Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 95 Who Has Good Luck? (Down)

Are you afraid that he will accidentally kill all these losers?

This reminder from the Tower World also changed the faces of challengers from other worlds.

Especially the pig-headed man named Hengchi.

He glanced at Ye Mo fiercely.

He said reluctantly.

"Boy, you are lucky! Otherwise I would have had to take a look at you today!"

Challengers from other worlds also echoed.

"This human being is so lucky, he saved a life!"

"If it hadn't been for the sudden announcement from the Tower World, he would have been dead!"

"I can think of a hundred ways for this kid to die! How dare you brazenly say that we are trash? Anyone who rides on a horse is trash!"

"What a fucking lucky guy. Just when I was about to go up and teach him a lesson, the beep from World 19 of the Tower of Gods rang!"

Just some bad luck?

Save a life?

These guys seem to have made a mistake.

Who is so lucky?

Ye Mohehe.

IQ is simple and good.

That's all they want.

Ye Mo doesn’t want to.

"Don't you want to take revenge on me?"

"I Ye Mo took over!"

"Anyway, after the novice period! All worlds are open!"

"Let's add your contact information and make an appointment for a duel!"

"Whoever doesn't go is the grandson!"

As soon as Ye Mo said this, the challengers suddenly realized.

This method is good!

This boy named Ye Mo has no limits on how he can kill himself!

I just wanted to teach him a lesson and get some benefits from the Blue Star World.

In this world of the God Tower, it is normal for challengers from different worlds to fight against each other.

Otherwise, where would the possession points to open the divine tower come from?

Highly recommended by Ye Mo.

Ye Mo has added friends to all the challengers.

The tower world has this function.

And it was agreed upon.

Challengers from the same world cannot be used.

Challengers from other worlds are still weird.

Suddenly he shut up and stopped talking.

Whoever doesn’t go is the grandson!

There are all kinds.

This was because Ye Mo opened the tower in advance and upgraded it for them.

"Really, between the third-grade soldiers and the second-grade, seventh-grade counties, the most powerful ones were chosen to be the third-grade troops? How did your world survive the assessment period!"

"You're only a third-grade soldier! Go away! You have no right to speak in this place!"

But Ye Mo took a general look.

"Your unit is a first-class military unit. It's very powerful! I've heard of this type of unit. It's a fierce charge! Whoever blocks it will die!"

When the troops arrived, there was another storm.

Later, the various challenger units also came out of the teleportation (cjca) formation.

Ninth grade arms!

Challengers with high-level arms were sought after, while challengers with low-level arms were ignored.

Most of them are first grade and second grade.

None are lower than the third grade.


You took the wrong medicine!

They saw the forest elves coming out of the teleportation array.

After adding friends and confirming the date.

The troops arrived five minutes later than the challenger!

"Your soldiers are not bad either. The first-class soldier is the Ghost Claw Leopard. It is an agility soldier and has unparalleled speed!"

You know, on the other side of the earth, the highest level is only second grade.

But the strange thing is that this trading function can only be used between challengers from different worlds.

During the communication, Ye Mo also learned that the tower world also has a trading function.

These challengers are talking happily.

From this point of view, the comprehensive strength of other worlds, without considering Ye Mo, is much higher than that of Earth.

Make a date when you get back!

"The two eldest brothers have good military types. How about the younger brother's military types?"

There are even a few challengers whose units are one-star units.

The subsequent emergence of arms was also a bargaining chip for various challengers.

Why does this person named Ye Mo look happier than them?

They are all troops of level three or above.

"Third-grade soldiers can also survive the assessment period. They are so lucky! Just like that human named Ye Mo!"

This is the setting of the tower world.

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