Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 93 The road is narrow, classmate

Half an hour later, the actual combat assessment began.

Entrance No. 9, which had been closed, finally opened slowly at this moment.

The entrance is very large, nearly fifty meters wide by visual inspection.

At the order of the person in charge, hundreds of candidates filed in instantly and rushed into the forest to seize the opportunity.

Lin Zichen was not in a hurry at all. After everyone rushed in and the entrance was no longer crowded, he took Shen Qinghan in slowly.

"Xiao Chen, there is actually a map in the forest, and there are even signboards!"

Shen Qinghan looked around the surroundings and found a map sign erected in front of him, and there were signboards on each road indicating how far away he was from the deepest part of the forest.

There is also a warning marked in red, saying that the deeper you go into the forest, the more dangerous it becomes, so please act within your ability.

"The purpose of the college entrance examination is screening, not elimination of life and death. It is normal to have maps and signboards, otherwise I am afraid there will be many casualties."

After saying that, Lin Zichen stepped forward and glanced at the map and signs, then randomly chose a way to go deep into the forest with Shen Qinghan.

Along the way, he carefully looked at his surroundings.

Almost every 100 meters, you can see a surveillance camera.

As for security guards, you can see one every 500 meters.

It can be said that as long as you don't take the initiative to die, this actual combat assessment is not dangerous at all.

We walked about two kilometers.

Lin Zichen relied on the effect of the biological attribute [Eye of the Sky] to find a score card on a big tree in front.

It was a 1-point card, tied with a rope and hung more than ten meters high.

It's hard to find without paying attention.

"Hanhan, there is a scoreboard on the tree in front. Do you see it at that location?"

"I saw it, it really does exist!"

"Climb up and get the cards."

For Lin Zichen, this actual combat test was meaningless. He could pass it with his eyes closed.

Therefore, he planned to let Shen Qinghan develop his wilderness survival skills in the next seven days.

And he is responsible for being Shen Qinghan's Yao Lao, and helping Shen Qinghan solve problems when Shen Qinghan encounters problems that he cannot deal with.

Regarding this, the two had already discussed this in advance before entering the forest.

Soon, Shen Qinghan walked to the tree.

She climbed up quickly using her hands and feet, and in just a moment, she successfully took down the scoreboard that was hung more than ten meters high.

"Xiaochen, am I powerful?"

After Shen Qinghan came down from the tree, he immediately returned to Lin Zichen and said proudly.

It only took her less than a minute to go up the tree and down the tree, and her climbing skills were very good.


Lin Zichen gave her a thumbs up.

After chatting for a while, the two continued walking deeper into the forest.

Lin Zichen acted as a radar, telling Shen Qinghan where the scoreboards were and asked her to pick them up.

After working together like this for half a day, the two of them easily obtained 12 points.

Several safety officers along the way were shocked by the performance of these two people.

No matter how hidden the scoring card is, the two of them can easily get it as if they were digging into a bag, looking at it as if they had clairvoyant eyes.

A blink of an eye.

The time came in the afternoon.

Just as the two of them were going to find something to eat, the sky suddenly turned dark.

I looked up and saw that it was going to rain.

There happened to be a banana tree not far away, so the two of them ran there, tearing off the banana leaves to make an awning, and picking some bananas for food.

The moment the awning was set up, the heavy rain poured down, and the big raindrops made the banana leaves patter.

"I'm so lucky to have put up the awning just in time before it rained."

Shen Qinghan stood in the awning and said while eating a banana.

The heavy rain didn't last long and stopped in less than half an hour.

Lin Zichen saw that it was almost evening, so he urged Shen Qinghan to go out to find something to eat and drink, saying that he had to find it before dark, otherwise he would be hungry tonight.

Shen Qinghan patted her chest and said, "Leave it all to me. You used to take care of me. Let me take good care of you in these seven days!"

There are puddles everywhere on the ground after the rain

Not long after walking, Shen Qinghan's shoes and trouser legs became wet.

But the strange thing is that she doesn't feel uncomfortable, but feels a little comfortable because of the wetness.

She knew that this was the effect of her undeveloped superpower.

It is very friendly to water and will feel comfortable as long as it comes into contact with water.

"Can this fruit be eaten?"

Shen Qinghan found a lot of wild fruits in a bush. They were as big as grapes and green in color. They felt hard when pinched.

She wasn't sure if she could eat it, so she turned back to Lin Zichen and asked.

Lin Zichen refused to answer the question and smiled: "I agreed that you would take care of me, but I can't help you with this kind of thing."

"Okay, then I'll try it myself."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, she picked off a relatively ripe fruit, hesitated for a moment, then put it to her mouth and took a bite.

The next second, she frowned and sighed in discomfort, saying it was so sour.

In the blink of an eye, the sky turned dark and it was already night.

Shen Qinghan made a bed out of banana leaves, found vines to fix the bed to the tree, and spent the night on it with Lin Zichen.

She originally wanted to take off her pants and sleep, but when she thought that Lin Zichen was sleeping next to her, it would be inconvenient, so she had no choice but to believe that she wouldn't pee at night.

The next day, it was dawn.

When Lin Zichen woke up, he found Shen Qinghan sleeping soundly on top of him.

There was drool drooling from the corner of his mouth and a little bit on his neck.

"Fortunately, I didn't pee..."

Lin Zichen glanced at Shen Qinghan's lower body and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the pants were dry.

Soon, Shen Qinghan also woke up.

The two of them got down from the tree and continued walking deeper into the forest.

Just like yesterday, Lin Zichen acted as a radar to report the location of the scoreboard to Shen Qinghan and asked her to get it.

At noon, I met an acquaintance on the road.

It was the top student from Qianzhen City who wanted to chat with Shen Qinghan in the name of forming a team yesterday.

Seeing the two of them, the boy was a little surprised and said:

"What a coincidence?"

"It's quite a coincidence."

Lin Zichen responded politely.

The boy's eyes quickly fell on Shen Qinghan who was standing aside. After just one more glance, his heart skipped a beat and he felt like he was about to explode.


so cute!

If you don’t get to know her today, you will definitely regret it later!

Thinking about it, the boy took out more than twenty score cards from his pocket, displayed them in front of Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, and said to them sincerely:

"I am a person who always repays every drop of kindness with a spring of spring. I will always remember the bread and biscuits you gave me yesterday."

"Maybe you think it doesn't matter, but for me personally, if I can't repay you with a spring of water, then I will feel uncomfortable all over."

"Really, let me lead you two. The score cards collected will be divided equally between the three of us."

Practical assessment is not too important in the martial arts college entrance examination, as long as you pass the test.

The same goes for the written examination, just pass it.

What really matters is the completed physical test and the final fitness test.

That's why this Qianzhen top student was willing to split the scoreboard equally.

Lin Zichen glanced at the score cards held by the opponent. There were 28 cards in total.

This is far more than the scorecards in his and Shen Qinghan's hands combined, nearly three times.

The current location is in the outer area, and there are not many score cards placed. Just one person cannot collect so many score cards in one day.

The top student in Qianzhen City in front of him probably had so many scoreboards because he had snatched them from other candidates.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen said: "There is no need to form a team. If you are really sorry and want to retaliate, just give us the scoreboard in your hand."

Hearing this, the boy's face instantly turned ugly.

He sent out three team invitations, but was rejected three times, which made him a little angry.

"Classmate, the road is narrow."

The boy completely took off his disguise, narrowed his eyes and said with an evil look on his face.

At this moment, Lin Zichen's biological attribute [Danger Sense] was beating continuously, and he sensed the strong malice emanating from the boy.

In response, he smiled calmly and said:

"Yeah, the road is narrow."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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