Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 15 Junior high school! start up!

During the summer vacation of junior high school.

Lin Zichen did not waste his time, sitting around doing nothing and waiting for school to start.

He developed a strict training plan for himself.

Complete 1,000 weighted push-ups, 1,000 weighted sit-ups, 1,000 weighted squats, and 300 weighted pull-ups every day.

In addition, run five kilometers in the morning and evening.

Not jogging.

It is a very high-intensity variable speed run.

Moreover, the route we ran included uphill and downhill slopes, bushes, and various obstacles.

At the end of the day, it was extremely intense.

For an ordinary person, training at such high intensity every day without giving the body some time to recover would probably lead to death within three days.

However, Lin Zichen, who has the attribute of [use it or lose it], can withstand the upper limit of his body far beyond that of ordinary people.

The current training intensity is not enough to overwhelm his body. It will only make him stronger and stronger every day.

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing push-ups, your energy and blood will be +2000, your arm muscle strength will be +2000, your chest muscle strength will be +2000, and your push-up proficiency will be +1000]

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing sit-ups, your energy and blood will be +2000, your abdominal muscle strength will be +2000, and your sit-up proficiency will be +1000]

[You have done 1000 weight-bearing squats, your energy and blood will be +2000, your leg muscle strength will be +2000, and your squat proficiency will be +1000]

[You did 300 weight-bearing pull-ups, your energy and blood were +600, your arm muscle strength was +600, your back muscle strength was +600, and your pull-up proficiency was +300]

[You ran 10 kilometers at a variable speed, your vitality +4396, speed endurance +1000, physical coordination +1000, running speed +1000, running skills +1000]

[Your biological level is raised to ordinary level three]

During the summer vacation, Lin Zichen maintained this intensity of exercise every day for two months.

Finally, on the day before the start of school, the biological level successfully broke through to the ordinary third level, and all the attributes of the body were greatly improved.

Can easily lift 700kg with one hand.

Vertical jump up to 4 meters in place.

It only takes 6 seconds to sprint 100 meters.

"Strength, bounce, and speed have all been improved to this level, and the biological level can evolve to the ordinary third level. The gold content of this level is really high."

In the wild, Lin Zichen, who had just finished testing these three data of his own, couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he murmured again: "I don't know what the level of that Kyoto prodigy is now. Let's go home and check."

His strength level far exceeds that of his peers, and no one around him is a rival. He can only compare himself to the prodigy on TV.

Got home and took a quick shower.

After that, Lin Zichen went to the room upstairs and lay on the bed, using his mobile phone to search for news about the Kyoto prodigy.

This mobile phone was bought to him by Zhang Wanxin as a reward for his outstanding performance in six years of primary school.

Zhang Wanxin believes in his self-control and is not worried that he will become addicted to mobile phone entertainment.

Soon, news about the Kyoto prodigy came out.

The latest news was three days ago.

It is reported that the 14-year-old Kyoto prodigy can easily lift an alloy weighing 2,000kg with one hand.

This strength data is more than three times that of Lin Zichen's current strength.

"2000kg? Not bad."

Lin Zichen murmured, not taking the Kyoto prodigy's strength data seriously.

Because he knew very well that the opponent's current strength data was all due to the fusion of alien beast genes.

It is the gene of the "giant ant" that is integrated into it.

Fusion of the genes of this alien beast can increase one's own strength by 4 to 8 times under normal circumstances.

This Kyoto prodigy can be considered as improved four times.

This reduction leaves only 400kg of strength.

At the age of 14, he is still very talented at lifting 400kg with one hand.

But compared with Lin Zichen's 700kg, he seems weak.

Not to mention, Lin Zichen is younger than him.

Looking at both aspects together, the gap between the two is as big as the sky.

"As expected, I have a more promising future."

Lin Zichen smiled, already imagining how powerful he would be if he integrated the genes of alien beasts in the future.

A blink of an eye.

The time has come on September 1st.

Lin Zichen, who had been exercising intensively at home all summer, finally ushered in the back-to-school season that he had been longing for.

Shanhai Middle School is not far from home, about five kilometers away.

But because it was the beginning of the school year and the road was very congested, Lin Yansheng drove for more than half an hour before reaching the school gate with difficulty.

"Old Lin, it's too crowded here at the school gate. I'm afraid it's hard to park!"

In the car behind, Shen Jianye pressed down the window, stuck his head out and shouted to Lin Yansheng.

Lin Yansheng also stuck his head out and replied: "It's okay, we can drive into the school later and find a place to park!"

Drive into the school?

Shen Jianye was a little confused, could this school still be accessible by car?

At this moment, the principal of Shanhai Middle School appeared in front of the security room and asked the guard inside to let Lin Yansheng and Shen Jianye pass.

Seeing this scene, Shen Jianye understood that Lin Yansheng's family enjoyed privileges in Shanhai Middle School.

"Old Lin is really lucky. He gave birth to a genius son like Xiao Chen, so one person became enlightened and the whole family benefited." Shen Jianye said with envy on his face.

Xu Meng smiled and said: "Not only does the whole family benefit from it, but our family also benefits from it."

"That's it, being able to be neighbors with the old Lin family, and the children of the two families playing so well, it's really a blessing." Shen Jianye said with a smile.

Xu Meng said: "Don't say this in front of Hanhan, it won't be good if she hears it."

"Don't worry, I'm not weak-minded. I know what should be said and what shouldn't be said." Shen Jianye replied as he drove the car into the school.


Both families drove their cars into the school and parked them.

"Xiaochen, come on, come on, let's get out of the car and walk around the school together to see if the environment is really as beautiful as the one in the promotional video."

As soon as the car stopped, Shen Qinghan excitedly urged Lin Zichen beside him.

Both of them were sitting in the back seat of Lin Yansheng's car, very close to each other.

Lin Zichen smiled, opened the car door and got out of the car with Shen Qinghan, and wandered around the campus aimlessly.

The parents of the two families followed the principal of Shanhai Middle School to sit down and drink tea in the office and go through the admission procedures.

"That boy is so handsome, and the girl next to him is so pretty too."

"Why aren't those two wearing school uniforms?"

"Are you the son or daughter of some teacher?"


Along the way, because of their good looks, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan would cause a burst of murmurs wherever they went.

Lin Zichen listened without any fluctuation in his heart.

Shen Qinghan felt happy as she listened, as she liked others to praise her for her beauty.

Before long, the two of them took a tour of the school.

Then I discovered that the environment of Shanhai Middle School was not as beautiful as the one in the promotional video, not even half as beautiful, which was a bit of a false promotion.

But the two were not disappointed.

Because both of them know very well that the promotional video is a seller's show, as fake as they want, just watch it, don't take it seriously.

While shopping, Lin Zichen's cell phone rang.

It was Zhang Wanxin calling.

It was said that he and Shen Qinghan were asked to come to the principal's office and meet the teachers of various subjects in the class.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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