Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 82 Top Ten Singers on Campus Competition

[Name: Lin Zichen]

【Age: 16】

[Creature Level: Ordinary (Level 5)]

[Biological attributes: use it or lose it, root of wisdom of heaven and man, the weak can eat the strong, the luck of melting water, natural selection, eye in the sky]

Before you know it, you already have six biological skills.

The biological level has also evolved to the ordinary fifth level.

And I am only 16 years old now.

Looking at the personal attribute panel in front of him, Lin Zichen felt slightly excited and felt that he had a bright future.

According to such a growth rate, he will definitely become a human being with a sanctified body and various powerful biological attributes in the future.

By that time, no matter the Kyoto prodigy or the mechanical genius girl, they are destined to be eclipsed in front of such a self.

I thought about this for a while.

Soon, Lin Zichen recovered his thoughts and walked to the rooftop of the building where the shopping mall is located, to experience the attribute effects of the Eye in the Sky.

Within a moment, he came to the rooftop, stood at the highest point and looked around.

Everywhere you look, you can see very clearly.

A mosquito can be seen flying in the sky dozens of meters away.

You can see everyone walking on the roadside below.

A man and a woman could be seen fighting in a window hundreds of meters away.

The man and woman who were fighting suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. They felt that they were being targeted by some terrifying existence and had become prey waiting to be slaughtered.

Among them, the man thought he was being spied on through binoculars, so he immediately got out of bed and cursed, pointed his middle finger out the window, and then quickly closed the curtains.

"Whether it is the field of view or the dynamic capture vision, it has far exceeded the limits of human beings. The vision of eagle raptors is really powerful."

Thinking back to the high-definition scenes he had just seen from a distance, Lin Zichen couldn't help but sigh.

Leave the rooftop.

Go back downstairs to the place selling exotic animal meat.

Lin Zichen walked around and looked around, and finally stopped in front of a freezer labeled "Hidden Breathing Dragon".

The Brutal Eagle atlas has been opened, and he now needs to open the next Alien Beast atlas.

The biological attributes of the Hidden Breathing Dragon aroused his interest.

Regarding the Hidden Breathing Dragon, although this strange beast has the word "dragon" in its name, it is not actually the dragon that everyone knows, but a lizard that is famous for being good at hiding.

It can minimize the vitality and breath in its body, thereby reducing its sense of existence and making it easier to hunt or avoid natural enemies.

Being good at hiding means being difficult to catch.

Therefore, the price of hidden dragon meat is very expensive, priced at 8,888 yuan per pound.

Multiply 8888 yuan by 100, that’s close to 900,000 yuan.

The manuscript fee is calculated as 100,000 per month, and it takes almost a year to save up to open the Hidden Breathing Dragon atlas.

It's expensive, but it's expensive for a reason.

Lin Zichen took a fancy to the creature's attribute of being good at concealment, and decided to feature the Hidden Breathing Dragon in his next exotic beast atlas.

When I have saved 900,000 yuan from the novel manuscript fee, I will come over to buy and devour it.

Time flies by quickly, and it’s the end of December in a blink of an eye.

Today is Friday. In the evening, Shanhai Middle School ushered in the annual top ten singers competition on campus.

In the boring high school life, such an entertaining competition appeared, which immediately attracted a large number of students to watch.

Many students do not go home after school. They choose to have dinner in the canteen or outside the school gate, and then come to the playground to watch the singing competition.

In addition to students and teachers, there were also many parents present.

Most of them are residents who live near the school and come to join in the fun after meals.

A small number of them are parents of contestants, who come specially to cheer for their children.

As a contestant, Shen Qinghan, her parents Shen Jianye and Xu Meng were all here. They were already sitting in the audience waiting for her to appear and cheer her on.

Lin Zichen's parents, Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin, also came. They already regarded Shen Qinghan as their own daughter, and it was necessary to come to the scene to cheer their daughter on.

As for Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen, they were both preparing backstage at this time.

As a contestant, Shen Qinghan was sitting in front of a mirror and had someone help her put on makeup.

The person who helped her put on makeup was none other than Lin Zichen.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Chuxin next to him couldn't help but said with disbelief:

"Zi Chen, you are a boy and you actually know how to put on makeup. This is so amazing. You are like an all-around male god!"

"I used to be naughty when I was little. I would often steal my mother's cosmetics and doodle all kinds of things on Hanhan's face. I started to understand it more or less after doing it."

Lin Zichen explained.

Shen Qinghan, who was putting on makeup by him in front of her, said "liar" in her heart.

Xiaochen, you didn’t doodle!

It was obviously the first time she put on makeup that she looked very good. Aunt Xin and her mother laughed and praised her as a genius.

"Geniuses are different. I just picked it up casually when I was a child. Like me, I have been learning makeup from my mother since the sixth grade, but my skills are not even one-tenth as good as yours."

Li Chuxin felt a little frustrated.

Lin Zichen is so talented.

In this small half semester of high school, he was able to show extremely exaggerated talent in both the fields that men were good at and the fields that women were good at.

It's so exaggerated that people can't see any motivation to catch up. All they have is a deep sense of shame and a very powerless doubt about life.

"Zi Chen, after you finish helping Hanhan put on her makeup, can you also put it on for me? The makeup you put on Hanhan is really beautiful. I also want to put on such beautiful makeup..."

Li Chuxin's eyes were full of pleading.

Lin Zichen wanted to decline politely, but before he could speak, Shen Qinghan, who was sitting in front of him, said, "Of course, we are the best team members in the class."

Seeing that Shen Qinghan had said so, Lin Zichen refused politely and smiled at Li Chuxin: "Okay, I'll help you put on makeup later."

"Thank you Zichen, thank you Hanhan!"

Li Chuxin didn't know how much effect Shen Qinghan's words had just said, but all in all, thank you.

After all, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan are bound together.

This is well known in school.

About ten minutes later, Lin Zichen helped Shen Qinghan put on her makeup.

At this time, Shen Qinghan had slender eyebrows, watery eyes, small and pink lips, and a light pink color on both cheeks. She looked very charming.

Even Lin Zichen, who made up this beautiful face by himself, was a little stunned for a while.

"Why do you keep staring at me..."

Shen Qinghan couldn't stand being stared at by Lin Zichen. Her pretty face was red and hot, and she had to turn her face to the side, and her little hands were twirling her hair at a loss.

Lin Zichen smiled and said sincerely: "Because you are good-looking."

Shen Qinghan was pierced in the heart by these words, feeling happy and shy at the same time.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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