Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 45 The genius recruited by the school with a lot of money

The four of them didn't chat for long, and they talked about almost all the topics that could be discussed in the group.

As the chat engine, He Yu saw that everyone had nothing to talk about, so he took the initiative to bring the topic to other students outside the group.

He mysteriously said to the three of them: "Guess who is the strongest in the class, you will definitely not guess."

Li Chuxin was a little confused: "Aren't you from Nanguan City? Logically speaking, you should not understand the situation in the class. How do you know who is the strongest in the class?"

Just after she finished speaking, she seemed to realize something and said a little speechlessly: "You don't want to say that you are the strongest in the class, do you?"

"No, I'm not that crazy. I'm still a bit obsessed with numbers. I can only be ranked third in the class at most." He Yu said modestly.

Li Chuxin shook his head and said: "Then I can't guess. I don't know many people in the class."

Just after she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of Lin Zichen, and immediately added with a smile: "If you force me to guess, I guess Zichen is the best, he is the top scorer in the high school entrance examination in our district!"

"Damn it, Zichen, are you so awesome?"

He Yu was a little shocked. He didn't expect Lin Zichen to be the district champion.

This man cannot be judged by his appearance!

After all, under normal circumstances, handsome people are trash in terms of strength.

Because God must be fair and cannot let one person be handsome and good at fighting, otherwise it will destroy the balance of the game Earth Online.

After the shock, He Yu thought about it and felt that it was actually not bad. He was just the district champion, not the city champion, so he might not be as good as himself.

Thinking about it, he whispered to the three of them: "The district champion may not be close, but you may not believe it. There are two ruthless people in our class. The principal paid a lot of money to poach them from Nanguan City."

"How to say?"

Li Chuxin was very curious.

Lin Zichen was also very curious about this, waiting for He Yu to reveal the answer.

He Yu asked the three of them to come closer, and then said to them more quietly:

"The boy by the window in the third row on the left is the one who just came on stage to introduce himself and said his name is Wang Shujie. He is the top pick in the high school entrance examination in Nanguan City, and his 100-meter score is 7.98 seconds!"

"Also, sitting on the far right side of the last row, there is a big man named Lu Gang. This man is born with supernatural powers and can easily lift a 300 kilogram barbell with one hand!"

"These two are definitely the strongest in the class. Apart from them, Zichen and I should be the strongest in the class."

He Yu originally wanted to say that apart from those two people, he was the strongest.

But thinking that Lin Zichen was a member of his team, it was not good to say this, so he also mentioned Lin Zichen.

"Oh my God! Is it true?!"

Li Chuxin was surprised and full of disbelief.

Shen Qinghan was calm, and as always firmly believed that Lin Zichen was the best in the class, but he only thought so in his heart and did not argue out loud.

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing.

100 meters in 7.98 seconds?

Easily lift 300kg with one hand?

He could already achieve these two statistics when he was in elementary school.

"Here are some classmates to help move books and uniforms!"

The head teacher, Han Yuanfeng, appeared at the door at some point and shouted to the students who were chatting animatedly in the classroom.

When the boys sitting near the door heard this, they all stood up and followed him to move books and uniforms.

It didn't take long.

Books and uniforms have been brought back.

Under the command of Han Yuanfeng.

Several students sitting in the front row quickly and orderly handed out books and school uniforms to the class.

There are not many books, only four for each person, corresponding to the four main courses.

"Must-have Practice for Martial Arts Practice One"

"Gene Fusion Compulsory Course One"

"Mechanical Transformation Compulsory Course 1"

"Required Course for Wilderness Survival 1"

The titles of the books are very simple and straightforward, and you can tell what you are studying at a glance.

As for school uniforms, each student is given five sets, three sets of summer clothes and two sets of winter clothes.

Lin Zichen opened the package and touched the material of the school uniform with his hands, and found that it felt surprisingly good and the quality was no worse than clothes sold for hundreds of yuan in shopping malls.

It can only be said that key high schools are different. The funds are quite sufficient and the things distributed to students are not shoddy.

After the books and school uniforms have been distributed.

Han Yuanfeng walked to the podium and turned on the projector to project a position map of class cadres.

There are not many positions, only five.

They are: squad leader, discipline committee, study committee, literature and art committee, and life committee.

Han Yuanfeng looked at the students in the audience and said: "Anyone who wants to be a class cadre can come to the stage to run for office and let others vote."

Lin Zichen was not interested in these. He just glanced at them and quickly lowered his head to read the textbook that had just been handed out.

Shen Qinghan was extremely introverted and would not consider being a cadre on duty, so he lowered his head and read the textbook.

He Yu was interested in the position of squad leader and said to the three people in the group: "Team members, I will take the stage to run for squad leader later. Please remember to vote for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chuxin immediately continued with a smile on his face: "I will run for the literary and art committee later, and you should also vote for me."

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan both nodded and said yes.

A few minutes later.

The election for class cadres has begun.

There are quite a few people who want to be cadres on duty, and some people are running for office one after another.

He Yu went up very early to run for squad leader.

Unfortunately, he failed in the election.

The position of squad leader was snatched away by Wang Shujie, who ran 100 meters in 7.98 seconds.

The next best thing is to run for the disciplinary committee.

As a result, the election failed.

The position of disciplinary committee member was taken by Lu Gang, who can easily lift 300kg with one hand.

He Yu was numb and returned to his seat to sit blankly with a look of doubt on his face.

After a while, he cursed in a low voice: "Ma Dan, you two bastards, wait for me. Sooner or later I will overtake you in a corner and push you to the ground and rub you hard!"

Unlike He Yu, Li Chuxin got her wish and was elected to the literary and art committee.

[You worked together with the group members and successfully helped Li Chuxin run for the Arts Committee]

[Cumulative number of completed tasks: 3/1000]

"Hanhan, there is no publicity committee member in the class, so I, the literary committee member, have to take charge of the blackboard report, but I'm not very good at drawing. I remember you said you liked drawing when you introduced yourself before. Can you help me?"

After coming off the stage, Li Chuxin imitated Lin Zichen's call to Shen Qinghan, and looked at Shen Qinghan affectionately and asked for help.

Facing his deskmate's request for help, Shen Qinghan nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Yes, I will help you."

She already likes to draw and is quite happy to be in charge of the blackboard newspaper.

When Li Chuxin heard this, she hugged her happily and said, "Good sister, from now on you will be my good sister, Li Chuxin!"

Shen Qinghan was not used to being hugged, and had nowhere to place his hands.

Li Chuxin was so enthusiastic that it was difficult for her to adapt in a short period of time.

Lin Zichen saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help but smile, thinking it was good.

It is estimated that it won't be long before Shen Qinghan will have a little sister to talk to about everything.

Books and school uniforms were distributed.

The class cadres were also selected.

Han Yuanfeng on the stage saw that nothing happened, so he let the students in the class move around freely, and then went home from school on his own when the time came.

Of course, the premise is that you cannot leave the school during this period.

When the students in the audience heard this, many of them felt incredible.

Yesterday was registration day, so it’s understandable that I didn’t go to class.

What about today, why don’t you have to go to class?

Li Chuxin knew the intention and explained to the confused three people in the group with a smile:

"This is the tradition of Shanhai Middle School. In order to allow students to get familiar with the school and their classmates as soon as possible, there will be no classes in the first two days and they will be free to move around."

This was the first time Lin Zichen heard about this, and he felt a little ignorant.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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