Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 35 Complete victory and championship

"I heard that Gao Fei in this competition can run under 9 seconds in the 100-meter sprint. This is outrageous. He is obviously only a junior high school student."

"It's normal. My father is a gene fusion person. As a descendant of a gene fusion person, his physical fitness must be far superior to ordinary people."

"Listening to what you said, the first-year student at Shanhai Middle School may have no hope."

"What's the point? I'm only in the first year of junior high school. After two years, I'll grow up. From then on, Shanhai Middle School will be firmly number one..."

As soon as Gao Fei from Shanhai No. 1 Middle School appeared on the stage, there was a burst of discussion related to him in the audience.

Most of them were bragging and were impressed by his superior physical fitness.

As for Lin Zichen... almost no one is optimistic about it.

Even Zhang Wanxin and Lin Yansheng were not optimistic, thinking that their son would probably lose.

In the eyes of the couple, their son is a genius, but he is still in the category of ordinary people. It is almost impossible to compete with the monster of 100 meters and 9 seconds.

She thought so, but Zhang Wanxin still shouted to Lin Zichen as always: "Xiaochen, come on, as long as you go all out, you will definitely win!"

When Lin Yansheng and Shen Qinghan heard this, they also cheered for Lin Zichen.

On the martial arts stage.

When Lin Zichen heard Shen Qinghan and his parents cheering, he immediately responded with a smile and waved to them as before.

Gao Fei, who was opposite, saw this and said, "This junior in the mountain, you have such a good relationship with your family, I'm even jealous of you."

"It's okay." Lin Zichen smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Fei on the other side said with a jealous look on his face: "Unfortunately, I can't see other people's family relationships being harmonious. I suggest you be mentally prepared for the upcoming duel, because... I will launch the most ferocious attack on you. offensive!"

Lin Zichen was convinced after hearing this, and unexpectedly met another junior high school boy who looked unusual. Shanhai No. 1 Middle School is probably rich in middle school boys.

"The duel will begin soon, please take your positions." The referee looked at the two and said.

Hearing this, both of them took their positions and prepared for the duel to begin.

When the referee saw this, he immediately raised his right hand skillfully and said: "The duel begins!"

Upon hearing this command, Gao Fei exerted force on his calves and rushed in front of Lin Zichen in an instant, using his ancestral martial arts technique, the Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist.

All of a sudden!

Two fists hit Lin Zichen like raindrops!

The blast was fast, accurate and hard!

Lin Zichen thought this boxing technique was interesting, so he didn't rush to kill Gao Fei instantly. He chose to dodge the attacks with ease while observing and learning every move and move of the boxing technique.

"Gao Fei, what are you doing? I asked you to focus on defense. Why did you attack!"

The coach of Shanhai No. 1 Middle School in the audience saw that the players on the stage did not follow the tactics he had arranged, and he suddenly shouted angrily.

However, Gao Fei on the stage ignored him at all and continued to go his own way and attacked Lin Zichen crazily.


As a genius, I don’t need this kind of turtle style of play!

As soon as he enters the ring, he will launch the most ferocious attack on his opponent!

Either light speed wins or light speed loses!

Never cower in a corner!

This is what Gao Fei thought when he first started his offensive.

But as time passed and he realized that he could not attack Lin Zichen at all, his mentality collapsed!

"what happened?!"

"How can you dodge my attack?!"

"This unscientific!!"

Gao Fei stopped attacking and looked at Lin Zichen suspiciously and asked loudly.

Lin Zichen didn't answer, but just asked: "Are there any other moves? Use them all."


Hearing Lin Zichen's words, Gao Fei felt red and warm.

This is naked ridicule!

Damn it!

His face turned red with anger, and he quickly rushed towards Lin Zichen again, punching and attacking like crazy!

Seeing that he was still using his previous boxing skills, Lin Zichen knew that he was at the end of his rope, so he stopped wasting time and kicked him off the stage, winning the duel.

Gao Fei actually lost?

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned. They did not expect that this duel would have such an outcome.

Soon, the scene erupted into huge exclamations of disbelief.

"Xiaochen, you are so awesome!!!"

"Husband, our son is great!"

"Zi Chen, you're awesome!"

"What's going on? What's going on with that freshman from Shanhai Middle School?!"

"This is so fake, it must be a fake match!"

At this moment, the entire stadium was filled with piercing noise.

Lin Zichen ignored these voices and quickly started the next duel.

The fourth showdown was won at the speed of light!

The fifth showdown was won at the speed of light!

In less than ten minutes, Lin Zichen defeated the two remaining players from Shanhai No. 1 Middle School, and single-handedly defeated the entire Shanhai No. 1 Middle School.


In the next two days, he used the same attitude to single-handedly defeat the two opposing schools and successfully led Shanhai Middle School to win the eight-school league championship.

During this period, four teammates did not play a game and won the whole game.

Maybe it would be a pity for them not to play in the last competition.

But Lin Zichen didn't care about these, he only cared about the progress of his achievement tasks.

On the podium.

Lin Zichen held the championship trophy in his hand and took photos with his coaches, teammates, family, childhood sweethearts, and several passing spectators.

After sharing the joy of winning the championship, he immediately looked into the void to check the progress of the achievement task.

[Cumulative elimination of opponents: 16/1000]

You have to defeat 984 different opponents to complete this achievement about natural selection.

The progress is so different that it will definitely not be completed within a short while.

I'm afraid I have to calculate it on a yearly basis...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen shook his head and no longer paid too much attention to this achievement task. He turned to look at Guo Xiangyuan aside and asked about the bonus bonus for winning the championship.

The champion of the eight-school league will receive a total bonus of 30,000 yuan.

The school assigns points, and the coaches and teammates assign points.

In the end, Lin Zichen, who was the absolute main force, received a dividend of 20,000 yuan.

Two-thirds were taken away directly.

Much more than expected.

In the evening, the two families had dinner together to celebrate.

As the champion, Lin Zichen was praised by both parents from beginning to end.

There is the appearance of a machine transforming people!

Looks like a genetic fusion person!

No matter how nice it sounds, no matter how much he praises it, he has high hopes for him.

Lin Zichen listened without any fluctuation in his heart, silently counting how much money he had saved in total.

There is a bonus of 20,000 yuan for winning the martial arts competition.

There are prizes won from previous participation in various subject competitions.

Got a scholarship from the school.

All added up, it's almost 30,000 yuan.

"This is a lot of money, it's time to find a purchasing agent to buy ghost squid meat, and try to open the ghost squid album before graduating from junior high school..."

Lin Zichen thought silently in his heart.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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