Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 2: Recognizing people with a keen eye

[You are running, blood +1, body coordination +1, running speed +1, running skill +1]

[You are jumping, qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, jumping height +1, jumping skills +1]

[You are talking to yourself, spirit +1, language ability +1, expression ability +1...]

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

With the blessing of the "use it or lose it" effect, Lin Zichen has mastered basic skills such as running, jumping, and language.

Although he has mastered many skills, since he is only 7 months old now, he dare not show too much in front of his parents.

Worry that if you act too outrageously, it may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble in the future.

Let’s not talk about the extreme case of slice research for now.

At least appearing in variety shows, becoming an Internet celebrity, and participating in various competitions are definitely indispensable.

Lin Zichen just wanted to evolve quietly and didn't want to spend too much energy on other things.

Of course, it's okay to act a bit genius appropriately and make your parents happy.

"Chenchen, let's go. Mom will take you to sister Hanhan's house to play."

Zhang Wanxin picked up Lin Zichen who was on the ground and kissed him on the face with a smile on her face.

The sister Hanhan she talks about is the baby girl who lives next door.

She said she was taking her son to play with the baby girl, but in fact, more than anything, she wanted to chat with the baby girl's mother.

The two mothers are similar in age and both like to dress up and chat about celebrity entertainment gossip.

After visiting each other a few times, we soon became best friends who talked about everything.

Arriving at the neighbor's house, Zhang Wanxin placed Lin Zichen next to the baby girl, and sat on the sofa chatting and laughing with the baby girl's mother.

When the baby girl saw Lin Zichen, her little face was filled with a smile, and she reached out to touch him, wanting to have physical contact with him.

Lin Zichen was not interested in playing with a baby.

It quickly crawled away.

Get some exercise by crawling around your neighbor’s house.

The baby girl also wanted to crawl along, but her hands and feet were weak and she couldn't crawl at all. She could only sit there and watch Lin Zichen scurry around like a cockroach.

She seemed to like Lin Zichen very much. Whenever she saw Lin Zichen crawling towards her, she would curl her eyes and reveal a bright smile.

"Chenchen, don't just focus on crawling by yourself, play with sister Hanhan."

Seeing Lin Zichen crawling until his knees were dirty and yellow, Zhang Wanxin stepped forward, picked him up, and put him back next to the baby girl.

In order for Zhang Wanxin to gain some face in front of outsiders, Lin Zichen accompanied the baby girl obediently and acted as an obedient and sensible person.

The mother of the baby girl said with envy: "Wanxin, your Chenchen really listens to you."

"Hey, Hanhan is also very well-behaved, and she also loves to laugh. When she grows up, she will charm many little boys." Zhang Wanxin praised back.

Just as the two mothers were praising each other, the baby girl suddenly peed.

She was not wearing a diaper and was wearing crotchless pants, so she peed all over the floor.

The baby girl looked at the water stains on the ground and immediately slapped it with her hands with a smile on her face, causing water to splash everywhere.

Shooting while peeing.

Laughing while filming.

I had a lot of fun playing alone.

Lin Zichen couldn't hold himself any longer and quickly moved away to avoid being splashed by urine.

The mother of the baby girl had a headache and asked, "Is your girl made of water? You just peed not long ago, why did you pee again?"

After saying that, he picked up the baby girl and went into the bathroom to change pants.

Seeing her best friend leaving in a hurry, Zhang Wanxin felt that she was really relaxed as a mother.

It’s troublesome to take care of other people’s babies.

As for my baby, except for the first month or two when he peed his pants, he never peed again in the following months.

When he wants to pee, he will whine, notifying adults to take him to pee.

The most important thing is that there will be no crying at night, which is very worry-free for parents.

time flies.

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Lin Zichen's body was already strong enough to do push-ups and sit-ups, which was incredible.

The first time I tried to do push-ups, I found it very difficult and very slow.

But after doing it for a while, I quickly became proficient.

He looked like a pile driver, his body moved up and down crazily, making the crib creak.

It makes men feel inferior and makes women feel ecstatic.

When you are doing your best.

Zhang Wanxin opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Lin Zichen doing push-ups with great intensity on the crib, she was completely stunned.

For a moment I thought I was dazzled.

Instinctively he rubbed his eyes.

Taking advantage of Zhang Wanxin's moment of rubbing her eyes, Lin Zichen quickly lay down and pretended to sleep.

"That's weird. Did I see it wrong just now?"

Zhang Wanxin walked to the crib and stopped, turning Lin Zichen over and letting him lie down to sleep, while muttering something like this in confusion.

in the days to come.

As soon as his parents leave, Lin Zichen will secretly do push-ups and sit-ups.

[You are doing push-ups, Qi and blood +1, arm muscle strength +1, chest muscle strength +1, push-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing sit-ups, Qi and blood +1, abdominal muscle strength +1, sit-ups proficiency +1]


I exercised like this for a while.

One day, when Zhang Wanxin was giving Lin Zichen a bath, she was shocked to find that her baby actually had abdominal muscles, and she was immediately stunned.

"Husband, something big happened, come in quickly!"

"What happened!"

Lin Yansheng ran into the bathroom with a nervous look on his face.

Then... I followed others and became stupid.

"What, what's going on?!"

Looking at Lin Zichen's vaguely visible eight-pack abs, Lin Yansheng looked in disbelief.

How can a baby over eight months old have abdominal muscles?

Could it be that you crawl around every day to build up your abdominal muscles?

Lin Yansheng was puzzled.


A family of three sat down to have dinner.

Lin Zichen has been weaned and can drink some nutritious porridge appropriately.

I had a huge appetite and drank bowl after bowl.

This is because exercising at high intensity every day consumes too much.

The uninformed parents were surprised to see that a baby could eat so much.

After meal.

A family of three is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Watching the news.

There was a piece of news about attacks by alien beasts. My parents looked worried, saying that attacks by alien beasts have been frequent recently and the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

Then I saw another piece of news about a child prodigy.

It is said that over in Kyoto, there is a thousand-year-old martial arts family who gave birth to a genius with natural supernatural powers. He was able to lift a 20kg dumbbell with one hand at the age of two, which shocked the whole country.

Lin Yansheng couldn't help but sigh after seeing it: "The martial arts families in Kyoto have good genes and good resources. Many of their descendants are the proud ones from birth. It's really enviable."

Out of her mother's preference for her son, Zhang Wanxin said with a disapproving look: "My Chenchen is also a proud son of heaven, and he will definitely not lose to those so-called geniuses from aristocratic families in the future."

Listening to Zhang Wanxin's words, Lin Zichen silently gave her a thumbs up, thinking that his mother still knows people with her sharp eyes.

After that, his eyes stayed on the TV screen, looking at the child prodigy easily lifting the barbell with one hand, and he was filled with thoughts.

At the age of two, he can easily lift a 20kg dumbbell with one hand...

The genius who shocked the whole country...

I wonder if I will be able to easily lift 20kg with one hand when I am two years old?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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