Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 53 If you lose the written test and wilderness survival, you will lose the actual battle.

Chapter 53: Lost in the written test and wilderness survival ≠ Lost in the actual battle

Lunch break is fleeting.

Class 1, Grade 1, soon ushered in the afternoon wilderness survival class.

In class, wilderness survival teacher Cheng Bei, like the two theory teachers in the morning, had to take tests on the students in the class.

The exam rewards are also the same amount.

There are three main contents of the exam, namely climbing, swimming, and drilling wood to make fire.

Among them, climbing is divided into two parts: tree climbing and rock climbing.

"Lu Gang, we failed him in the two theoretical exams in the morning. We have to find our place in the wilderness survival and martial arts training in the afternoon."

Wang Shujie said to Lu Gang beside him with a competitive look on his face.

Lu Gang clenched his fists with fighting spirit and said: "You don't need to say more about this. I will definitely go all out to blow him up later and avenge my previous shame!"

Both of them focused on Lin Zichen and regarded him as their biggest opponent.

After all, they all came to Shanhai Middle School with arrogance and a sense of superiority. They did not allow anyone in the class to be better than themselves.

Soon, the exam begins.

The first test is tree climbing and rock climbing, and the results are determined by the speed of climbing.

Lin Zichen is still number one.

Wang Shujie ranked second.

He Yu finally broke through. He was no longer the fourth player in the millennium, but ranked third behind the two.

As for Lu Gang, he was too bulky to climb and ranked very low.

Shen Qinghan, who came in through the back door, was already at the bottom of the class in terms of physical fitness, but his climbing scores directly ranked him at the bottom of the class.

Regarding her achievement, she felt that her whole face was burning and her heart was filled with frustration.

The confidence and pride gained from the gene fusion exam in the morning were gone at this moment.

Slowly I came to my senses and realized that I was just a related person who came in through the back door.

My true level does not actually belong to this top class.

Lin Zichen noticed something was wrong with Shen Qinghan's mood, but did not step forward to comfort her.

It's just the bottom of the climb, no big deal.

When the swimming session comes later, Shen Qinghan will find her confidence.

After taking the climbing test.

The next test is to drill wood to make fire.

Shen Qinghan had been taught wood drilling skills by Lin Zichen before, and he did well in this exam.

Although he was limited by his weak physical fitness and could not drill sticks as fast as others, he was superior to his superb skills and managed to reach a middle level in the class.

Lin Zichen, on the other hand, continued his previous attitude of crushing the entire class in the aspect of hand speed and skill in drilling wood to make fire.

In less than a minute, he drilled sparks into the wood and successfully started a fire.

When the other people in the class saw this, they were all shocked beyond measure.

Among them, He Yu directly exclaimed: "Zi Chen, your hand speed is so awesome, you almost made the stick itself burnt out. It seems that you have the skill of being single for 500 years at least!"

After hearing what he said, many boys around him had strange expressions.

Wang Shujie and Lu Gang frowned, feeling a little powerless at Lin Zichen's sudden strength today.

Lin Zichen's strength was that he was only the district champion, not the city champion.

Is this the high school entrance exam fever?

The two of them were puzzled by this.

On the other side, Cheng Bei, a wilderness survival teacher, felt very puzzled and said:

"Zi Chen, you are so quick to make fire with wood, why did you hide it before and never show it?"

"Teacher, he didn't hide it, it's just that during the previous class, he had been teaching the three of us how to drill wood, and he didn't have time to express himself..."

Before Lin Zichen could respond, Shen Qinghan had the courage to explain for him.

After hearing this, Cheng Bei smiled and said, "That's it. It's good to know how to drive the students in the class to make progress together."

After finishing the test of drilling wood to make fire, there was only the final swimming test left to take.

Cheng Bei took the students in his class to the swimming pool of the gymnasium and asked them to take assessments here.

Lin Zichen looked around and found that the swimming pool here was particularly large.

It is visually estimated to be 200 meters long and 100 meters wide.

There is a sign next to it with the depth of the pool written on it.

The shallowest is 1 meter and the deepest is 3 meters.

Lin Zichen felt that this swimming pool was very suitable for him and Shen Qinghan to practice water skills.

So, Cheng Bei looked forward and asked, "Teacher Cheng, is the swimming pool here usually open?"

He has never been here before. When he had swimming training before, he was in another smaller swimming pool.

Cheng Bei replied: "This swimming pool is usually empty and is only used during competitions or assessments."

Hearing this, Lin Zichen thought it was a pity.

But after thinking about it, he felt that he still had a chance to use this swimming pool.

Just like in junior high school, you just need to show great strength in the first grade, crush all the students in the school with overwhelming force, attract the attention of the school leaders, and then obtain privileges.

By then, it is estimated that the school leaders will be able to open the swimming pool.

Moreover, it is only open to myself and Shen Qinghan.

Even going too far, you can also ask that the surveillance camera be blocked when you use the swimming pool.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen decided to be more active in his subsequent campus life.


The swimming assessment has begun.

Lin Zichen won the first place as always, swimming so fast that both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie were breathless, making them doubtful about life.

And the other side.

Shen Qinghan changed from the previous decline in the climbing skills test and became as nimble as a fish in the swimming pool, winning the second place in the class in one fell swoop.

"Wow, Hanhan, how come you are so good at swimming? You swim as silky as a fish, and your movements are so beautiful!"

Li Chuxin was very surprised.

When training in the swimming pool before, Shen Qinghan didn't show much performance. He basically practiced some weird underwater skills in the swimming pool with Lin Zichen.

As a result, no one in the class knew that she could swim so fast, so fast that even Lu Gang and Wang Shujie were no match for her.

Facing Li Chuxin's surprise, Shen Qinghan just smiled and explained:

"Xiaochen taught me everything."

She was born with excellent water skills. This was a secret between her and Lin Zichen, and no third person would know about it.

Li Chuxin held her hand and said to her in a very affectionate voice:

"Hanhan, during swimming training in the future, can you teach me how to swim fast?"

"Well, I'll teach you."

Shen Qinghan smiled and happily agreed.

Cheng Bei, not far away, looked at Shen Qinghan who was chatting with Li Chuxin and felt very puzzled.

Shen Qinghan obviously performed very poorly when climbing before, and his physical fitness was almost at the bottom of the class. How could he swim so hard in the water?

Logically speaking, no matter how good your skills are, you will not be able to swim fast if your physical fitness cannot keep up.

It's really strange...

Also puzzled were Wang Shujie and Lu Gang.

Even if he lost to Lin Zichen, why couldn't he even win against his childhood sweetheart? !

That's a girl!

Two big boys can't even win against a girl. This is simply shameful and unacceptable!

Wang Shujie and Lu Gang became more and more depressed as they thought about it.

A blink of an eye.

The wilderness survival class is over.

Class 1, Grade 1, ushered in the last martial arts training class in the afternoon.

The head teacher, Han Yuanfeng, like the previous three teachers, also has to conduct a test on the entire class today.

"Unknowingly, you have all been practicing martial arts for more than a month. Today, it is time to test your learning results."

"The way to test it is for everyone to come to the martial arts stage to compare notes."

"There will be rewards for the top three, so everyone should work hard, you know?"

Han Yuanfeng looked at everyone in the class and said.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately replied in unison that they understood.

In the crowd, Lin Zichen's eyes lit up.

Competition is the most primitive form of competition. If there are rewards, winning the competition will increase the completion progress of the Natural Selection achievement.

the other side.

Wang Shujie and Lu Gang's eyes also lit up.

What’s the use of doing well in the written exam?

So what if you are proficient in wilderness survival skills?

In martial arts classes, the most important thing is the word "武", which compares with physical fitness and martial arts skills.

If your martial arts strength is not good, no matter how good your other achievements are, they will be in vain!

It’s as meaningless as a castle in the air!

I lost in the written test and wilderness survival test ≠ I will lose in the actual battle later!

Next, the two top students from Nanguan City want to avenge their shame and slam Lin Zichen to the ground on the martial arts stage to take back their own pride and sense of superiority!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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