Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 69 Stand up for Shen Qinghan

Shanhai Middle School, Class 1, Grade 1.

Lin Zichen had no intention of going to class all morning, and was thinking about what happened last night.

The followers of the Rat God Cult were clearly captured by the security guards during the day, so why did they appear in a garbage dump in the suburbs at night, covered in blood, catching rats to eat?

Is it jailbroken?

And then he was seriously injured during the jailbreak?

That should be it...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen took out his mobile phone and browsed the local news to see if there were any news reports related to the rat man last night.

Unfortunately, I browsed the entire morning and found no news related to it.

Instead, I browsed a very eye-catching piece of mechanical transformation news.

"The Machine God Group announced at a press conference at 9 o'clock this morning that it has developed a new mechanical transformation technology and is now recruiting 500 volunteers to conduct human experiments. During this period, they will receive monthly subsidies and enjoy lifetime insurance. Warm reminder: This experiment There is a risk of disability and death.”

Are there monthly subsidies?

Enjoy lifetime insurance?

So if the person dies during the experiment, can these two benefits still be retained?

If not, then this is basically a waste of time...

Lin Zichen was thinking about this.

Soon, the bell rang, and all morning classes were over.

The students rushed out of the classroom one by one and rushed to the canteen, fearing that they would be late and have to queue up for food.

On the contrary, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were not in a hurry at all and were still sitting in their seats.

The two of them brought their own meals from home just like they did in junior high school. They didn't have to queue up in the canteen to get their meals like other students.

Probably a few minutes later.

Shen Qinghan put down the pen in his hand, took his and Lin Zichen's lunch boxes, got up and went to the teacher's office to heat up meals.

Not long after, she came back with a hot lunch box.

Lin Zichen took the lunch box and scrolled through the news on his mobile phone while eating. He would not give up until he came across news related to the rat god believer last night.

Just when he had just finished eating and was about to take the lunch box to wash, he finally saw a piece of news on his phone related to the followers of the Rat God Cult.

It’s freshly released, it was just released by the local official media on the official website.

When he clicked on it, he found that the content of the report was exactly what he wanted to know. It was about the Rat Cult believer who ate rats in the garbage dump in the suburbs last night.

"Xiao Chen, what are you looking at that makes you so fascinated?"

Shen Qinghan, who had just returned from washing the lunch box, couldn't help but feel a little curious when he saw Lin Zichen still looking at his phone at his seat without even taking the lunch box to wash.

"I'm watching the news about the Rat God Cult." Lin Zichen responded casually.

Shen Qinghan was not very interested in the Rat God Cult. Seeing that the oil in Lin Zichen's lunch box was almost solidified, he picked up his lunch box and wanted to clean it for him.

But when she turned around, she saw the two girls who had mocked her as a maid in the corridor outside. She immediately stopped timidly, not daring to help Lin Zichen wash the lunch box.

She was afraid that when the two girls saw her, they would laugh at her for being Lin Zichen's maid.

But after thinking about it and struggling internally for a moment, she finally walked out of the classroom with Lin Zichen's lunch box.

Although it was hard for Lin Zichen's maid to be laughed at, that was other people's opinions, not Lin Zichen's. Just pretend you didn't hear it, and there was no need to care too much.

She thought so, but when she actually passed by the two girls with Lin Zichen's lunch box, she was still very afraid of hearing the word "maid".

Fortunately, none of this happened, and I didn't hear the two girls laughing along the way.

However, after she walked away, the two girls in the corridor started talking bad about her.

"Look, I said she is Lin Zichen's personal maid. She is also helping Lin Zichen wash lunch boxes. She is really capable."

"You have to endure hardships to become a master. Her martial arts strength is so weak. If she doesn't put in some effort to please her master, she won't be able to stay in the top class in the future."

"Who do you think is the maid?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in front of the two girls.

Both of them were startled and didn't notice anyone walking in front of them.

"No, no, you heard wrong."

After seeing that the person coming was Lin Zichen, one of the girls defended in a panic.

The other girl lowered her head silently, not daring to look directly into Lin Zichen's eyes.

Lin Zichen looked at the two girls in front of him.

One is named Wen Yuntong.

One is called Chu Yuxi.

Their grades were both at the bottom of the class, only slightly better than Shen Qinghan's.

He didn't say much to the two of them, but said calmly: "Don't let me hear you say bad things about Shen Qinghan again."

The speaker is calm, but the listener is very disturbed.

Both girls were thinking, it's over, Lin Zichen has been offended, three years of high school are over!

"Also, if you hear anyone else saying bad things about Shen Qinghan, please convey what I just said to them."

After saying these words, Lin Zichen turned and returned to the classroom.

Watching his leaving figure, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that from now on, they would never laugh at Shen Qinghan like before.

Otherwise, if Lin Zichen is offended, life in Shanhai Middle School will be difficult in the future.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the bell rang, and the afternoon class came to an end.

on the way home.

Lin Zichen thought for a while, and finally looked at Shen Qinghan and asked, "You have been feeling very depressed during this period. Is it because you heard someone saying bad things about you?"

"That's true, but actually it's okay. It's nothing to be depressed about."

Shen Qinghan pretended not to care.

Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice: "If you encounter something unhappy in the future, you can talk to me. We are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, so we should talk about anything."

Shen Qinghan nodded: "Yes, I will."

After saying this, the two walked a certain distance without saying anything.

When he was about to get home, Lin Zichen asked: "Do you feel a lot of pressure if you are always ranked last in the class?"

"It's a bit big." Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and said weakly: "But physical talent is destined. No matter how hard I try, I can't keep up with the others in the class."

Lin Zichen disagreed: "Physical talent is destined, but martial arts skills are not. Your physical talent is relatively close to Wen Yuntong and Chu Yuxi. If your martial arts skills far surpass them, you can be in the martial arts arena Defeat them."

"Is this really possible?"

"It can be done." Lin Zichen affirmed: "From now on, I will help you with special training three times a week to train your martial arts skills. By the end of the semester at the latest, you will be able to defeat the two of them on the martial arts stage."

Hearing what Lin Zichen said, Shen Qinghan's originally dim eyes suddenly lit up.

She didn't want to continue to be last in the class.

As long as I can get rid of the label of being last in the class, I will feel much better even if I am said to be a connected person who came in through the back door.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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