Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 1 Use it or lose it

"Baby, you are so hungry. Come, mommy will feed you some milk."

Just heard a gentle female voice.

The next moment, Lin Zichen felt something soft being stuffed into his mouth, and then he sucked it instinctively.

He was just over a month old and had some consciousness in his mind, but not much.

All I know is that I cry when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm full.

His thinking is basically chaotic and he does not have complete thinking ability.

[Energy +1]

[Energy +1]

[Energy +1]


As he sucked more and more breast milk, Lin Zichen suddenly felt his head itching, as if he was about to grow a brain.

Immediately afterwards, a character panel slowly emerged from the void.

[Name: Lin Zichen]

[Age: 33 days]

[Creature Level: Ordinary (First Level)]

[Biological attributes: None]

Looking at the panel in the void, Lin Zichen finally realized something.

He traveled through time himself.

Time travel and become a newborn whose brain has not yet fully developed.

Also has a golden finger.

After just thinking about this for a while, Lin Zichen felt very tired and soon fell asleep.

"The little one fell asleep right after he was full. It's really enviable. Your mother has lost a lot of sleep to take care of you."

The woman looked at Lin Zichen who was sleeping soundly in her arms, smiled and murmured with love in her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

After these days of development, Lin Zichen's consciousness has become much clearer and he has a relatively complete thinking ability.

After getting a brain, the first thing he did was to study cheats.

I learned that he was an achievement-oriented cheat, and the first achievement task was triggered.

[Achievement: Cumulative kicking 10,000 times]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - use it or lose it]

[Cumulative number of kicks: 1024/10000]

Lin Zichen glanced at the progress bar, silently lying on the crib and kicking his legs.

"Baby, you're kicking your legs again."

"When did you wake up?"

"He doesn't cry or fuss when he wakes up. He's such a good baby that makes his mother worry-free."

Mother Zhang Wanxin came into the room and saw Lin Zichen lying on the crib quietly kicking his legs, with a happy smile on his face.

Lin Zichen smiled at her and responded.

Soon, his father Lin Yansheng also came in and said expectantly:

"The little guy is so lively and active, and he is very physically talented at first glance. He will definitely become a high-ranking gene fusion person in the future, and even if he is not good enough, he can also become a mechanical transformation person."

Gene fusion person?

Mechanical transformation?

What is this?

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, realizing that this world seemed different from his previous life.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

In the past month, Lin Zichen kicked his legs an average of 300 times a day, and finally reached the total of 10,000 times.

[A total of 10,000 kicks have been achieved]

[Acquire biological attributes: use it or lose it]

[Use it or lose it: As long as you continue to exercise the same body part, that part can evolve and become stronger indefinitely, but it cannot break the limits of carbon-based organisms]

After reading the content, Lin Zichen immediately kicked up his legs skillfully, eager to experience the effect of using it or losing it.

[You are kicking your legs, qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, kicking proficiency +1]

The moment the prompt message came out, Lin Zichen clearly felt a little more strength in his legs.

In response, he felt slightly excited and kicked his legs harder.

When you get tired of pedaling, switch to waving your arms.

[You are waving, qi and blood +1, hand muscle strength +1, waving proficiency +1]

When your hands get tired, you can twist your body instead to move all the muscles in your body to achieve a full range of exercise.

Almost a week passed like this.

Lin Zichen's body has become much stronger and he can sit up from the crib on his own. He no longer has to lie on the bed and look at the ceiling like before.

Normally, it takes around 7 months for newborns to be able to sit up on their own.

And he is now only more than 4 months old, and he can already do this.

in the next half month.

Lin Zichen exercised his limbs in a targeted manner and quickly mastered the skills of crawling.

[You are crawling, energy and blood +1, body coordination +1, crawling proficiency +1]

In order to avoid being too rebellious and anti-human, thus causing unnecessary trouble.

Lin Zichen did not reveal that he could crawl in front of his parents.

They would sneak out of bed and crawl on the floor while their parents were asleep at night to exercise.

Crawling faster than the cockroaches in the house.

Crawling around quickly in dark corners.

A month later, Lin Zichen learned to walk again.

[You are walking, qi and blood +1, body coordination +1, walking proficiency +1]

At the same time, by browsing the news on TV, I have a preliminary understanding of the world in which I live.

People are still on the earth, but the earth has mutated, and many terrifying unknown creatures have appeared.

These unknown creatures are collectively called alien beasts.

In order to fight against the alien beasts, humans have spent decades opening up two paths.

1. Genetic modification, fuse the genes of alien beasts, obtain some of the abilities of alien beasts, and use magic to defeat magic.

2. Flesh and flesh are weak, machines ascend, and technology is used to defeat alien beasts.

And these two paths correspond to genetic fusion people and mechanically modified people.

"This world turns out to be so dangerous. I hope I can grow up safely and evolve well without any accidents."

Lin Zichen hoped in his heart.

Half a month later.

Lin Zichen is getting better and better as he walks, and it will probably not take long for him to learn to run.

Most newborns don't learn to walk until they are about 1 year old.

And now that he is only half a year old, he is already almost able to run, which is a huge blow to his dimensionality.

"In the blink of an eye, he is now over 6 months old. He can crawl in front of his parents without having to hide and tuck him in."

I thought so.

Soon, Lin Zichen showed off his crawling skills in front of his parents.

"Husband, look, Chenchen can crawl, and he can crawl so fast!"

Zhang Wanxin said in surprise.

Lin Yansheng was equally surprised, but more excited. He said with a smile on his face: "He can crawl at just over 6 months old, and he can crawl so fast. Our son is a genius!"

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang in the house.

Lin Yansheng went to take a look and found that the neighbor who had just moved in a few days ago came to visit with gifts.

Listening to the noise at the door, Zhang Wanxin picked up Lin Zichen who was crawling on the ground and went over to meet the new neighbor who had just moved in.

The other party is a young couple.

The man held a gift in his hand, and the woman held a baby girl in her arms.

Lin Yansheng accepted the gift and warmly greeted the young couple to come and sit in the room.

Afterwards, the two families sat down in the room to drink tea and chatted and laughed.

After chatting for a while, we learned that the two families’ children were born only one day apart, which was a perfect coincidence.

Lin Zichen sat on Zhang Wanxin's lap, curiously looking at the baby girl opposite him who was born one day later than him.

The eyes are big and watery, and they look very cute.

The baby girl was also looking at him curiously, and smiled very brightly as soon as she made eye contact with him.

After listening to the adults on both sides chatting for a while, Lin Zichen felt bored, so he struggled in Zhang Wanxin's arms and asked his mother to let him down.

Zhang Wanxin understood what he meant, smiled and said, "It's so exciting," and put him on the ground.

As soon as he hit the ground, Lin Zichen quickly crawled around on the ground to exercise his body.

[You crawled 10 meters, your vitality +1, body coordination +1, crawling proficiency +1]

[You crawled 100 meters, your vitality +10, body coordination +10, crawling proficiency +10]

[You crawled 500 meters...]

Lin Zichen crawled very fast, scurrying around the room like a mouse.

When the baby girl's mother saw this scene, she was very surprised and said: "It's amazing. Your baby has learned to crawl so quickly. My Hanhan has just learned to sit on her own."

Seeing the surprise on each other's faces, Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin felt a little happy, thinking that it would be great to have a genius son.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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