Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 54 Lost Shen Qinghan

Before the competition started, Han Yuanfeng arranged a physical test for everyone in the class, which was used as a warm-up exercise before the competition.

Just measure three data.

They are: the speed of a 100-meter sprint, the weight of a barbell that can be lifted with one hand, and the height of vertical jumping on the spot.

The girls were tested first.

After some measurements, Shen Qinghan's data were all at the bottom.

The 100-meter sprint was 12.88 seconds, which was not even a first-class athlete in his previous life.

He can lift a 38kg barbell with one hand, which is average.

The height of the vertical jump on the spot is 0.98 meters, which is relatively the best among the three data, but it is not enough to be considered in a class of top martial arts students.

Everyone in the class was very surprised by Shen Qinghan's data.

This is a top martial arts class, how could it have such poor results?

This shouldn't be the case!

It’s no wonder the people in the class were surprised.

Because during normal training, Shen Qinghan deliberately did not reveal her true level. As a result, everyone only knew that her physical fitness was not very good, but they did not expect it to be so bad.

"Hanhan, are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was behaving so poorly, Li Chuxin thought she was a relative, so she immediately stepped forward to show concern.

Shen Qinghan was afraid that people would know that she was a related party who came in through the back door, so she could only answer according to Li Chuxin's words: "It's okay. Maybe I didn't sleep well last night, which made me not in a good state today."

On the other side, the boys' physical examination began.

Lin Zichen easily won three first places with just a few moves.

100 meters sprint in 7.78 seconds.

Able to lift a 330kg barbell with one hand.

The height jump can reach 2.18 meters.

The three data are all stuck at a level just good enough to get first place, only slightly better than the data measured by Wang Shujie and Lu Gang.

But even so, everyone in the class was still shocked.

No one expected that Lin Zichen's physical fitness was so abnormal!

If this data were placed in last year's high school entrance examination in Shanhai City, it would be a crushing win for the top pick without any suspense!

"What's going on? Why is Lin Zichen's physical fitness so strong?"

"That's right. He can run faster than Wang Shujie, is stronger than Lu Gang, and his high school entrance examination result is only the top scorer in the district?"

"Did you feel bad during the high school entrance examination?"

"It may also be that they develop during the summer vacation. Some people develop relatively late. They will develop rapidly during the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination, and then overtake in corners."


For a while, everyone in the class was talking about Lin Zichen's physical test data.

Almost everyone is thinking of various reasons to explain his incredible performance in the physical test just now, making it seem reasonable.

In the corner, Wang Shujie and Lu Gang stood together blankly, with doubts on their faces.

Both of them still can't believe that they actually lost in the physical test? !

Especially Lu Gang, who was born with supernatural power, couldn't figure out why Lin Zichen was stronger than him?

Lin Zichen's body doesn't look strong either!

This is not scientific at all!

"Lu Gang, don't panic. Failing in the physical test does not mean losing in the competition. Actual combat not only depends on physical fitness, but also on martial arts skills. We have a chance!"

Wang Shujie quickly recovered from his discouragement and looked at Lu Gang beside him in a self-deceiving manner.

After Lu Gang heard this, he calmed down and deceived himself:

"You are right. Failure in the physical test does not mean failure in the competition. Our martial arts skills are far superior to those of our peers, and we still have a chance!"

Stadium, competition area.

As soon as the physical test was over, Han Yuanfeng immediately brought the students in the class here, seizing the time to let them compete, so as not to run out of time later.

In the competition area at this time, a high school sophomore class was training, occupying several martial arts stages, leaving only three empty martial arts stages.

In order to allow the students in the class to compete against each other more often, Han Yuanfeng used all the remaining three martial arts stages to conduct three competitions at the same time.

Because there were more boys than girls in the class, he arranged two martial arts stages for boys to compete, leaving only one martial arts stage for girls to compete.

Lin Zichen wants to achieve the achievement of natural selection.

Defeat as many opponents as possible.

So, he immediately jumped onto one of the martial arts stages and challenged everyone in the class.

Almost at the same time, He Yu jumped onto the martial arts platform next to him and became a ring guard.

On the girl's side, there was a girl with a relatively strong body who also jumped onto the third martial arts platform to be the ring guard.

Just a moment.

Someone came up to challenge He Yu and that girl's martial arts stage.

Only Lin Zichen's martial arts platform was ignored.

Lin Zichen showed too much strength in the physical test just now. Everyone knew that they couldn't beat him, so they didn't challenge him.

After all, the gap in strength is too big, so there is no point in exchanging ideas, and nothing can be learned at all.

As for Wang Shujie and Lu Gang, they wanted to observe the fighting process between Lin Zichen and others in the audience, so that they could know themselves and the enemy and win every battle, and then challenge Lin Zichen.

The two of them had lost too many times, and they both dealt with shadows, and they didn't want to lose again.

Therefore, this time, they have to maximize their winning rate before taking action!

"Lu Wei, go up and have a discussion with Zichen."

Seeing that Lin Zichen's martial arts platform was always empty, Han Yuanfeng had no choice but to call someone up to challenge him.

The boy named Lu Wei, although he was a little reluctant to go up and be tortured, he still went up.

The result was that he was defeated at the speed of light within ten seconds of playing, and the competition was lonely.

in the coming time.

There has been constant competition on the three martial arts stages.

In order to finish off everyone in the class before get out of class ends, Lin Zichen kills every opponent who comes to challenge him instantly.

Such an exaggerated performance frightened both Wang Shujie and Lu Gang, who had been observing secretly from the audience.

Why is it so strong? !

Why is Lin Zichen so strong? !

How else could I win? !

The two of them looked suspicious of life and felt very powerless.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan also came on stage to discuss things.

Contrary to Lin Zichen, who always kills her opponents instantly, she was instantly killed as soon as she came on stage.

He was kicked off the martial arts platform by a girl with a bun on her head. It looked like she fell hard, and she frowned in pain.

Seeing this, the girl with a round head on the stage quickly stepped down to help her stand up, and said with an apology: "Qinghan, are you okay? I didn't mean it just now, I didn't expect that you wouldn't be able to block that kick..."

"Ah, no, it's okay. I'm fine. It was my own problem just now. You can go back to the martial arts arena and continue to defend the ring. Don't worry about me."

Shen Qinghan smiled awkwardly.

After saying that, she walked aside and found an empty place to sit down and rest.

When no one was paying attention to her side, she quickly opened her clothes to check her lower abdomen, which had been experiencing tingling pain, and found a bruise on it.

For a moment, she felt extremely disappointed.

too weak.

So weak that he couldn't even catch a kick from his classmates.

I don't belong to this top class at all...

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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