Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 93 Novice Phase Rewards Announced (Part 2)

Tower World has also talked about the novice rankings before.

Now that it is announced, no one is confused.

"The results of the novice period will be calculated based on the level and number of monsters destroyed by each challenger, as well as the amount of resources harvested."

"And give corresponding rewards through nouns!"

"The rankings will be announced below!"

"Tenth place, Anji, a coastal country, with a total score of 11,272!"

"Ninth place, Maple Leaf Kingdom Decas, with a total score of 11555-points!"

"Fourth place, Murray from Ice Country, with a total score of 33220 points!"

"Three to ten challengers, and all challengers from their respective countries, the number of rewarded units will be increased by 200 at one time!"

"The country you belong to has obtained an E-level resource small copper mine!"

The country that received the award cheered.

Tower World only announced the top ten rankings.

Instead, they are announced from back to front in order.

In the live broadcast room, Bingbing said doubtfully.


"Based on the number of monsters killed and the resources harvested, shouldn't our Dragon Kingdom be at the top?"

Long Guo's performance in the past two days is obvious to all.

Based on the challenger's individual quality alone, no country can surpass it.

Within three days, under the leadership of Qingyue.

Five more E-level resources were found, including one D-level resource.

All were successfully won!

The beautiful country has long been left far behind.

The beautiful country only found three E-level resources and one D-level resource.

Not to mention other countries.

This is also the reason why people were very optimistic about the rankings from the beginning.

If the results are calculated based on resources and the number of monsters destroyed.

The top ten should all be occupied by Dragon Kingdom!

Wait until God Tower World announces the results.

It's more or less unexpected.

Po Junbing King shook his head, "Listen carefully,"

"The challengers announced this time are the leaders of challengers from various countries."

“It’s been a challenge defensively these past few nights.

"In order to get a better ranking, many countries have used the team-building strategy."

"Just like the method Qingyue and Brut used the night before, challengers from the same country allocate part of their troops to the leaders and let them farm waves of monsters, allowing them to quickly grow in strength!"


"The calculation method of the God Tower World should be that the achievement of destroying these monsters is also counted as the leader, rather than whose troops destroyed the monsters, it belongs to whom!"

After saying this, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder those who achieved results were leaders from various countries.

Every night, there are still monsters attacking the city.

Same as the first night.


After one wave of monsters is eliminated, there will be a second wave.

Destroying monsters will result in corresponding attribute value rewards.

There are rewards for the top ten.

It’s just that the rewards are not as generous as the initial rewards.

In this way, three to ten challengers have gathered the strength of a country's challengers.

It's not surprising that he got the ranking.

Whether it is a one-time increase of 200 soldiers, or a small copper mine resource.

All are good!

Next are the rewards for the top three.

"Third place, challenger Brut from the beautiful country, with a total score of 105,000 points!"

"For all challengers in their respective countries, the number of rewarded units will be increased by 300 at one time!"

"Reward all challenger arms of the country to which they belong, and obtain special abilities——Junior Light Armor Shield Zero!"

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