Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 49 Shen Qinghan’s Secret

After the lunch break, Lin Zichen ushered in the afternoon practical class.

The first thing I took was the wilderness survival class.

The teacher, Cheng Bei, didn't talk about any concepts or concepts. He just asked the students to practice and asked if anyone could make fire by drilling wood?

As he spoke, he took out a few dry logs and threw them on the ground to see if anyone knew how to do this.

However, he guessed that no one would.

This skill is basically not used at ordinary times. Who would learn it when they have nothing to do?

But to his surprise, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, two top academics in Nanguan City, knew the skill of drilling wood to make fire.

As soon as he threw the wood out, the two walked over and started drilling skillfully.

Then, it didn't take long to get out of the flames and successfully start a fire.

"What's going on? How come you two are so powerful, you can even drill wood to make fire?" Cheng Bei said with a look of disbelief.

Lu Gang smiled and said, "Teacher, I attended a field summer camp during the summer vacation of my second year of junior high school, where I learned to drill wood to make fire."

Wang Shujie said calmly: "I studied by myself online when I was in elementary school."

Hearing what Wang Shujie said, many students in the class opened their mouths, some were surprised.

Are all the top students in Nanguan City so awesome?

When you were just in elementary school, you went online to teach yourself how to drill wood and make fire?

Really outrageous!

Lin Zichen also looked at Wang Shujie. He didn't expect that someone would be like him. When he was a child, he also liked to search videos on the Internet to learn various skills on his own.

It seems that top academics all have something in common.

in the coming time.

Except for the two Nanguan City forced kings, everyone else in the class was following Cheng Bei to learn how to drill wood and make fire.

"Xiao Chen, it's so difficult. My hands are almost peeling when I drill. I can't even get out a hole. How fast do you have to drill to make a fire?"

Seeing herself blushing slightly and feeling a stinging pain in her palms from time to time, Shen Qinghan's face was full of frustration.

The same was true for Li Chuxin and He Yu on the side. They couldn't drill the wood on the ground at all.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zichen said to the three of them: "Come here, I will teach you."

When He Yu heard this, he couldn't help but wonder: "You know how to drill wood to make fire?"

Lin Zichen explained: "I also taught myself how to drill wood to make fire online before."

Li Chuxin said with admiration: "Zi Chen is so amazing!"

Lin Zichen just smiled and quickly taught the three of him his little skills of drilling wood to make fire, and at the same time corrected their wrong drilling movements.

Among the three, Shen Qinghan was relatively clumsy, and his drilling movements were always wrong.

Lin Zichen had no choice but to walk to her side and squat down, teaching her step by step how to drill.

Being held intimately by Lin Zichen's hand in front of so many people, Shen Qinghan's entire face turned red, all the way to the roots of her ears, and she was almost dripping with water just looking at it.

After the wilderness survival class.

The students of Class 1, Grade 1, finally received the martial arts training class of their homeroom teacher, Han Yuanfeng.

This is the most important course in high school, bar none.

The main content of the course is to understand the human body, exercise, and learn various martial arts techniques.

Han Yuanfeng came up and taught everyone a special breathing practice.

After learning this breathing practice, you can regulate your own breath and improve the effect of physical exercise.

However, the improvement is not much, and it is better than eye exercises.

Lin Zichen listened to Han Yuanfeng's explanation and watched him demonstrate the breathing method, and he learned it instantly.

It's not difficult, you can learn it as long as you master the breathing rhythm.

However, this is only for him.

Except for him, none of the students in the class could learn it. They all complained about how difficult it was, and they were almost out of breath several times.

One girl was so out of oxygen that she retched while leaning on a tree.

"Don't worry, everyone. This breathing method is a bit difficult. For example, the top students in the first grade of high school in the past took an average of three days to learn it."

Seeing everyone's faces full of frustration, Han Yuanfeng also comforted them in time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Shujie came over and said, "Teacher, I learned it."

Han Yuanfeng was shocked. This was the first class, and he already learned it?

Before the shock was over, Lu Gang also raised his hands and said, "Teacher, I have learned it too. Do you think this is the case?"

After saying that, Lu Gang began to perform breathing techniques with some unfamiliarity, constantly adjusting his breath.

When Wang Shujie saw this, he also started to perform the breathing method.

Seeing that both of them had really mastered the breathing method, Han Yuanfeng became excited.

He looked at Lu Gang and Wang Shujie and praised them in public without hesitation: "Awesome, really awesome. No wonder they can achieve excellent results in Nanguan City where there are so many masters. Their learning ability is outstanding!"

When the students around him saw this, they all looked envious.

At the same time, I also felt frustrated.

Those who can get into the top martial arts class of Shanhai Middle School were the proud students of their respective schools when they were in junior high school, and they were the top students in everyone's eyes.

However, at this moment, in front of Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, it was like a firefly competing for the brightness of the bright moon. It suddenly became eclipsed, which was very shocking.

Time flies, and a few days pass in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, the school curriculum has been basically the same every day.

From Monday to Thursday, there are mechanical modification classes and gene fusion classes in the morning, and wilderness survival classes and martial arts training classes in the afternoon.

On Friday, I take electives all day long.

During this period, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie have been actively expressing themselves and are highly valued by every teacher.

Lin Zichen kept a low profile and silently exercised his body every day.

Occasionally, we organize a group of four people to work together to wipe the blackboard, take out the trash, and water the flowers in the classroom. They complete these trivial tasks silently and improve the completion progress of the social animals' achievements.

After a few days, a lot of progress has been made.

[Achievement: Under the premise of cooperation with multiple people, complete the task 1000 times in total]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - social animals]

[Cumulative number of completed tasks: 56/1000]

This day, Saturday morning.

Lin Zichen got up early and came to Shen Qinghan's house and stood waiting for her to come out.

Last night, he and Shen Qinghan made an appointment to go to the beach today.

Just go in two, without your parents.

Shanhai City is a coastal city with sea everywhere around it.

The nearest beach is only less than thirty kilometers away.

There is no problem at all for the two of them to go out together.

We can go out in the morning and come back in the evening, which makes both parents feel relieved.

Of course, the main thing is to worry about Lin Zichen.

"Xiaochen, let's go."

Just hearing a sweet voice, Shen Qinghan walked out of the room carrying a schoolbag full of things and looked at Lin Zichen with a smile on his face.

Soon, the two of them took a car and headed to the nearest beach.

They said they were going for fun, but actually they wanted to train each other's water skills and study Shen Qinghan's body.

Lin Zichen has always wanted to unravel the secrets of Shen Qinghan. Why is he incontinent? Why is water nature so good?

Also, what was the sound that Shen Qinghan heard under the sea last time?

Is it an auditory hallucination or something?

Could it be related to Shen Qinghan's physical abnormalities over the years?

These doubts have been lingering in his mind and he wants to solve them every day.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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