Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 81 Eye in the Sky

in the next few days.

Lin Zichen finishes class on time and early every day.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, he took Shen Qinghan out of the classroom and went to the swimming pool of the gymnasium to do research.

Unfortunately, I have been researching for several days without any results.

So far, I still can't figure out why Shen Qinghan's hands are leaking, and I don't know what to do to control whether the water leaks or not.

However, neither of them was in a hurry. They both thought that the time would still be long and if they studied slowly, there would always be results.

A few more days passed like this.

Shen Qinghan's hand is healed and no longer leaks.

But the fact that I couldn't hold back my pee remained the same as before.

You have to wear diapers at night, otherwise you will most likely have to wash the sheets when you wake up the next day.

As for whether he feels the same strange feeling when he urinates urgently as when his hands leak, the answer Lin Zichen got from Shen Qinghan is that he can't feel it yet.

Early one Saturday morning.

in the living room.

After Lin Zichen finished breakfast, he sat on the sofa with his parents and watched the TV news leisurely.

At this time, the TV screen was reporting a news about the alienation of gene fusion people, which caused huge casualties.

The detailed content is that there was a three-time gene fusion person who suddenly couldn't suppress the alien genes in his body for some reason and directly mutated on the street.

Then, humanity disappeared and bestiality emerged, attacking everyone on sight, resulting in more than a hundred casualties and shocking the country.

"Can't you suppress the alien gene in your body and then transform into a monster that is neither human nor ghost?"

"Fortunately, I have the biological attribute of being able to eat the weak. If I devour it directly, I can gain various biological attributes without risk."

"The weak eat the strong, it can basically be said to be a perfectly upgraded version of genetic fusion..."

Lin Zichen was thinking about this.

While he was thinking about this, the news host had already finished explaining the incident, and then the news station immediately released a video.

The scene in the video shows two people arguing fiercely in a hall, and at one point they were about to fight.

There are two parties in the debate, one is the conservatives who do not support gene fusion, and the other is the liberals who support gene fusion.

The conservatives used the above incident of alienation and injury to attack the liberal faction.

Saying that gene fusion is a wrong path.

It is said that no matter from the information obtained from various ancient ruins or from various myths and monster stories passed down from ancient times to the present, only monsters have always been eager to transform into humans, and no one wants to be transformed into monsters.

It is said that the human body has great potential. As long as we find the right way to develop it, we will definitely be able to break through the ordinary category and evolve into advanced organisms.

The strong human beings recorded on stone tablets in ancient ruins, or the omnipotent human immortals in mythological stories, must have evolved by continuously developing the human body.

It is said that the energy and money spent on researching gene fusion should be reduced, and the reduced resources should be invested in research on human development.

In contrast, the liberal faction is also fighting back not to be outdone.

It is said that whether it is the strong human beings recorded on the stone tablets in the ancient ruins or the immortal gods described in the mythical and strange stories, they are all things that have not been confirmed so far, and there is no reason to bet here.

Even if the gods in myths and monsters are real, there are also many strange and powerful gods in them. Some have human heads and snake bodies, some have three heads and six arms, and some have bulges on all sides. This just proves that genetic fusion is a correct way. path of.

If we don’t rely on gene fusionists at this stage, do we rely on you traditional warriors who can’t even stop bullets to fight against the alien beasts?

It is said that even if it is mechanical transformation, many of the parts are processed from certain parts of the alien beasts, and it is also related to genetic fusion. If it were not for genetic fusion, humans would have been finished long ago.

The two groups in the video were arguing loudly with their own opinions.

Even through the TV screen, I can feel my ears ringing from the noise.

"I have also surrendered to these traditional warriors. I can't defend my country against the alien beasts, and I won't let you develop genetic fusion to fight against the alien beasts. What are you thinking in your head?"

Watching the video playing on TV, Lin Yansheng had a bad impression of the traditional warriors inside.

Zhang Wanxin said: "Maybe because of the emergence of gene fusion people, their status in society has plummeted, and I feel resentful about this."

"That should be it."

Lin Yansheng nodded in agreement, and then continued: "But there is one thing to say, gene fusion does have some drawbacks. If the alien genes in the body are not processed well, once they are alienated, it will be a catastrophe with countless deaths and injuries. "

Zhang Wanxin said disapprovingly: "You are not worried. As long as the gene fusion is carried out through formal channels and careful maintenance is carried out in the later stage, alienation will not occur at all. After all, the country has very strict control over this area."

As soon as she finished speaking, she continued: "Let me tell you, instead of worrying about alienation, it is better to worry more about the inheritance of the family line. Most of the gene fusion people lose their fertility. If they were stored in the storage room before gene fusion, If that thing breaks, it will be the end of the world.”

Lin Yansheng: "That's true. You need to save more before gene fusion, or you can simply find a partner and have a child before gene fusion."

"Hey, my son is here, let's not talk about these things."

Zhang Wanxin later remembered that Lin Zichen was sitting nearby, and immediately patted Lin Yansheng and whispered.

Hearing Zhang Wanxin's words, Lin Zichen wisely got up, left the sofa and went upstairs to avoid the couple being embarrassed.

Regarding the issue of gene fusion people's inheritance that his parents had just discussed, he had read and learned about it when he was very young.

Because of genetic mixing, 90% of gene fusion people lose their fertility.

The remaining 10% still retain the ability to reproduce, and the children they give birth to have various problems. They are either weak and sick and die quickly, or they look like neither human nor ghost.

But in terms of the randomness of genes, if two gene fusions want to have a child, it is theoretically possible to give birth to a genius prodigy who only inherits the power of both parents.

But this is only theoretical.

As for reality, Lin Zichen has not seen any relevant examples yet.

The next day, Sunday.

Lin Zichen had just finished exercising intensively in the room in the morning when his cell phone vibrated on the table next to him.

He picked up his phone and looked at it, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the royalties for the second month after the novel was released were paid out, totaling just over 120,000 yuan.

Including the first month's royalties, the two months' royalties totaled almost 210,000.

This money is enough to buy 100 kilograms of violent carving meat to devour, and then open the violent carving atlas to obtain related biological attributes.

Soon, Lin Zichen took his bank card and went to the mall to buy violent carvings.

When I came to the mall, I handed all the bottles and cans at home to the landlord. Soon, the uncle took his bank card and bought 100 kilograms of violently carved meat.

A mall employee helped push it down.

Lin Zichen took back the bank card from the uncle, picked up 100 kilograms of violently carved meat, and left. He found a place where no one was and started to devour it.

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of the "violent eagle\

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