Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 94 Fitness Test

In the silent forest.

Lin Zichen looked at the boy lying motionless on the ground, completely fainted, with surprise on his face.

Isn’t it 6 seconds for 100 meters?

Can't you lift a 750kg barbell with one hand?

I didn't even use any force, why did I fall down with just one punch?

He suspected that the boy who was lying on the ground and fainted was bragging yesterday and was actually not that strong.

Otherwise, how could you faint after receiving a punch?

You know, the punch just now was not forceful, it was just intended to hurt the person.

Without wasting time on such inconsequential issues, Lin Zichen quickly squatted down and took possession of all 28 score cards on the boy's body.

"Xiaochen, will he be okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just dizzy. I didn't punch hard at all."

After saying this, Lin Zichen quickly stood up and left with Shen Qinghan.

in the future.

Lin Zichen still focused on training Shen Qinghan's wilderness survival skills and was not in a hurry to go deep into the forest.

Then in the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The two of them slowly entered the depths of the forest from the outer area at the beginning.

During this period, Shen Qinghan's ability to survive in the wilderness became stronger and stronger.

Whether it's looking for water, drilling wood to make fire, or fighting wild beasts, they all look more and more professional.

Especially when hunting a wild boar, with only a sharpened bamboo and excellent wisdom and skills, he successfully killed the wild boar without any injuries and had a delicious meal of roast pork.

This afternoon.

After Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan searched all the scoreboards nearby, they continued walking deeper into the forest.

When they were about to enter the deepest range, the two met He Yu who had just come out.

At this time, He Yu had one eye bruised, his upper body clothes were in tatters, and he looked like he had been beaten.

Lin Zichen inquired and learned that He Yu was gang-banged by several top students from Changzhou City, and all his scorecards were robbed.

"He Yu, do you want to come with us?"

Shen Qinghan extended an invitation to He Yu, thinking that since they were in the same group in the class, they would definitely form a team if they met by chance.

However, He Yu decisively refused: "Forget it, there is no challenge with Zichen's team. I'll continue to be a lone wolf. In the remaining three days, I will go back to the outer area to steal other people's points." Card."

After hearing this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

It's not challenging to team up with me, but it's challenging to go back and rob some candidates who are weaker than you, right?

Why bully the weak and fear the strong?

After separating from He Yu, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan continued walking deeper into the forest.

The closer you get to the depths of the forest, the more powerful candidates you encounter.

Along the way, the two were robbed a dozen times by other candidates.

I have been robbed by single-handed candidates.

I have encountered righteous gang fights.

But without exception, these candidates who came to rob were all robbed by Lin Zichen in the end.

Another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

It’s the seventh day of the actual combat assessment, which is also the last day.

This morning, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived at the deepest part of the forest and found that the monsters there had been killed long ago.

Lin Zichen was not surprised by this.

He knew that on the first day of the actual combat assessment, many geniuses rushed to these low-level monsters in the deepest part of the forest, paying no attention to the scoreboards on the way.

It is estimated that all the monsters here will be killed on the second day after the assessment begins.

"Xiao Chen, what a pity. If we could have come earlier, you would definitely have the title of genius for killing strange beasts."

While saying this, Shen Qinghan was thinking that if Lin Zichen hadn't been busy training her wilderness survival skills these days, other candidates wouldn't be able to kill the strange beasts here.

Contrary to her, Lin Zichen didn't feel any pity.

There are security guards and cameras everywhere here. Even if you kill the alien beast, it won't be able to devour it, so it's meaningless.

It's better to take this opportunity to train Shen Qinghan's wilderness survival ability.

As for the title of genius for killing alien beasts, he didn't care at all.

As long as you have enough scoring cards to help yourself and Shen Qinghan achieve good results, that's enough.

Soon, the last day of the actual combat assessment passed.

Under the leadership of the security officers, all the candidates left the forest, returned to the entrance point, and boarded their respective school buses to go home.

"The actual combat assessment was so torturous, it's finally over!"

"Yeah, these seven days have been too hard. I want to have a good meal and have a good sleep when I get home!"

"Tomorrow is the fitness test. It's time to decide your life!"

On the bus of Class 1, Grade 3, the students were chatting animatedly and noisily.

Lin Zichen didn't listen to what was going on in the car, wearing headphones and watching news videos quietly on his mobile phone.

Shen Qinghan, who was sitting next to him, was also listening to music with his own headphones and fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

During the seven days of the actual combat assessment, Shen Qinghan didn't get much sleep, so he was extremely sleepy.

While he was fascinated by the news, Lin Zichen was suddenly tapped on the shoulder from behind.

He took off his headphones and looked back and found that it was He Yu who took the picture.

When He Yu saw him turning back, he immediately pointed to Wang Shujie and Lu Gang behind him and said doubtfully:

"There's something wrong with these two people. I saw them join forces to kill a monster deep in the forest. With their personalities, they should be showing off to others at this time. Why are they so quiet?"

After hearing what He Yu said, Lin Zichen also glanced at Wang Shujie and Lu Gang.

Then I realized that there was something wrong with these two people, and they looked worried.

But he didn't pay too much attention, thinking that these two people might have been shocked by the geniuses from other schools, and they were depressed.

Two hours later.

The bus returned to Shanhai Middle School.

As soon as the car stopped, Wang Shujie and Lu Gang, who were sitting in the back seat, hurriedly got out of the car and left, walking faster than anyone else, which looked very strange.

When Lin Zichen saw this scene, although he felt strange in his heart, he didn't worry about it and quickly got off the car with Shen Qinghan and went home.

In the past seven days, the two of them had only taken two baths. This made them feel extremely uncomfortable. They just wanted to go home early and wash their bodies carefully inside and out.

"Xiao Chen, tomorrow we will test the compatibility of genetic fusion and mechanical modification. I feel so nervous just thinking about it. I'm afraid I will be too nervous to sleep tonight."

On the way home, Shen Qinghan said with a worried look.

This time when he heard her say she was nervous, Lin Zichen didn't feel like she had a bad mentality as before.

Because the fitness test is the most important part of the college entrance examination and determines the upper limit of each candidate's future, it would be abnormal not to be nervous.

Like the previous theoretical knowledge written test, physical test to test physical fitness, and practical assessment to assess wilderness survival ability.

The combined importance of the three is less than one-tenth of tomorrow's fitness test.

Passing the written test, physical test, and practical assessment only means that you can go to college.

As for what university you can go to, whether you can become a genetic fusion person or a mechanically modified person, it all depends on tomorrow's fitness test.

Of course, under normal circumstances, people with better physical fitness will be more suitable for genetic fusion and mechanical modification.

Therefore, most students with high adaptability are academic masters themselves.

In other words, it is actually unrealistic for the scumbags to rely on this to make a comeback.

"My current physical strength is so exaggerated, I don't know what the results will be in tomorrow's fitness test..."

Lin Zichen was full of curiosity.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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