Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 99 White-haired girl

Shen Qinghan followed Yuan Dongzhi and walked into a testing room in front.

Not long after, she returned.

"So fast?"

Lin Zichen was a little confused.

Shen Qinghan pressed his arm with a cotton swab, sat down next to him and said, "After I went in, I was only asked to draw three tubes of blood. After drawing, I was asked to come out and wait for the results."

"Oh my God, it's so much to draw three tubes of blood. Who can bear this?"

Li Chuxin on the side felt scared when he heard it, and couldn't help but complain like this.

Shen Qinghan smiled bitterly: "I really can't stand it. My hands are a little numb now."

He Yu also felt a little strange: "Logically speaking, one tube of blood is enough for a retest. I don't understand why three tubes of blood are required."

While a few people were chatting, the teacher leading the team came up to ask about the situation, wondering what the leader of the Provincial Teaching Department suddenly came to ask Shen Qinghan for.

Lin Zichen answered for Shen Qinghan, saying that the test results were a bit abnormal and that he had to retake the test.

As for the specific situation, he didn't say much to the teacher in charge.

As time passes by minute by minute.

Not long after, the gene fusion fitness test in the entire base was completed.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Dongzhi walked out of the testing room.

At this time, the expression on her face was obviously different from before. It was no longer cold and cold when she first came to the base, but turned into excitement and excitement, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"College Yuan."

Seeing Yuan Dongzhi approaching, the leading teacher of Shanhai Middle School immediately stood up straight and shouted nervously.

Lin Zichen and others also shouted.

Yuan Dongzhi put away the smile on his face and said to the leading teacher of Shanhai Middle School: "I have something to deal with next, Shen Qinghan. You can take the other candidates back to school first. I will send someone to take care of them after I finish it." She goes home."

"I know about Colonel Yuan."

After finishing speaking, the leading teacher of Shanhai Middle School turned and left, going to organize those students who had finished the gene fusion fitness test and did not participate in the mechanical modification fitness test in the afternoon to get back to school.

When He Yu and Li Chuxin saw this, they both followed the leading teacher.

Lin Zichen didn't leave and wanted to stay with Shen Qinghan at the base.

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Classmate Shen Qinghan, let's go and have a chat with me inside."

Shen Qinghan said "hmm" and followed her into the director's office.

Lin Zichen waited outside silently, using his mobile phone to explain the situation to Zhang Wanxin and Xu Meng, telling the two mothers that he and Shen Qinghan would not be able to go back until later.

In the director's office.

Yuan Dongzhi changed from his usual aloofness and said with a smile on his face: "Classmate Shen Qinghan, the test results are out, the three test tubes are all 21%."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan's hanging heart finally dropped.

During the time she was waiting outside, she had been worried and scared.

I'm afraid that the result won't be 21%, and that the previous 21% was wrong, and the actual score is not even 10%.

Yuan Dongzhi continued: "The gene fusion fitness scores of the entire Nanjiang Province have been released. Your 21% is the best, which is 6% higher than the second place."

"To be honest, if I hadn't watched and retested three times with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that this 21% was real."

"After all, since the college entrance examination, the highest record is only 18%. Many experts have speculated that human beings' adaptability to the genes of alien beasts may not exceed 20%."

"However, the results you tested today completely overturn this statement. This is very shocking. Once it is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation across the country."

"However, your results are too exaggerated and should not be announced."

"So, I just changed it to 16% for you, which can just exceed the 15% of the second place, allowing you to retain the title of provincial champion."

Yuan Dongzhi took a sip of tea and continued: "You must have heard of that Kyoto genius who has been marketing for many years, right?"

"Yeah, I've heard of it."

Shen Qinghan nodded.

Yuan Dongzhi put down the tea cup and said: "Almost the whole country knows about this genius in Kyoto, but what many people don't know is that he has been attacked by pagans since he was a child because of his big tree attracting wind. He even almost died once."

"His family background is strong enough to provide him with enough protection. If a child from an ordinary family were to be marketed, he would be attacked so many times by pagans. The grass on his grave would be two meters high by now."

"The mechanical genius girl who was marketing with him later is a good example."

"News reports say that this mechanical genius girl suffered from physical problems due to premature mechanical modification."

"But the truth is that she was attacked by heretics and her body was broken into two parts. If the Mecha Group hadn't rescued her, she would have been dead long ago."

Yuan Dongzhi warned: "I am telling you all this mainly because I want to tell you that becoming the provincial champion is certainly something to be proud of, but it is good for you and your family to know about it. Don't publicize it too much. Avoid being a big tree and being targeted by heretics, do you understand?”

Shen Qinghan nodded: "I understand."

This was the first time she heard these unknown things.

None of this was ever said on the news.

Before today, she had always felt that the news was very transparent, and many news related to alien beasts would be reported in a very realistic way.

Unexpectedly, I am still too young, so many things will not be announced to the public.

The world is more complex than it seems.

But she couldn't figure it out. What was there to hide about being attacked by a cult?

Are there any secrets here that cannot be revealed?

I can't understand it at all.

Forget it, when I get home, I will tell Xiao Chen all this and let Xiao Chen think about it...

Shen Qinghan thought silently in his heart.

Lin Zichen was her childhood sweetheart and her encyclopedia. If there was anything she didn't understand, just ask Lin Zichen.

From childhood to adulthood, she has always relied on Lin Zichen, more than relying on her parents.

"Okay, after talking so much, it's time to get down to business."

The expression on Yuan Dongzhi's face became serious.

Business? What's the business?

Shen Qinghan was confused at first, then nervous, and sat upright.

Yuan Dongzhi said without any nonsense, he went straight to the point and said: "Your gene fusion talent is very high, I want to accept you as my disciple."

"Ah?" Shen Qinghan was confused.

Yuan Dongzhi didn't explain much to her, but simply said calmly: "As my apprentice, you can easily do what I used to do when I walked on the waves outside the base."

"This happened so suddenly. I was completely unprepared. Can I think about it..."

Shen Qinghan said weakly.

She couldn't make up her mind and wanted to ask Lin Zichen's opinion later before making a decision.

However, Yuan Dongzhi has a very domineering personality and made a unilateral decision:

"There is nothing to consider. Being my apprentice has only advantages and no disadvantages."

"From this moment on, you and I have a master-disciple relationship."

"My identity is not only the minister of the Provincial Teaching Headquarters, but also the vice president of Shanhai University. You should go to Shanhai University for college."

After talking to himself, Yuan Dongzhi asked Shen Qinghan: "Do you have anything to say?"

Shen Qinghan opened his mouth to say something, but found that he had no idea what to say.

In the end, he could only purse his thin lips, shake his head weakly and said: "No..."

She has always been weak in character, but under Yuan Dongzhi's domineering attitude, she muddleheadedly recognized this master.

"I don't like tedious things, and I like to simplify everything I do. Therefore, it is enough to verbally agree on the master-disciple relationship. There is no need for apprenticeship or anything like that."

After Yuan Dongzhi finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, scanned it, and then said: "Come on, let's add WeChat."

Shen Qinghan obediently took out her phone and opened the WeChat QR code for her to scan.

After adding friends for a while, Shen Qinghan felt confused and didn't know what he was doing.

Although he didn't know Yuan Dongzhi at all, he somehow recognized him as his master.

This is so sloppy...

Shen Qinghan was extremely depressed. She felt that she was too soft-tempered and had been led by others from beginning to end, and she didn't know how to refuse at all.

"By the way, besides you, I have another disciple."

"She entered the profession ten years earlier than you, but she is about the same age as you and is also a girl. You two should be able to chat easily."

"But she is not here now, and she cannot use electronic products where she is, and she probably won't be back for a while. When there is a chance in the future, I will arrange for you two to meet."

"I have a photo of her on my phone. I'll send it to you to see what she looks like."

With that said, Yuan Dongzhi sent a photo to Shen Qinghan on WeChat.

Shen Qinghan opened the photo curiously, and what came into view was a tall girl of the same age.

The girl's hair is snow-white, there is no smile on her face, and her eyes are very oppressive. She is holding a blood-stained spear in her hand, and lying at her feet is a strange beast that is bigger than an elephant. She looks very... impact.

Shen Qinghan didn't recognize the strange beast in the photo, but the white-haired girl in the photo looked familiar.

The moment she saw the other person, memories from her second grade in elementary school suddenly emerged from the depths of her mind.

This is... Bai Xue?

Shen Qinghan stared blankly at the white-haired girl in the photo, with disbelief on her face.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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