Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 98 The Dragon-Slaying Family

The terrifying huge waves are rushing towards the scientific research base at a very fast speed.

The huge noise was heard by everyone in the base.

"There's a woman on the waves!"

"She has a pair of dragon horns, she is a dragon girl!"

"So beautiful!"

Suddenly a candidate shouted, his face full of shock.

The candidate switched his cell phone camera to telescope mode and clearly saw the woman on the huge wave from a distance of several thousand meters.

Upon hearing this, everyone followed the voice and looked towards the examinee.

Seeing him using his mobile phone as a telescope, many people remembered that mobile phones have this function.

So, they all took out their mobile phones, switched the cameras to telescope mode, and carefully looked at the dragon girl walking on the waves.

Lin Zichen followed suit when he saw this.

Soon, he saw the woman walking on the waves.

She seemed to be in her early forties, with a cold ladylike face. She was wearing a blue and white porcelain cheongsam, revealing a pair of plump and long white legs. She exuded a charming temperament all over her body.

At first glance, it feels like a sexy stepmother in an urban novel, a beautiful lady in a martial arts novel, or a cold fairy master in a fairy tale, which makes people full of daydreams.

"By the way, will those tens of meters high waves collapse the base?"

Suddenly, a candidate said this.

The next moment, other candidates in the base panicked and realized the seriousness of the problem.

They all recovered from the shock, and the expressions on their faces turned into panic.

"It's over. That woman is walking faster and faster on the waves. I'm afraid the heretics are coming to attack the college entrance examination examination room and kill all us candidates!"

"No way, don't scare me!"

"I don't want to die yet. I have studied hard for so many years and finally finished the college entrance examination. I still want to enjoy college life!"

More and more candidates began to panic and became restless.

It wasn't until the person in charge of the base came out and said that the woman on the giant wave was the leader of the provincial teaching headquarters that the candidates' emotions were able to stabilize.

at the same time.

He Yu, who had been carefully observing the woman through his mobile phone camera, finally recognized the woman's identity.

He said to Lin Zichen and others beside him:

"Team members, I know who the beautiful woman on the huge waves is. She is Yuan Dongzhi, the vice president of Shanhai University."

After speaking, he immediately showed his knowledge to the team members and introduced Yuan Dongzhi.

"Let me tell you, this woman has an incredible background. She comes from a thousand-year-old martial arts family in Nanjiang Province - the Yuan family."

"The Yuan family was originally just a martial arts family in Shanhai City, and could only dominate Shanhai City."

"But after entering the era of gene fusion, the Yuan family gave birth to many powerful gene fusions, and the family's strength was greatly improved. Decades ago, it became the largest family in Nanjiang Province and became a dominant prince."

"Did you see the dragon horns on that woman's head?"

"When I was at home in Nanguan City, I once heard my grandfather say that the Yuan family had killed dragons and fused the dragon genes into the younger generations of the family, creating many water-attribute gene fusions that could control water. "

"And this woman is one of them."

After saying this, He Yu looked at the three team members beside him expectantly, hoping to see a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Li Chuxin rolled her eyes at him angrily: "Okay, okay, I know you are well-informed."

Shen Qinghan admired him from the bottom of his heart: "He Yu, you know a lot."

He Yu felt so happy when he heard it, and thought it was so cool to pretend it was so real!

After that, he continued to show off:

"It's necessary. I am the son of the He family in Nanguan City. I am very knowledgeable."

“I know a lot of big names inside and out, even big names that have never appeared on a television screen.”

"If you have any related questions in the future, you can consult me ​​at any time."

When saying these last words, He Yu looked specifically at Lin Zichen, trying to get the approval of the forced king.

However, Lin Zichen was deep in thought at the moment and subconsciously ignored He Yu beside him.

Water attribute gene fusion person?

Then the woman outside who was controlling the huge waves and approaching the base at high speed, was she here for Shen Qinghan?

After all, Shen Qinghan had just tested a 21% gene fusion fitness, and this woman came.

The other party is the vice president of Shanhai University and the leader of the provincial teaching department. In addition, her family is full of water-attribute gene fusion people. The combined experience of the three identities probably allowed her to see Shen Qinghan's gene fusion adaptation. The reason why the measurement is so high.

And this is probably why she came here on the huge waves.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel worried. He didn't know whether Yuan Dongzhi's arrival was a good thing or a bad thing.

Just as he was thinking about this, there was a burst of panic from the candidates in the base.

It was Yuan Dongzhi who controlled the huge waves and rushed outside the base.

A huge wave tens of meters high hovered in front of the base door, covering the sky and the sun, shrouding the entire base in shadow.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Zichen was shocked.

A huge wave tens of meters high can be controlled by a human being at will. What kind of strength does it take to do this?

High-level powerhouse?

A rare powerhouse?

Or...an epic powerhouse?

At this moment, Lin Zichen suddenly felt very small, and deeply realized that he could only dominate the school at this stage.

After leaving the campus, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Outside the base.

Yuan Dongzhi just had a thought and sent the huge waves tens of meters high under his feet back into the sea.

Afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, he walked elegantly towards the base.

During this period, her pair of slender white legs swayed under the split cheongsam, which was very eye-catching and made many teenagers in their adolescence get excited.

As soon as she entered, she looked at the person in charge of the base and said, "Director Gao, please help me bring a candidate named Shen Qinghan here."

Just a moment.

The bespectacled director of the Mediterranean brought Shen Qinghan to Yuan Dongzhi and said with a smile on his face: "Principal Yuan, this girl is the Shen Qinghan you are looking for."

Shen Qinghan didn't know what was going on now and felt a little overwhelmed. He could only look at Lin Zichen standing next to him with a look of helplessness.

Lin Zichen held her hand and comforted her: "It should be related to your gene fusion suitability. It's probably not a bad thing. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan felt a little more relaxed.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi said to her: "This classmate, there may be some problems with your gene fusion fitness score. You will have to retest with me."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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