While speaking softly, Chaos Zhong Zhenling's gaze turned to a newborn baby not far away.

Also, the pale Tongtian Shenmu.

"You go with me too."

In the soft voice, Chaos Zhong Zhenling left with Tongtian Shenmu and Meng Yao.

She will be Meng Yao's master in the future.

Responsible for caring and guiding.

And this can be regarded as one of the few orders from Yu Ziyu.

. . .

As for all this, Yu Ziyu knows...

But he hasn't come out yet.

For him now, retreat is the only thing.

continuous accumulation,

constant precipitation.

Just to pursue his hidden avenue.

"I am far from the realm of eternity, and the only difference is one step accumulation..."

"When the accumulation is enough, everything will come naturally."

...for flowers...

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo's eyes were full of hazy luster.

It was blood red light.

Yu Ziyu's blood-colored eyes were also accomplished.

Supreme Eye.

The nine realms that nurtured the great supernatural powers of the sky.

Today, the Nine Realms have been completed, and the Supreme Heavenly Eye has also been further completed.

"The supreme eye of the sky after Dacheng can see everything, even the lines of the law are clearly visible, and it can slow down time and extend space... It is the best carrier of my strength." In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo's eyes couldn't stop. flashing.

Accompanied by it, hazy ripples are dotted,

The space was shaking constantly.

Vaguely, it can be felt that the flow of time has changed at this moment.

This is Yu Ziyu's supreme eye.

To a certain extent, it can increase Yu Ziyu's strength.

As for more and less, Yu Ziyu doesn't know.

Right now, he has not yet tried the limit of his own strength.

Everything exists in theory.

However, one thing is certain... that if he descends into the stars,

It is not difficult to tear apart the universe and annihilate all races.

One person is invincible.

That is Xeon.

The only one who can make him jealous is that one...

Slowly raising her eyes, Yu Ziyu seemed to see...

I saw a very ancient life form sleeping.

"Starry Sky Road..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu understood... When this one wakes up, it will be the time when the Great Calamity of the Era begins.It is the servant of that one.

Keep the world running.

And its responsibility is to destroy the starry sky and restart the era...

This will delay the growth of the starry sky.

Until the one from the Great Desolation really came out.

Very good plan.

The era is destroyed again and again.

Make countless strong people fall.

Until now, Starry Sky has not stepped out of a few half-step detachment.

However, Yu Ziyu believes that everything will come to an end in his era.

"When I set foot in eternity, the combat power will be approaching, and I will be detached by half a step."

"After accumulating for a while, even if the epoch is catastrophic, what can it be?" Go.

Chapter [-] Ignite the fire of civilization

Time passes slowly,

Everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Starry sky as always.

However, when everything comes to an end, the void is finally honored in the starry sky.

Unify the world.

Among the worlds, there are [-]% of the worlds, which have fallen into the hands of the void.


Really enough.

Although, there is no unified world.

But how vast and vast the world is.

If you really want to unify all worlds, the time and effort required is probably beyond imagination.The current void is not impossible to unify all worlds.

But there is no time, effort.

And now, [-]% of the territory of Myriad Realms is enough space to digest [-] years.

"Next, repair for ten thousand years..."

In the soft command, Void Talent also looked at many Void high-levels.

"Yes, Lord Tian Fei "Seven Six Zero"."

In the unanimous response, the eyes of countless people are looking at the bright-eyed woman in the distance.Empress of the Void.

One of the two Supremes of the Void, second only to the Lord of the Void.

As for the other Supreme, he should be the Void Purple Shackles.

As a hunter of the void, Violet Scythe has made a great name in these years.

There are no less than ten masters who fell into his hands alone.

You know, this is ten.

How much the entire void dominates.

But he killed more than ten people by himself.

It has also laid down ten worlds that are not weak.

Among them, the famous elves were almost destroyed in his hands.

And the elf queen was captured alive by him.

This is the Void Purple Scythe.

Void is the most terrifying existence.

According to legend, he has already set foot in the fifth heaven of Tianmen in these years.

And no one knows about it.

Even the Void Heavenly Concubine doesn't know

However, one thing is certain, that is the Void Purple Scythe, which has become more and more unfathomable over the years.If you don't get started,

Once shot, it must be a shock.

However, it is not only the Void Purple Scythe that has seen a surge in strength over the years.

Like the King of Knights and the World Tree, their strength has also steadily improved.

It's just, unfortunately, the light of the void, this very mysterious master, has fallen.

He, fell in the famous 'Battle of the Dragon Falls'

At that time, hundreds of millions of troops in the void swept across a vast world.

I just didn't expect that in this world, there is actually a dragon ambush.

Hundreds of millions of dragon powerhouses rushed out.

There are also the top ten dragon kings of the dragon clan, and they take action.

that battle,

Lasted three years.

Beat the world to pieces,

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