Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 16 Making up for regrets

Soon, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived at the principal's office.

As soon as the two of them entered, they saw that it was packed with teachers, so full that there was no space for them to sit, and half of them were standing.

"Come, Zichen, let me introduce you."

"This is your class teacher, Teacher Guan Feng."

"This is the math teacher, Teacher Bai Yuanhe."

"This is the physics teacher..."

As soon as Lin Zichen came in, Principal Chen immediately stood up and walked over, enthusiastically introducing him to the teachers of various subjects in the class.

The class he was in was a top class. He started studying physics and chemistry in the first year of junior high school, and even had extra competition classes. The learning intensity was very high.

"Zi Chen, the school is very optimistic about you. I hope you can bring countless honors to the school in the next three years."

After introducing the teacher, Principal Chen patted Lin Zichen on the shoulder and had high hopes for him.

Then, Lin Zichen was asked to communicate with teachers of various subjects, while he turned around and continued communicating with his parents.

On the other side, Shen Qinghan's family was sitting in the corner of the office with no one paying attention to them. They had no sense of presence throughout the whole process and looked very out of place.

Regarding this, Shen Jianye and Xu Meng were very worried.

My daughter is very smart and beautiful, but compared with Lin Zichen, who is being admired by the stars at the moment, she seems too ordinary, even inconspicuous.

With such a huge gap, sooner or later the two children will drift apart until they become people in two different worlds.

What should I do?

Unlike his parents, Shen Qinghan never thought about these issues. He only thought that Lin Zichen was so awesome. As his closest childhood sweetheart, Shen Qinghan felt very proud.

Look, this boy is not only handsome, but also talented in both civil and military skills. He is extremely outstanding.

You may not believe it when I tell you, but he is my childhood sweetheart. We grew up together and have a very good relationship.

Are you envious?

Lin Zichen and the teachers had nothing to talk about.

Because at this time, he had already studied all the courses in middle and high school by himself, even advanced mathematics.

Under the blessing of [Heavenly Wisdom Root], they all learned to a very high level.

Take the subject of mathematics as an example. You can easily achieve perfect scores in every exam.

So, Lin Zichen just politely communicated with the teachers of various subjects, made them look familiar, and then casually found an excuse to leave with Shen Qinghan.

After the two children left.

Lin Yansheng noticed that Shen Jianye and Xu Meng were embarrassed in the corner and realized that he had been negligent.

I was so involved in chatting with the principal that I forgot about my two friends.

After reacting, he immediately took the initiative to bring the topic to his two friends and said to the teachers of various subjects in the class: "Dear teachers, our Xiaochen and their Hanhan are best friends. We have agreed since childhood. They want to go to the same high school and the same university, so I hope you can pay more attention to those two children."

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, she also said: "Xiaochen has been stubborn since he was a child. He will do whatever he says he wants to do. He and Hanhan agreed that they should be together in high school and college. Even if Hanhan performed abnormally and failed in the exam, We can only go to some ordinary schools, and the children will definitely follow, please teachers.”

Principal Chen was a good person and understood what the two meant. He immediately smiled and said to all the teachers: "As teachers in the class, you must pay more attention to these two children and don't let them fall behind in their studies."

After saying that, he took the initiative to have a friendly exchange with Shen Jianye and his wife to find out about Shen Qinghan's situation.

Seeing this, the surrounding teachers also started chatting with Shen Jianye and Xu Meng.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng felt flattered. They both glanced at Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin, remembering the favor between their two friends.

School playground.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were sitting on the grass.

The two of them watched the students coming and going, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Soon, they will also become students in this school and spend three years of junior high school here.

"Xiao Chen, look over there. There is a badminton court over there. My dad happens to have a badminton racket in his car. Should we go over and play badminton?"


The two hit it off immediately, and immediately set off back to the principal's office, asked Shen Jianye to get the car keys, and then took the badminton racket from the car.

Then, we came to the badminton court.

"Xiaochen, we two are so lucky. The last empty spot is occupied by us!" Shen Qinghan said excitedly.

Seeing her looking so happy, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little envious.

This girl is so easy to be satisfied, and she can be so happy with any small good deed.

"Xiaochen, look at my fairy turning ball!"

"Xiaochen, I have another trick, the Magical Girl Deception Ball!"

"Xiao Chen, don't be too proud, you will definitely not be able to catch my move of Heavenly Lady Scattered Flower Ball!"

On the court, Shen Qinghan was like a little kid, shouting all kinds of childish moves all the time, with a bright smile on his delicate little face.

Seeing Shen Qinghan's childish look, Lin Zichen was also amused by her and thought she was inexplicably cute.

Just when they were both very happy, two senior boys who had not been able to find an empty court to play badminton walked into their court without saying a word.

The two boys didn't say anything. They just came in and started playing badminton with their rackets, ignoring Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan in the court.

"What are you doing? We are already playing badminton here!"

Shen Qinghan looked at the two of them with dissatisfaction and said.

However, the two boys didn't take her seriously at all.

Especially the short-haired boy who was in the same half as her, he directly criticized her:

"Tch, you want to fight or not. If not, just go aside and cool down."

This is a naked demolition, especially common in elementary and junior high schools.

Some senior students often take advantage of their age and tallness. When they want to play basketball, badminton, or table tennis, but there is no free court, they like to break up the courts of younger students.

When he was a student in his previous life, Lin Zichen saw many such bad behaviors.

I had no ability to stop it before, but when I saw it, I could only choose to ignore it and ignore it, or choose to swallow it when it fell on me.

But, things are different now.

It's time to make up for the regrets of my previous life when I was young.

Thinking about this, Lin Zichen saw the right opportunity. When the short-haired boy in the opposite half hit the badminton, he stepped forward and knocked the badminton flying out of the field!

He held back on this blow, using less than 10% of his strength.

However, the badminton flew dozens of meters away in an instant, and it took an unknown amount of time before it landed lightly on the ground.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, the two boys who came to break up the situation were stunned.

Lin Zichen pointed the racket at them and asked expressionlessly: "Are you still playing?"

The two of them were so frightened when they heard the sound that they looked at Lin Zichen as if they were looking at a monster, and soon left without saying a word.

Lin Zichen picked up his badminton, smiled gently at Shen Qinghan on the opposite half, and said:

"Hanhan, let's continue."

"Oh, oh, keep going."

Shen Qinghan calmed down and responded, picked up the racket and started playing badminton with Lin Zichen again.

She was also shocked by that scene just now.

But when she thought about how Lin Zichen, a second-grade elementary school student, could instantly injure two adults in an alley, she soon felt it was natural.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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