Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 90: Could It Be That The Siren King Escaped?

The Siren King felt sad for a rare three minutes.

Not for the dead Kraken Challenger.

But the Kraken challenger, who was so heartbroken, couldn't even stop Ye Mo for fifteen minutes.


What a bunch of rubbish!

If you can't beat him, forget it. He can't even do such a small thing as procrastination!

Feeding them is in vain!

When the Siren King was thinking about this.

Completely unaware.

According to his standards, he is also one of the losers!

The Siren Challenger under him is not very powerful, but the Siren King is very powerful.

Fortunately, the Siren King ran fast enough.

This fifteen-minute world.

I ran to the gravel beach in one breath.

I saw the sea and the ships on the sea from a distance.

The Siren King's heart was burning.

As long as he's on the boat, he doesn't have to worry!

The one named Ye Mo is still in the forest.

No matter how fast you go, you can't catch up!

The Siren King felt a little depressed when he thought of this.

This time I ran over with great fanfare, but I didn't expect that it would end in a disastrous defeat!

No, even a disastrous defeat is not enough to judge the outcome this time.

I almost lost my life here!

It's because Ye Mo! 29 But the Siren King changed his mind while feeling sad and angry.

Anyway, isn't he still alive?

As long as you are alive, there is still hope!

This account!

I, the Siren King, have written it down!

There are so many secrets in the world of the God Tower!

Don’t think that winning once will mean you can win forever!

After a while, it will be time for the secret realm of the God Tower to open.

It is said that this time in the secret realm of the God Tower, there are also the most rewards!

As long as you get more treasures in the secret realm!

He even obtained a Mithril Treasure Chest that was more advanced than the Mithril Treasure Chest.

Looking back, it must be Ye Mo!

The one who laughs at the end is the winner!

We'll see!

When the Siren King returned to the building, he finally felt relieved.

His world is on the sea, let's see how Ye Mo can find him.

However, the Kraken Challengers guarding the ship were very surprised to see the Kraken King return.

This time, not all the Kraken challengers went hunting.

There are more than a hundred Kraken challengers staying on the building ship to guard the building ship.

To prevent the tower base from being attacked by challengers from lower worlds.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

Seeing the Siren King coming back, the team leader Dolphin Man said doubtfully.

"Why is the king back?"

"Aren't you fighting on the front line?"

"Did the one named Ye Mo get killed?"

Immediately there are Kraken Challengers flattering me.

"you still need to ask!"

"With the king's strength, he can easily deal with a challenger from a low-level world!"

"I guess if Wang takes action, this Ye Mo will never die again!"

"The low-level world challenger also wildly claimed that he would single-handedly challenge our Siren World. It's ridiculous! He thinks that our Siren World is just a cabbage, and he can conquer it however he wants!"

"Have you asked our king if he agrees? This time it's over!"

Just when a group of Kraken challengers were having fun with themselves.

The announcement sound of the Tower World suddenly rang twice more.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Seabird Man, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"Congratulations to Blue Star World Challenger Ye Mo for killing Sea Monster World Challenger Seafood Man and gaining possession points!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

The Kraken challengers suddenly became quiet.


Is this Ye Mo not dead yet?

Then why did the king come back?

Thinking of the livid look on Siren King's face just now.

They had an incredible idea.

Could it be that the Siren King escaped back?

The Siren King doesn't care what his people think.

At this time, he only had one idea.

I just want to survive this hunting assessment time honestly.

Ye Mo is too cruel!

He wants to go back to his hometown!

What is it to occupy a point and open the divine tower...

Does your life matter?

This is a true portrayal of the Siren King's heart.

There is also a protective shield on the Kraken World area.

Able to withstand the challengers of the Blue Star World.

Suddenly, the Siren King suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw the big hole in the protective shield!

"Who did this horse riding!"

"You can't go against me with a pure heart!"

A hole was made in the protective shield.

It also has a wool protective effect!

The Siren King roared angrily and was about to find out.

After a change of mind, it rang.

It seems like he made this hole...

In order to hunt down the Blue Star challengers in advance.

The Siren King used the Realm Breaking Bead at that time...

The Siren King couldn't help but slap himself twice.

What's wrong with him?

Does this count as digging a hole and burying yourself?

It's okay this time.

There is no protective shield effect.

If that happens, Ye Mo will come after you.

Pass through the protective shield however you want, just pass through the protective shield.

The Siren King instantly felt dangerous again.

But he quickly calmed down.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he hummed softly.

This is nothing.

Everything is still under his control.

What nonsense are you talking about?

The Siren King was extremely angry, but he acted like he had everything under his control.

Different from land.

"When Ye Mo comes back and meets me, he will have no choice but to kneel on the ground and sing Conquer!"

Who can Ye Mo find?

How come there are forest elves in this place?

A sudden voice sounded.

He didn't even care about the sirens who came ashore to hunt down Blue Star's challengers.

The Siren King trembled with fright.

"Back to the depths of SeaWorld!"

"This guy named Ye Mo is a tough guy!"

It seemed that in the next second, he would have the strength to press Ye Mo to the ground and rub him.

"No one who dares to offend me, the Siren King, will ever get a tomorrow!"

The Siren King was angry, and his challengers did not dare to say any more.

"Ha ha!"

Are you looking for death?

The sea is hundreds of times wider.

The Siren King turned around and looked.

813 The next second, I was stared at and triggered by the body-exploding spell.

"Anyway, the novice period in Blue Star World is over. It's easy to find Blue Star's challenger!"

A black elf stood in the corner.

"After this time in the secret realm of the God Tower, I will come back to settle the score with him!"

Forest elf?

"The building ship sets sail!"

What the Siren King said was a person with high morale.

This is the Siren King's order.

All the challengers in the Siren World quietly listened to the Siren King bragging.

The sirens under his command were surprised.

"Isn't the king planning to escape?" A siren challenger muttered in a low voice.

Siren King gives this order.

"Before this, I have contacted several challengers from other high-level worlds, and I have an idea of ​​several secret gold-level secret treasures in the tower world!"

"It's not that I'm afraid of him, but a strategic retreat!"

"If you go this time, you will definitely gain something!"

When the time comes, hide in the sea.

The scene turned into fireworks.

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