Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 36 Junior High School Graduation

Spent a few days wandering around the mall.

In the end, Lin Zichen successfully found an uncle to be his purchasing agent.

This man is a local landlord who has several buildings for rent. When he has nothing to do, he usually wears big pants and slippers and wanders around the mall, helping to clean up the tabletops or rummaging through trash cans to pick up empty bottles to sell.

I’m not short of money, but I just like to pick up trash and save money.

Every time I pick up an empty bottle, I feel very satisfied and feel so happy that I want to go to heaven.

Lin Zichen just told the old man that from now on all the empty bottles at home would belong to him, and the old man smiled and agreed to help him purchase them.

After having a purchasing agent.

The thirty thousand yuan on hand was quickly spent.

I bought all the ghost squid meat and devoured it. I devoured thirty kilograms in a row, which directly increased the progress of opening the ghost squid album to 33%.

In the next half month of summer vacation.

Lin Zichen exercises every day, once in the morning, noon and once in the evening, and each time is very intense.

During the break, Shen Qinghan would be called out from home to help her train.

The days passed like this.

When the summer vacation is over, the moment of life in the second grade of junior high school comes.

Lin Zichen's biological level broke through.

Successfully broke through from the ordinary third level to the ordinary fourth level.

At the same time, various data of the body have been greatly improved.

It can easily lift up to 1090kg with one hand.

Vertical jump up to 5.65 meters in place.

The 100-meter sprint takes just 4.49 seconds.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the improvements in these three data are no longer as exaggerated as the direct multiple or double improvements in the previous two evolutions.

Lin Zichen can understand this. After all, it is more difficult to become stronger as the body goes up, and the value of becoming stronger cannot always increase by multiples, and it depends on the original value.

Take strength for example.

From 100kg to 400kg, the value is directly multiplied by four times.

When going from 400kg to 800kg, the value only doubled.

However, the improvement of the latter is obviously greater than that of the former, with an increase of 100kg.

"I used to think that I would be successful if I could break through to the ordinary fourth level before graduating from junior high school. Unexpectedly, I have successfully broken through in my second year of junior high school. It seems that I have underestimated myself..."

Lin Zichen smiled and thought.

Time flies, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan both took the high school entrance examination and successfully graduated from the junior high school of Shanhai Middle School.

On the day of graduation, both parents took the time to attend their graduation ceremony.

"Come on, you two come closer and smile brighter!"

As always, Zhang Wanxin was responsible for taking photos of the childhood sweethearts, using the photos to witness their growth at each school age.

While the two were taking a group photo, many girls around were watching.

Seeing Shen Qinghan sticking herself on Lin Zichen's body, all the girls watching were filled with envy. They wished they could go up and pull Shen Qinghan away so that they could stick to Lin Zichen's body instead.

Feeling the envious looks from girls of the same age around her, Shen Qinghan felt extremely beautiful and felt that she was the happiest girl in the world.

Nearly half an hour passed.

The photo shoot is over.

Lin Zichen lowered his head to look at Shen Qinghan beside him, and found that without realizing it, he was almost a head taller than her.

Shen Qinghan noticed his gaze, immediately turned sideways and raised an extremely beautiful face, looked at him with watery eyes and asked:

"Why are you looking at the top of my head? Is there something stuck on it?"

"No, I just suddenly realized that I am almost a head taller than you."

"Don't talk nonsense. You are not even a head taller. We just measured our height a few days ago. You are 1.78 meters and I am 1.62 meters. There is only a difference of 16 centimeters. The difference between a head and a head must be at least 20 centimeters."

Shen Qinghan pursed her red lower lip slightly, expressing dissatisfaction with Lin Zichen's loose choice of words.

As the height gap between the two grew larger and larger, she now became very concerned about her height, not wanting to miss it even by a centimeter.

Lin Zichen corrected him: "Don't be impatient. I said fast by a head. Don't ignore the word fast in the middle."

Shen Qinghan said squeamishly: "I don't care, I can't say it's fast, I have to be precise to every centimeter!"

After saying that, she looked at the growing height difference between herself and Lin Zichen, and couldn't help but worry a little: "You are almost 1.8 meters now. If you are still taller in high school, I want to wipe it off your face in the future." I’m afraid I have to stand on tiptoes to wipe it off.”

"I think too much. You are so short. You can't reach me just by standing on your tiptoes. Well, you have to at least stand on a chair."

Lin Zichen reached out and touched her head and teased.

"Ah, right, right!" Shen Qinghan rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "In a few years, I will be so short that I can only jump up and hit you on the knee!"

Zhang Wanxin looked at the two of them with an aunt's smile on her face and said, "It's okay, Hanhan. From now on, you can't reach me even if you stand on tiptoes. Why don't you let Xiaochen hug you up so that you can wipe the sweat on his face." "

"Aunt Xin, you're laughing at me again~" Shen Qinghan's face suddenly turned red and she felt embarrassed after being teased by Zhang Wanxin.

Lin Zichen didn't feel anything at all, he just smiled and said nothing.

But then again, he hasn't hugged Shen Qinghan for a long time.

We used to hug him a lot in kindergarten. Every time he took a nap at school, Shen Qinghan liked to get into his bed and hold him to sleep. In the past three years, he peed on him almost 100 times.

In elementary school, I only hugged her a few times, but carried her on my back quite a lot.

As for the three years in junior high school, I hugged her once when the pagan believers made trouble, but I didn't hug her again after that.

All I can say is that I have grown up after all.

The physiological differences between them are getting bigger and bigger, their sexual characteristics are becoming more and more obvious, and they are becoming more sensitive to the physical contact of the opposite sex.

Due to various concerns, I can no longer cuddle as casually as I did when I was a child.

Half a month later.

The results of the high school entrance examination are out.

As everyone expected, Lin Zichen ranked first in the district.

Whether it is cultural subjects or the physical test data needed when applying for martial arts classes, he is absolutely No. 1 in the district.

In fact, he can take the first place in the city, but thinking about it, it is better to keep a low profile and take the first place in the district.

On Shen Qinghan's side, something unexpected happened.

He did very well in the cultural examination, and his extraordinary performance ranked among the top 100 in the district. It was more than enough for him to be promoted to the high school of Shanhai Middle School.

But in terms of physical test data, it failed to reach the admission score for Shanhai Middle School's top martial arts class. It was missed by more than ten points, which was a bit too short.

"Xiao Chen, I've obviously been working out very hard, but my physical test scores just can't come up. I feel like I'm not suitable for practicing martial arts."

Shen Qinghan was lying flat on his bed, covering his eyes with his right arm, looking very frustrated.

Lin Zichen sat on the bedside and comforted: "Don't lose confidence in yourself. You just failed to get into the top class. You are already better than many people. And you are still young. You are only 15 years old now and your body is not fully developed yet." , the potential is still huge.”

"What do you mean I'm still young? You're obviously only one day older than me, so why do you sound like you can be my father?" Shen Qinghan couldn't help complaining.

Lin Zichen smiled and teased: "I don't mind being your father."

"Oh, you are so annoying. I am so sad now, and you are still making fun of me!"

Shen Qinghan reached out and hit Lin Zichen, but not with much force, like a flirtation between lovers.

After saying that, she quickly said with a weak look on her face: "The body is also not fully developed yet, but your physical test data looks much better than mine. Compared with you, I look like a useless otaku."

Just when Lin Zichen wanted to comfort her, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

It was Zhang Wanxin calling.

When he got through, he heard that it was the high school principal of Shanhai Middle School who had come to his home. He came specifically to visit him, the genius academic who had ranked first in the district.

The purpose of the visit was to ensure that he would go directly to the high school of Shanhai Middle School and not be secretly poached by other high schools.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan on the bed and said, "Hanhan, the principal of the high school department has come to my house. Come with me to take a look."

"I don't want to go..." Shen Qinghan was in a bad mood now and just wanted to stay in the room quietly.

Lin Zichen advised with a gentle voice: "You'd better come with me and say hello to the principal so that he can get familiar with you. We can continue to be in the same class and at the same desk after school starts."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and had to get up from the bed dejectedly, and followed Lin Zichen to see the principal of the high school.

After all, with her ordinary physical test data, she would definitely not be able to get into the top martial arts class in the high school department.

If you still want to be in the same class as Lin Zichen, you can only rely on your relationship with Lin Zichen to go through the back door and become a related household like you did when you were in junior high school.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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