Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 68 Ordinary people suffer too much

"Brother, brother, I'm sorry."

"Brother, brother, you have to forgive me, I, I didn't mean to eat you, I, I'm just too hungry."

"When I'm full, I, I will worship you every year from now on!"

The man chewed the rat meat vigorously while confessing with painful tears on his face, which looked very strange.

Lin Zichen frowned, realizing something was wrong with the man.

He immediately turned around and left quickly, choosing to take a detour instead of going home or passing the garbage station in front of him.

But just when he turned around to leave, the man in the garbage pile noticed his presence, looked up at his back, and said to the half-eaten rat in his hand:

"Brother, brother, I, I don't have to eat shit anymore, I, I can eat people!"

The man's voice was crazy, but it seemed extremely penetrating in the silent night.

When Lin Zichen heard the word "cannibalism", his face suddenly changed and he ran away in an instant.

In just one second, he ran nearly 30 meters away from the garbage station.

But the next second, he heard footsteps approaching from behind.

Looking back, I found that the man who was eating the mouse just now was catching up!

Multiple scarlet eyes are opening on the opponent's face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and tiny hairs are growing on the exposed skin, and he is rapidly transforming into a giant alien rat.

Is it the madman during the day? !

Before the man was completely alienated, Lin Zichen recognized him as the man who made trouble in the market during the day.

"Meat, I, I want to eat meat, I, I want to eat human flesh, eat human flesh!"

The man's speed became faster and faster, and his facial expression became more and more ferocious. He was frantically chasing Lin Zichen behind him, while making a hoarse voice with sticky saliva.

Seeing the man running faster and faster, constantly closing the distance with him, Lin Zichen knew that he couldn't run away.

So, when the man caught up with him, he decisively turned around and kicked the man in the chest!

Just listen to the sound of "bang"!

The unprepared man was kicked out and rolled on the ground for dozens of meters before he stopped and lay dying on the ground.

When he was bombarded by a mechanical transformation man with special ammunition, he was too seriously injured. As a result, he was now very weak and unable to completely transform into a rat man. He was unable to withstand Lin Zichen's full kick.

Hit hard by a blow?

When he saw the half-human, half-mouse man lying motionless on the ground and could only let out a half-dead moan, Lin Zichen thought for a moment that he was dazzled.

In his opinion, rat people are capable of resisting firearms.

Even if he is beaten to pieces by bullets, he can recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then stand up again with full health and magic.

No matter what his situation is, kill him first with a last-ditch attack!

Thinking about this, Lin Zichen immediately ran to the roadside full of stones, bent down to pick up the stones on the ground, and smashed the dying man on the ground from a long distance.

"Puff puff!"

Stones hit the man one after another, penetrating his flesh and blood, making dull impact sounds.

Ten yuan, dozens of yuan, hundreds of yuan...

Lin Zichen was very cautious. Even if the man's body had been smashed to pieces by stones, he would continue to throw stones at the corpse from a distance and never come closer.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes passed that the man's body had been smashed into pulp by stones, that he cautiously approached.

See if the man is completely dead, see if he can devour the other person's life source.

After spending nearly half a minute approaching carefully, Lin Zichen found that the man who had turned into a puddle of flesh on the ground was completely dead, and he felt relieved.

Then he squatted down, endured the nausea, stretched out a finger to touch the meat on the ground, and swallowed the life source of the giant alien rat contained inside.

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "giant alien rat\

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