Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 44 Creating a Team of Four

"I'll scan you."

Lin Zichen opened WeChat and scanned it.

The girl with twin tails excitedly opened her WeChat business card and put the QR code in front of him.

Shen Qinghan watched from the side, pursed his lips and said nothing, feeling a little depressed.

She knew that Lin Zichen was trying to rescue her, which made her feel even more useless.

Even when asked about my high school entrance examination results, I couldn't tell her.

It's just a useless oil bottle.

After adding the girl with twin tails, Lin Zichen looked at his deskmate and said:

"He Yu, let's add WeChat too."

His deskmate was a boy with short hair, a strong build, and bright eyes.

He Yu took out his mobile phone, opened his WeChat business card, put the QR code in front of Lin Zichen and said, "Scan it for me."

After adding friends, Lin Zichen created a WeChat group and added Shen Qinghan, He Yu, and Li Chuxin, a girl with twin tails.

Afterwards, he smiled and said to the three people:

"Based on where we are sitting now, I guess we will be in the same group from now on. I just created a group and got everyone in."

He Yu smiled and said: "Okay, very capable."

Li Chuxin looked at the WeChat group and suggested: "Then let's give the group a name. How about calling it Dawn Group? Dawn of Dawn."

Break the group?

Lin Zichen felt strange when he heard it.

However, the other two people didn't seem to think about the homophony, and both said that the group name was quite good.

He Yu simply didn't care and felt that it didn't matter what the group's name was.

Shen Qinghan, on the other hand, simply has no opinion in front of strangers and only knows how to respond.

"Zi Chen, what about you?"

Li Chuxin looked at Lin Zichen and asked.

Lin Zichen thought the group name was a bit ridiculous, but seeing that no one had any objections, he nodded and said, "I think it's pretty good too."

"Since everyone agrees, the group will be called the Daybreak Group from now on." Li Chuxin said and changed the name of the WeChat group chat to "Daybreak".

[䱱successfully created a four-person team, which meets the standards of multiple people working together to complete one thing]

[Cumulative number of completed events: 2/1000]

Is this okay?

Lin Zichen felt a little surprised when he saw the two text messages emerging from the void.

It seems that the achievement of multiple people working together to complete something is not too difficult and can be accomplished without deliberately doing it.

After all, creating a team of four can improve achievement progress.

Then wiping the blackboard together, sweeping the floor together, and taking out the trash together will definitely improve progress.

All I can say is that this achievement task is enough if you have the skills to do it.

in the coming time.

Except for Lin Zichen, who had already added other people's WeChat accounts, the other three people all added each other's WeChat accounts.

Then, under the leadership of He Yu, everyone started the household registration mode.

I found out after some chatting.

He Yu is not a native of Shanhai City, but a native of Nanguan City next door. His family has been running martial arts schools for generations, and he is the son of a martial arts family.

The reason why he came to Shanhai City to study in high school was because his family was going to develop a market in Shanhai City, and his parents were the leaders of this project. In order to do a good job in this project, his parents moved to Shanhai City to settle down. As an only child, He had no choice but to follow.

"He Yu, your family has opened martial arts schools for generations, so your martial arts must be very strong." Li Chuxin guessed.

Hey, this is what I've been waiting for!

He Yu felt happy in his heart, and said calmly on the surface: "Actually, it's not bad. It's just that it didn't embarrass the family. In last year's Nanguan City Youth Martial Arts Competition, I was lucky enough to get eighth place."

"Wow, No. 8 in the city, He Yu, you are so awesome!" Li Chuxin looked admiring.

"So awesome..." Shen Qinghan also admired him, but in his heart he thought Lin Zichen was the most powerful.

Lin Zichen also cheered and said: "I didn't expect that there would be a martial arts master in our group. From now on, if we encounter any questions that we don't understand in martial arts classes, we will have to ask you for advice."

"No problem, I'll take care of it!" He Yu agreed, patting his chest.

The three people in the group all praised him so much, but it really made him happy.

Especially Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin, the two beautiful girls cast admiring glances at him, which made him so happy that he couldn't stop.

After he was done enjoying himself, he looked at the three of them and asked, "By the way, what do you do at home?"

Li Chuxin: "My family owns a clothing store and has several branches in the district."

When He Yu heard this, he also said in a flattering manner: "Good guy, she turns out to be a little rich woman. No wonder she is dressed in brand-name goods. I am envious of her."

Li Chuxin smiled and waved his hand: "Young Master He, please stop making fun of me. Your martial arts gym has opened as a cross-city chain. I envy you enough."

After saying that, she looked at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan and asked curiously: "Zichen, Qinghan, what do you two do at home?"

Shen Qinghan said a little cautiously: "My parents are both teachers, teaching high school cultural subjects."

"Good teacher, not to mention a stable income, but also respected by others. You are a scholarly kid!" He Yu complimented skillfully, focusing on reciprocity.

Li Chuxin said with a look of surprise: "No wonder your grades in cultural subjects are so good. It turns out that your parents are both cultural subjects teachers."

After saying that, she looked at Lin Zichen and asked, "Zichen, what about you?"

Lin Zichen said calmly: "Both my parents are freelancers and write online novels at home."

"Here, he is actually the author of a novel!" He Yu was surprised by this, and then said curiously: "I usually like to read novels when I have nothing to do. I will search for any novels written by your parents."

Lin Zichen smiled: "I'll post all the book titles in the group, you can take a look for yourselves."

After saying that, he posted all the book titles in the group chat.

As a childhood sweetheart, Shen Qinghan had already read these books.

He even took the initiative to become a troll, opened a bunch of reader accounts, and wrote a lot of comments in the comment area of ​​the book such as "Quick update, can't sleep at night", "Super beautiful, one more look will make you explode", " The writing of this book is really good, and the plot is so enjoyable.”

He Yu and Li Chuxin curiously opened the group chat to check the title of the book, and then searched it online.

Soon, He Yu, who had finished searching for the book, cheered as always: "Okay, okay, the title and introduction of the book are very attractive. Let's go home and read it in the evening."

Li Chuxin was surprised and said: "Why are they all novels for men? Doesn't your mother write novels for women?"

Lin Zichen smiled and explained: "My mother used to write novels for women, but for some reasons, she later came to write novels for men. Through this, she met my father and gave birth to me."

"Wow, that sounds like a lot of fate." Li Chuxin looked envious, thinking that it would be great if she could meet her significant other like this in the future. It would be so sweet.

PS: Happy New Year to everyone, I’ll try to see if I can add another chapter!

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