great Prefecture, built from scratch. If you have the patience, give up here and go with me. Whoever loves to fight for this land will let anyone fight for it. In the future, if you have the strength, you will come back to reclaim this place and re-establish the glory of Southern Streamer Clan. "

Crown Prince Southern Bright followed Jiang Nan to leave and arrived at Mystic Prefecture Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain. Jiang Nan called Dao Child Linglong and Daoist Ha, and asked: "That twelve-year-old has a big breast Little girl, have you come back to find me? "

Dao Child Linglong and Daoist Ha's faces are even more weird, and they shook their heads and said: "Master, I have never seen that woman." "

"Where did the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother go?" "

Jiang Nan was puzzled and said to Crown Prince Southern Bright: "You stay in Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain. When the big breasted girl comes back, she said that I asked you to worship her Master. She will definitely Teach you carefully, so that you have enough strength to take revenge and wipe out a grudge. "

"Twelve or thirteen-year-old girl with big breasts? "

Crown Prince Southern Bright also inwardly grumbled, saying: "Cult Master, I wonder if I can change to Master?" "

"In my Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but they have very high requirements for discíple, such as Heavenly King Xi, he requires discíple's aptitude perception to be superior. If you don’t agree with your request, then For example, Dao King, his requirements for discíple are more demanding, he must be someone with Universe Heaven and Earth in mind. Another example is East Pole Immortal King, whose requirements for discíple are perfect, and you are obviously not qualified. "

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Another example is Dao Child Linglong. He requires discíple to be able to eat, and it is Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. Southern Bright, the Master I chose for you is more powerful than them, and not demanding. Following her is more than a hundred times better than me, but it's a bit hard to suffer. "

Crown Prince Southern Bright looked at Small Daoist Child Linglong, thought: "Is this brat also a great expert?" "

Dao Child Linglong is smug and proud.

Jiang Nan instructed: "Master has to go out and will come back in a few days. Tell the others to stay here. , Waiting to meet the old friend. "

Dao Child Linglong hurriedly said: "Master, where is this going?" "

"Lesser Realm. "

Jiang Nan's feet gently stifled, and the Immortal Realm Barrier suddenly split, and a lot of Thunder Sea appeared, and then Thunder Sea was also stepped on by him, revealing a road leading directly to the Three Realms!

"Now, I have a foothold in Immortal Realm, Xuanwei, Zhe'er, Jun'er, Three Deficiencies, Lingdao Zi, Hua Zhenyuan...My old friends, Emperor Mystic is back! "

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