Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1304

That powerhouse shrouded in immortal light couldn’t help but be overjoyed. He couldn’t dissolve the karma by himself, but Daoist Annihilation could. As the existence that destroys everything, refining the karma entangled in Dao Fruit It's not difficult!

"The discíple must live up to the high expectations!"

Immortal Realm 7th Void, Jiang Nan passed the Immortal Exalted Palace and saw Empyrean Origin Immortal City, his heart moved slightly: "Daoist Brother Heavenly Origin I take so much care of me. It’s rare to enter the Immortal Exalted Palace. It’s better to go in and visit him and thank him."

Empyrean Origin Immortal City is occupying enormous land, but there are very few people inside. The vast Immortal City has only Some Immortal Crane, Immortal Dragon and other rare beasts. Jiang Nan waited outside the city for a while before Daoist Ban Yuan greeted him in a panic, saying with a smile: "Cult Master, you finally came out of Beginning Source Land! Beginning Source Land has been closed for several months, and many people thought you were dead inside!"

Jiang Nan was also quite happy to see him return safely from Beginning Source Land, said with a smile: "Where is Senior Sister Zhong?"

Zhong Xiuxiu and Daoist Ban Yuan entered the Beginning Source Land together, and now I only see Daoist Ban Yuan but not Zhong Xiuxiu, which makes him a little worried.

"Junior Sister Zhong heard that Mystic Prefecture has the Underground Palace opened, which is the nest of Primeval Dao Monarch. It is empty inside, so energetic and bustling ran over to hunt for treasure. There are also many Immortal Monarch Immortal King True Immortal, They all rushed over."

Daoist Ban Yuan welcomed him into Empyrean Origin Immortal City, made tea in person, said with a smile: "Cult Master, you didn’t come by coincidence, Great Master Empyrean Origin just left, if so You can meet him Senior a moment in advance."

"My Mystic Prefecture Underground Palace is open? And it is Primeval Dao Monarch's lair?"

Jiang Nan took the tea, He took a sip, was a little surprised, pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't they know, Mystic Prefecture is my territory? They went to my territory to hunt for treasure and asked me if this landlord is there?"

Daoist Ban Yuan smiled bitterly, and said: "Cult Master, everyone else has left Beginning Source Land, but you haven't shown up for more than three months. Many people think you are dead. This time, Beginning Source Land has enabled many people to become Immortal King. Many old Immortal Kings have fallen, and the chaos of Immortal Realm is gradually rising. Some newly promoted Immortal Kings are competing for Immortal Realm's borderless land, Central Eight Prefectures, Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture, and other various prefectures are all competing for Immortal Kings. Some people even suggested two palaces, suggesting that Mystic Prefecture be taken out, re-divided, cut into three sections, and divided into three Immortal Prefectures. Among the two palaces, many Immortal Monarchs are nodd ed. "

"Carve up my territory? "

Jiang Nan showed a smile on his face and said indifferently: "My Mystic Prefecture has a lot of people, and if I don't grab other people's territory, their ancestors will burn incense, and some people actually Dare to grab my territory! "

Daoist Ban Yuan was stunned: "Cult Master is booming again. Mystic Prefecture has less than 20 people. Where are there so many people? "

"When will Daoist Brother Heavenly Origin return?" "Jiang Nan drank a cup of Immortal Tea, put down the teacup, and asked.

"I don't know. The Master has always appeared and disappear unpredictably. Sometimes he goes to other Immortal Monarch's Immortal City to catch the autumn breeze, sometimes he goes to the Uninhabited Zone to search for treasure, and sometimes it disappears for hundreds of years. No one knows when he will appear. "

Jiang Nan sat for a moment, got up to say goodbye, and said, "Fellow Daoist thank you Daoist Brother Heavenly Origin for taking care of me over the years. Zichuan has nothing else but hundreds of millions of talented soldiers. There is a need, despite the command. "

Daoist Ban Yuan quickly agreed, got up and sent him away, wondering in his heart: "The boosting of Cult Master is getting bigger and bigger. There were just a lot of people, but now it is hundreds of millions. "

Jiang Nan left Immortal Exalted Palace, entered Immortal Emperor Palace again, and walked to Profound Metropolis Immortal City. Profound Metropolis Immortal Monarch was not in Immortal City either, Blossoming Lotus Monster Venerable and Battle Heaven Demon Venerable hurriedly before To welcome, there is an old acquaintance, but it is Old Ancestor Profound-Yellow.

All three of them have achieved True Immortal, and the cultivation base is extremely formidable, especially Old Ancestor Profound-Yellow. Reaching the edge of the Immortal King Boundary, Dao Fruit Dao Palace has opened up more than half of it and will soon cultivate successfully Immortal King.

Jiang Nan has met three old friends, everyone drank and had fun, and had a good time. Jiang Nan asked to resign. Take out the three Immortal Dao multi-colored light from Beginning Source Land and give it to the three people, said with a smile: "Thanks to the care of Profound Metropolis Immortal Monarch, Zichuan presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers, please also three Daoist Brothers to accept it. This three Immortal Dao multi-colored light can help the three Daoist Brothers to open up the Dao Fruit Dao Palace and make the Immortal King easier. "

The three people quickly thanked him and sent him out of the Immortal Emperor Palace.

Jiang Nan passed through the Void Layers and entered Immortal Realm before long and returned to Mystic Prefecture Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain, Immortal Domain is empty, only Daoist Linglong and Daoist Ha stay in Immortal Domain.

Jiang Nan asked, but Profound Metropolis Immortal Monarch took everyone from Immortal Domain to go In that Underground Underground Palace, the Great Dao of Comprehend Monk Era.

Xi Yingqing, Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel and the others returned, also went to Underground Palace, and Old Daoist Purple Firmament went to Central Eight Prefectures, seize their territory and retake the Innate Thunder Sea Immortal Domain.

"Is there a little girl, twelve or thirteen years old, but with a big breast, came to find me? "Jiang Nan asked.

Daoist Linglong and Daoist Ha looked at each other, shook their heads, and silently curse in their hearts: "Master, hobby is getting more and more weird, and I don't know what little evil spirits have been hooked up." "

Jiang Nan was surprised: "Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was also reported out of Beginning Source Land, where did this dead girl go?" Still leave her alone, I will first go to Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture to complete the entrustment of Southern Streamer Immortal King before his death. "

Before he died, Southern Streamer Immortal King told him that he had a son named Southern Bright, and asked Jiang Nan to take care of him.

Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture is away from Mystic Prefecture Extremely far away, in the south pole of Immortal Realm, Jiang Nan stretched out the palm and swiped it lightly, and saw the heavy Void of Immortal Realm crack open, and the 6-layer Void broke apart!

Strength, if you want to make a full shot, opening the 7th Void is nothing difficult, but it is enough to use the 6th Void to drive on.

He walks through the 6th Void, looks down, looks through the heavy Void, and immortal Realm's income, I saw that Immortal Realm is really fighting. Many young Immortal Kings are fighting for the land of no owner, but some are attacking the land of the owner, trying to snatch the territory of the older generation of Immortal King.

"The opening of Beginning Source Land this time has created a youngster light expert, and also created a few Immortal Monarchs. The ambition for strength improvement is also increasing, and Immortal Realm will inevitably be in chaos for a while. "

It didn't take long before Jiang Nan came to Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture.

Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture is extremely rich, much richer than other Southern Streamer eight prefectures, Southern Streamer Immortal King Upon death, the tribe of the Southern Streamer Immortal King could hardly continue to control the Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture. Today, the factions of the Southern Streamer Immortal King are dead and scattered, and only a few diehards still protect themselves by the Crown Prince Southern Bright, the son of the Southern Streamer Immortal King. Still struggling.

"The great formation left by the Southern Streamer Immortal King is indeed fierce. The trifling people, with the help of the great formation and Trigram Fire Immortal Domain, can resist us for so long! "

Outside the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain, I saw a few young Immortal Kings standing in the air, looking at the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain.

How many of these people are Several young powerhouses of Proving Dao Immortal King in Beginning Source Land, others are the rising stars of Immortal Realm who have just been promoted to Immortal King.

Eight Immortal Kings has attained the position of Immortal Monarch and is now cultivate successfully Immortal King is not as difficult as it used to be.

Seven Immortal Monarch was suppressed by Profound Metropolis, but the road to Immortal King has been passed, and there are still many people in Immortal Realm who have achieved Immortal King. However, they can achieve Immortal King. After all, King’s is still as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. You must have superb aptitude and vigorous accumulation to achieve this step.

And these few people are such geniuses!


The six young Immortal Kings stared at the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain. They were far away from each other. Obviously they were not all the way. They all planned to snatch the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain and become the Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture Lord.

Trigram Fire Immortal Domain is not the Innate Immortal Domain, but it has the layout of the Southern Streamer Immortal King during his lifetime. Numerous crimson flags flew from the Immortal Domain and laid a scarlet flame. The great formation was able to block these six Immortal Kings. Down.

However, the former subordin of the Southern Streamer Immortal King in Immortal Domain The ates had suffered heavy casualties, and there were corpse everywhere, but they were killed by six Immortal Kings. Crown Prince Southern Bright was covered in blood, standing in the center of the Immortal Domain, with six or seven elder True Immortal guarding him.

Several of them gasping for breath, they have died several times. The Immortal Liquid Immortal Energy in the Immortal Domain has been exhausted. This is their last life. After this death, there is not enough Immortal Liquid. Resurrection, they only have a dead end!

"They can't support it anymore!"

The six young Immortal Kings radiate all around in their eyes, and they all set off suddenly, breaking into the Immortal Domain again, with flags. One after another broke, six Immortal Kings like a hot knife through butter rushed into the Immortal Domain.

Beside the Crown Prince Southern Bright, the seven elders True Immortal roared in anger, hair stands up in anger, and greeted them, preferring to be broken, and sternly said: "Young Master, go, let's stop him!"

An Immortal King stretched out his hand and just listened to a light sound of Bo, that old True Immortal's head exploded and the corpse was lying on the ground.

Crown Prince Southern Bright red eyes, rushed forward, and stood in front of the remaining six elder True Immortal, surrounded by Immortal Fire raging, roaring: "I won’t go, I’ve already I ordered people to move to Southern Streamer and other Great Prefectures to rescue soldiers, Sovereign Yang Immortal King, Vast Sky Immortal King, they are my father’s life and death friends, they will definitely come to rescue!"

"Do you think Will they really come to help?"

An old True Immortal smiled sadly: "If they wanted to come, they would have come!"

An old True Immortal fell down again and again. Down, he was killed on the spot, only Crown Prince Southern Bright was left to sacrifice the Magical Treasure Southern Bright Trigram Fire Sword left by the Southern Streamer Immortal King.

This sword is made by the Southern Streamer Immortal King. The Southern Streamer Immortal King is the impeccable Immortal King. The Magical Treasure power he made is so strong and powerful that six young Immortal Kings are making it for a moment. Unable to succeed.

He was beaten to vomit blood again and again, but he still kept fighting, burning the source again and again to fight the six Immortal Kings.

However, this is just a futile struggle, and he is doomed to defeat.

"Hehe, it's finally time to collect the fruits."

Suddenly a voice sounded, and the six young Immortal King complexion slightly changed, shouted in unison: "Who?"


A dragon whiskers big person appeared in the Trigram Fire Immortal Domain, hehe said with a smile: "The youngster is a youngster after all. I am eager to shoot, but I don't know that it is to remove the obstacles for me."

His aura is extremely powerful, impressively the Peak powerhouse among the Immortal Kings, far better than these six young Immortal Kings. Crown Prince Southern Bright saw this big person, his body was shocked, his eyes showed despair, hoarsely said: "Uncle Sovereign Yang, what do you mean? My father and you are friends of life and death..."

Sovereign Yang Immortal King said with a smile: "That is your father, not you. Your father is dead, and I am also very heartbroken, but his life and death will be broken. Virtuous nephew, you Don’t blame Uncle, Uncle didn’t kill you personally, but used their hands to eradicate your father’s former subordinates. It’s already thinking of the old feelings."

Crown Prince Southern Bright complexion pale, suddenly just listening A voice said with a smile: "Sovereign Yang Immortal King, you are such a ruthless method. I actually want to use these six little demons to kill all the Southern Streamer lineage, and pick the fruit by myself!"

Crown Prince Southern Bright showed joy on his face and turned his head to look: "Uncle Vast Sky, you are finally here..."

Sovereign Yang Immortal King said with a smile: "Daoist Brother Vast Sky , You are not hiding in the dark, waiting for the last bargain?"

Vast Sky Immortal King walked out of the Void, said with a slight smile: "Hearing Moon Immortal King, how long do you plan to hide?"

A Female Immortal King giggled and walked out of the void.

Crown Prince Southern Bright's face became paler, and he trembled: "Aunt Yue, you...why? You are all old friends of my father, both of whom are Immortal Kings of Southern Streamer Nine Prefectures. Why do you do this? Why do you want to betray my father..."

"virtuous nephew, don't you understand?"

Hearing Moon Immortal King said softly: "When the people go tea and cool, tree falls, the monkeys scatter, you don’t have the strength of Commander Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture and you don’t want to quit. Then we have no choice but to follow the boat and kill you with their hands, and then occupy Southern Streamer Immortal Prefecture."

Crown Prince Southern Bright's face was distorted, and suddenly he knelt down and said: "Uncle everyone, I will let Neizi go to you for help."

Sovereign Yang, Vast Sky and the others looked at it with pity. He, as if watching an insignificant mole crickets and ants, Hearing Moon Immortal King sighed, said softly: "You know how to cut weeds and eliminate the roots!"

Crown Prince Southern Bright Tears Mixed blood flowed down, with a sword in one hand, his body trembling constantly, laughed heartily, his eyes were full of despair, like madness.

All betrayal, this is the betrayal!

He stood up and looked at the many Immortal Kings all around, making people afraid to look directly at him, as if seeing this look makes him feel ashamed.

"I'm going to die on my father's land, who of you will kill me?"

Hearing Moon Immortal King felt unbearable and turned his head away. Vast Sky Immortal King sighed and said: "I'll come."

At this time, only a soft voice came, and it was clearly heard in everyone's ears: "Are you Crown Prince Southern Bright? "

Jiang Nan walked out of the Void and came to Crown Prince Southern Bright. His eyes were warm and he seemed to possess the calming ability of making person Dao Heart. He said: "When your father is dying, entrust you to me. I'm looking for you."

"Are you?" Crown Prince Southern Bright asked when seeing his gaze, the mental state suddenly quieted down.

"My name is Cult Master Mystic Heaven, and I had a feud with your father. You must have heard him mention me?" Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Crown Prince Southern Bright was taken aback, looked at Sovereign Yang, Hearing Moon and the others, and then at Jiang Nan in front of him. Suddenly he knelt down and sat down, crying.

————It is only four thousand words short of a hundred words, tears rushing, and a penny less...

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