The world crumbles.

Countless strong men have fallen.

Countless giants, and even the rulers, were hit hard.

It's just that this isn't the end.

Void, and Myriad Realms, are still investing in a steady stream of troops.

The scale, at the most terrifying time, reached tens of billions...

Just the master, there are more than [-] soon...

In just a few decades, hundreds of millions of casualties.

Such a terrifying war, not to mention other forces, even the void and the dragon race are suffocated.They know they're on the hook.

However, at this time, it was difficult to stop.

The war has already unfolded.

No one dared to take a step back.

Finally, the Void Heavenly Concubine, the Void Purple Scythe, all descended...

With great power, he suppressed the entire battlefield.

Of course, during this period, the golden ants of Yaoting also took action.

Single-handedly, entangled the Void Hunter.

However, that doesn't change the tide of battle.

The most tragic war in the entire void and all races - the Battle of Longyun, was set off at this time.

It lasted for decades.

This is also one of the few wars that have risen to the level of civilization.

Yes, civilization-level warfare.

Movement is tens of billions,

The strong are like clouds.

It's horrible, beyond imagination.

Even if it dominates, there is a high risk of falling in such wars.And the light of the void fell into the hands of a dragon king of the dragon clan.

But what about war...

There are deaths and injuries, it is normal.

It's not just them... Even the Demon Court has a master who almost fell.And that, it is a bull demon.

Once caught in the siege of the three masters of the void.

If the Void Purple Scythe was not aware of it at the first time, I am afraid that the Bull Demon will fall.

Not all Void Masters know that Yao Court is the Void's minions.Really know, only the individual core.

And this time, the accident also made Void Zizhen furious...

It was the backhand that dominated the three major voids, and all of them were seriously injured.

However, his statement is also explainable.

Demon Court, unfathomable.

Very imaginable.

The ten divine beasts of the Demon Court are all like siblings.

If the Bull Demon really had an accident, then the swaying Demon Court would probably kill the void immediately.In this way, the void that is already afraid of the demon court, isn't it ushered in a big enemy.

Therefore, with the acquiescence of many high-level officials, Zi Jian also unceremoniously shot...

This is the first time that Zi Shao has been really angry in front of other masters of the void.

Also really chilling.

The three masters of the void, in front of the purple sickle, are like children and have no resistance.

Can't even run away.

However, the void is imperial.

Discipline is very strict.

As the Supreme Being, if he is really angry, all others can do is bear it.

It is also because this time, Void rarely touches Yaoting's brows.

Not just a ghost court.

Even the endless blood sea, as well as many forces such as the underworld, the void is not provoked.

According to them, eat the weak first.

It is not too late to deal with a powerful force slowly.

. . .

And now,

The Void Supreme Conference was launched again.

"In ten thousand years, I will ignite the fire of civilization and advance to the level of civilization..."

2.5 In the soft remarks, the imposing manner of the Void Heavenly Concubine suddenly skyrocketed.

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Like a storm, the entire void sky is rolled up with a vast vortex.

"Ignite the fire of civilization, this is a must."

In response, Zi Yan's eyes were particularly cold.

Accompanied by it, a soaring breath rose up.

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Clothes, sell...

In the increasingly terrifying roar, the entire void was prostrate at the feet of these two people.

However, at this time, few people noticed that there was a pair of dragon eyes, quietly staring at the entire meeting. "The fire of civilization...promoting the level of civilization..."

In the soft whisper, Void Zilong is also looking forward to it.

he knows,

When the void ignited the fire of civilization, it was the day when he hit the Tianmen Jiuzhongtian. .

Chapter two thousand six hundred and nineteen fighting against each other

fire of civilization,

This is a sign of a civilized force.

The fire of civilization is like a dragon of luck rising from the gods.

It symbolizes the rise and fall of a civilization.

Civilization flourishes, when the flames are exuberant, sweeping the starry sky.

Civilization declines, when it gets darker and darker, until it disappears...

The ignition of the fire of civilization also means that a force is going to the extreme.

Towards true prosperity.

Look at countless epochs.

All the forces that ignite the fire of civilization are all respected in the stars.

In heaven and earth, there is no enemy that can be found

This is the power of civilization level.

And now, the void is finally about to ignite the fire of civilization...

In ten thousand years, civilization restarts.

The entire starry sky is crawling under the void.

As for igniting the fire of civilization, why can the Lord of the Void attack the Tianmen Jiuzhongtian?

This is naturally related to the power of civilization.

As the creator of civilization, the Lord of the Void, will bear the burden of the rise and fall of civilization.

And the moment when the fire of civilization is ignited can be said to be the most prosperous time of Qi 24.

At this time, the creator of civilization, the Dragon of the Void will carry the boundless luck of the void... In this way, the Lord of the Void can also use this boundless luck to steal the great creation and the great cause and effect.Even breaking through the Heavenly Gate Nine Heavens, there is still great hope.

This is the benefit of building a civilization.

Of course, this is only the simplest benefit.

If the fire of civilization is really ignited, the entire Void family will have the blessing of civilization.

The strong will continue to emerge like bamboo shoots after a rain.

not only that,

There are also countless powerhouses, breaking through one after another and hitting higher levels.

Yun Dynasty, God Dynasty, can be regarded as 'low-grade civilization

But even the low-level civilization, the master of the god dynasty, the master of the fortune dynasty, and even many high-ranking officials and ministers will be under the protection of the dragon of luck, and the cultivation will become more and more smooth.Then, as the pinnacle of power, the level of civilization... how could it be worse?

According to legend, in the distant era of the past, there was a half-step Eternal that was unable to break through.

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