Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 93 Novice Phase Rewards Announced (Part 1)

I passed this assessment period without any danger.

Before the assessment period began, no one expected such a result.

First, enter the Siren World in advance.

It was originally thought that Earth's challengers would suffer heavy losses, but Ye Mo appeared.

In less than a day, the challengers in the Siren World were wiped out.

This speed is amazing!

The challengers of the Kraken World were so arrogant when they came, and how miserable they were when they left.

It has completely become a stepping stone for Ye Mo’s progress...

The time after "843" came down was unexpectedly calm.

Except for the usual monster attacks at night.

There is no other action in the Tower World.

This made Ye Mo, who had been preparing for war, a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that the Tower World has given up on targeting him?

Ye Mo feels that this possibility is very small.

It is estimated that the world of the God Tower will soon have new damaging moves to deal with him.

On the other hand, the other challengers had a very good life during the past two days.

Gradually, I became familiar with the world of the God Tower, and my cooperation with the troops became more and more tacit.

In addition, new units will be born from the tower every day.

The strength of each challenger has increased a lot.

And frantically collected materials around him.

It’s the same as what the Tower World said.

The novice period is over.

The shield disappears.

Earth's challengers can travel further afield to explore.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

This means that there are more resources to collect, and at the same time, you may encounter more powerful monsters in the outer world.

The risk is also greatly increased.

However, the challenger does not need to consider this if he dies in battle.

The supplies around the tower base cannot be collected in a short time at least.

Forests, streams, medicinal herbs, and wild beasts are all their targets.

Even if it is not a graded resource.

A little adds up to a lot, and it doesn’t take much effort.

For the real world, it is also very useful to realize these low-level resources.

In the real world, other countries have also entered a period of jubilation.

The resources collected by their country's challengers are not as many as those of the Dragon Kingdom.

But I finally saw the harvest!

Ye Mo is not in a hurry to continue exploring the time of the God Tower.

I was so tired during this period, so I just took advantage of the comfortable time to take a rest.

In the live broadcast room.

The public looked at the busy challengers.

Look at Ye Mo in the desert, either lying on a wicker chair and sleeping, or playing with the forest elves under his command.

A little speechless....

Is Mo Shen going to give up on himself and live a life of salted fish?

It seems that there are people who, after achieving great results, don’t think about making progress and just enjoy themselves every day...

There are quite a few such people!

The people all sighed and mourned.

God, don’t do it!

Never become a salted fish!

We are still waiting to see your performance here!

It's a pity that Ye Mo couldn't hear what they were saying and continued to enjoy the leisure time with his forest elves...

In a blink of an eye, the day passed.

This period of time has been a bit comfortable, and I have forgotten that this is the Tower World, but a resort.

All is well.

Next to the oasis pond.

Ye Mo was still lying on the wicker chair and basking in the sun.

Lilith held a banana fan and fanned the wind.

Lilith asked in confusion while fanning herself.

"City Lord, have you been lying here for three days? We don't need to go out for some activities?"

"I heard that the other challengers are starting to plan to explore the outside world!"

Ye Mo waved his hand, closed his eyes and said, "No need!"

"Trouble is coming soon! It will be impossible to have any leisure time then!"

"It's better to take advantage of this moment to rest more!"

"Don't think that the God Tower World 4.8 is a good place!"

"This is the calm before the storm!"

"We are just taking a break from our busy schedule!"

Suddenly, the sound of the God Tower World rang out.

"The novice period settlement begins!"

"Through the performance of each challenger, the results of each challenger will be calculated!"

"The one who scores first will be rewarded accordingly!"

Ye Mo suddenly sat up.

The Tower World is finally taking action!

Vacation period is over!.

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