Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 95 Who Has Good Luck? (Superior)

But it’s not the welcoming voice that’s talking about Ye Mo.

But full of contempt.

"Hey, isn't this a human being?"

"This time, there are still challengers from the human world who passed the test. What a miracle~!"

"I thought the human world was completely wiped out. There was nothing we could do. Who made human beings physically weak and naturally lacking in combat effectiveness..."

"Fortunately, I wasn't in the same group as him, otherwise I would have been dragged to death?!"

In the world of the God Tower, language is universal.

Regardless of the language of that world, if you speak it, it will be transformed into words you can understand by the tower world.

Hear these people talking.

Ye Mo just knew.

There is more to the human world than their earth.

It's a pity that other human worlds failed during the assessment period.

He has only one hope left...

A pig-headed man came over.

It was the guy Ye Mo saw just now who was holding a hammer, three meters tall, wearing animal skin clothes, and wearing thorn bracers. He looked like a gangster.

Arriving in front of Ye Mo, the pig-headed man looked down at Ye Mo with an arrogant look.

"I am the challenger of the pig world, Humph!"

"As advanced life forms, our race names all have a human character in them.

"I will protect you from now on!"

"When you are in trouble, just use my name!"

After saying that, Henchi rubbed his fingers towards Ye Mo.

"Being able to come in as the number one race challenger means you get a lot of good things!"

"Take out ten or eight of them and treat them as greeting gifts!"

"I'm very good at talking about humming, so I don't mind being too young!"

Ye Mo suddenly realized.

As soon as he came in, was he charged protection money?

Sure enough, dealing with different worlds is so simple and unpretentious.

Whoever has the bigger fist is the leader!

If you are weak, everyone will want to step on you!

Seeing that Ye Mo didn’t respond.

The pig-headed man, who thought he was awesome, snorted angrily.

"I protect you to give you face!"

"The world of the God Tower is a place where the weak and the strong prey on the strong! A weak race like you humans can't survive more than three days without someone to protect you!"

"You don't want to pay for the benefits, do you?"

"Don't be ignorant!"

Ye Mo saw that the challengers from other worlds around him were all watching the show with great interest.

Several are still eager to give it a try.

I want to wait for the pig-headed men to rob, and then they will come and rob too!

Soft persimmons, everyone likes to pinch them!

Ye Mohehe.

These sheep want to rob a tiger, are you tired of it?

Look at the pig head in front of you again.

Ye Mo mocked.

"It's really interesting."

"When did pigs become humans?"

"The Tower World is not that good either! I thought the races that passed the test were so powerful.

"It turns out they are just a bunch of useless losers!"

Ye Mo was shocked on the spot when he said these words.

Is this kid a real tiger or a fake tiger?


His words offended all sixty-two of the world's top challengers present.

Are you looking for death?!

How can we allow others to slander us on the head of a tiger!

At least these top challengers think they are tigers.

They all glared at Ye Mo, ready to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

Ye Mo also moved his wrist.

He didn't care about wiping out these reckless things in a short while.

It would be nice to explore this miniature secret realm with just him as a group.

The sound of the God Tower World rang out at this time.

"Attention challengers!"

"This miniature secret realm prohibits challengers from using force against each other!"

"Violators will be severely punished!"

Ye Mo,

The Tower World released news at this time, which was obviously aimed at his ten. .

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