Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 50 Just get perfect scores and have the skills

Nearly an hour later, the bus arrived at its destination smoothly, and the two got off the bus and headed to the beach.

Go to the locker room and put on the swimsuit you brought.

Lin Zichen only wore a pair of swimming trunks, revealing the muscular muscles of his upper body.

Shen Qinghan, on the other hand, was well-dressed as always, with only a little of her thighs exposed, as she was embarrassed to reveal too much in public.

"There are fewer people there, let's go there."


Shen Qinghan nodded and followed Lin Zichen obediently forward.

Soon, the two walked into the shallow water.

Lin Zichen first asked Shen Qinghan to measure how long he could hold his breath underwater to see if he could still hold his breath for more than 10 minutes like last time.

As a result, Shen Qinghan's performance shocked him, and he was held underwater for 20 minutes.

"Xiaochen, how much?"

"20 minutes and 38 seconds."

"Ah, so long?"

Shen Qinghan opened her mouth subconsciously, shocked by her own performance.

Lin Zichen said to her: "Hanhan, the reason why you have such good water resistance may be related to the fact that you have been unable to hold back your urine since you were a child. We need to study this carefully and try to figure out the reason as soon as possible."

"Well, I also think it has something to do with that." Shen Qinghan said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Lin Zichen was so private that he told her about her inability to hold back her urine with a normal look on her face, which made her feel embarrassed.

Although they grew up together and get along very closely on weekdays, there are still differences between men and women after all, and it would be awkward to talk about some topics that are too private.

In the following time, Lin Zichen tested Shen Qinghan's various underwater abilities one after another.

During the test, the changes in her body were observed.

Unfortunately, my body is still normal and there are no special changes.

The only difference is that Shen Qinghan's various underwater abilities are better than last time.

This is very strange. You have never exercised in the water during this period, so how come your underwater ability has improved?

This is not consistent with common sense at all. You need to observe and study it carefully...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan and said:

"Hanhan, let's go diving and explore the underwater world."


Shen Qinghan nodded.

Not long after the words fell, the two of them dived into the water together and walked under the seabed with a depth of nearly ten meters.

During this period, Lin Zichen kept observing Shen Qinghan's physical condition and found that she felt a little uncomfortable when she first entered the water, but she quickly adapted and moved freely in the underwater world with a depth of nearly ten meters.

This water quality is so unnatural that it doesn't look like a land creature, but an aquatic creature.

I'm afraid it's just like Xu Meng said, Shen Qinghan is made of water...

Just when Lin Zichen was thinking about this.

Shen Qinghan, who had looked contented just now, suddenly changed his face drastically, and shook his arm in a panic to convey the message to him that he was about to surface.

Without hesitation, he immediately surfaced with Shen Qinghan and swam quickly to the shore.

"Did you hear the sound from last time?"

After landing, Lin Zichen immediately looked at Shen Qinghan and asked.

Shen Qinghan's face turned a little pale and he said, "I heard that strange voice again. This time it was clearer and louder. It was like a woman had been talking next to my ear. It sounded very penetrating."

"Can you hear clearly what is being said this time?" Lin Zichen asked.

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "I can't hear it. It doesn't feel like a common language in this world. It sounds like reciting a spell, full of ancient and vicissitudes of life."

"Spell?" Lin Zichen frowned slightly, and then asked: "Can you reproduce that sound for me to hear?"

"No, I don't think human vocal cords can produce that kind of sound." Shen Qinghan shook his head, and then said: "Xiaochen, let's go back. I don't want to stay here anymore. I feel very insecure."

"Well, let's go back."

Seeing that she was in a bad state, Lin Zichen quickly took her away from the beach.

in the car.

Shen Qinghan recalled the sound he just heard in the sea, and couldn't help but feel scared.

She looked at Lin Zichen with lingering fear, and begged in a tone of voice: "Xiaochen, can I stop coming to the beach in the future? I don't want to exercise my water skills..."

"Okay, I won't come here anymore." Lin Zichen agreed without even thinking about it.

Shen Qinghan heard strange sounds when he went into the sea twice in a row, which made him feel a little uneasy.

He thought that he should not come to the beach in the future. If he wanted to practice water skills, he could go to some clean private swimming pools to practice.

As for the strange female voice that Shen Qinghan heard in the sea, he can only wait until he becomes stronger in the future, and then find an opportunity to study it in depth to see what is going on.

time flies.

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed.

Shanhai Middle School, Class 1, Grade 1.

Cai Yuanfei, the teacher of the mechanical modification class, walked in with a stack of test papers, looked at everyone and said:

"October has arrived in a blink of an eye, and school has started for more than a month. During this period, we have learned a lot of knowledge. It is time to test your learning results."

"I have set rewards for this exam. The first place will be awarded 888 yuan in cash, the second place will be awarded 666 yuan in cash, and the third place will be awarded 333 yuan in cash."

"It's not much money, it's just an incentive, but I hope everyone can take it seriously and test their learning results over the past month or so, and don't take it seriously."

After saying this, Cai Yuanfei handed the test paper to the students in the front row and asked them to pass it to the back.

"So cool? Just a small quiz within the class and a money prize?"

He Yu in the audience was shocked by this.

Li Chuxin heard this and asked doubtfully: "Don't you have a high school in Nanguan?"

He Yu shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Li Chuxin explained to him: "Like our Shanhai Middle School, the school distributes a certain amount of funds to teachers every month, so that teachers can use them to motivate students in daily assessments."

"I'll go, is it so good?" He Yu was surprised at first, and then couldn't help but complain: "Nanguan City claims to be a strong city in education, but the benefits for students are not as good as those in Shanhai City. What a surprise!"

Lin Zichen on the side was also a little surprised when he heard this.

There's actually a money prize?

Moreover, the first place actually has 888 yuan?

This reward is so generous, it can almost buy half a catty of Violent Big Carved Meat.

"Everyone, be quiet. Stop making noises. Let's start working on the test paper once we get it."

Seeing that the students were all discussing the bonus, making the classroom noisy, Cai Yuanfei immediately spoke up to control the situation.

Soon, the classroom became quiet and everyone began to work on the test papers.

The test paper is a bit difficult, and many knowledge points are very difficult to test.

Most of the students frowned.

Lin Zichen did it for a while and felt that it was okay. It was quite simple. You could basically know the answer at a glance, and you didn't have to think about it the whole time.

The only thing worth thinking about is the last question of the last solution.

But it only takes half a minute more.

To get a perfect score of 100, all you have to do is have the skills.

It can be said that the 888 yuan for the first place is already in hand.

More than an hour later.

The exam is over.

Cai Yuanfei came over to collect the test papers and took them back to the office for correction, hoping to finish them before lunch break.

As soon as the others left, the next moment there was a wailing sound in the whole classroom.

"Oh no, why is the exam so difficult? They asked me what the energy wavelength of the laser cannon is. How can I remember this? What's the use of memorizing it?"

"That's right, the exam is too difficult and too biased."

"The last answer question was outrageous. It asked about the relationship between the reaction force airflow device and the atmospheric pressure, and asked us to calculate the specific values ​​separately. There are so many decimal points, it's just a piece of cake!"

"Oh, I originally thought about getting a score of 90, but now I can get a score of 60 and pass."


When others complained that the test paper was too difficult.

Wang Shujie stood up and walked to Lu Gang and asked with a smile: "The paper just now was indeed a bit difficult. How did you do in the test?"

"I can get 95 points on the test, but I can't do the last question only." After saying that, Lu Gang asked Wang Shujie, "What about you?"

Wang Shujie smiled and said, "Me too. I can't answer the last question, so I guess I'll get 95 points."

After hearing that both of them had scored 95 points, many students around them secretly scolded them for not being human beings.

The test paper is so difficult and the score is so high, how can you let people live?

On the other side, Shen Qinghan also complained to Lin Zichen: "Xiaochen, this exam is too difficult, I may fail."

"It's okay. It's difficult for everyone. It's not just you. As long as your score is higher than the average, it'll be fine." Lin Zichen comforted her warmly.

Shen Qinghan thought it made sense, and the sadness on his face suddenly disappeared, and he said with a sweet smile:

"Yes, my written test scores have been very good since I was a child. I can definitely exceed the average score."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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