Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 90 Siren King, The Drama Queen, Let The Siren King Run Away For A While! (Down)

As long as Ye Mo is not in a hurry.

It means that all these things are under Ye Mo's control.

There will be no deviation!

They just need to move their stools and sit and watch the show.

"I'll beat you a hundred times! This Siren King is dead!"

"I'll beat you a hundred times too! The Siren King will definitely die!"

"It goes without saying! I would rather offend the King of Hell than the God of Silence! The Siren King dares to stir up trouble on the God of Silence. The only way to leave a whole body is because of the smoke rising from the ancestral grave!"

"Just sit back and watch as the Silent God destroys the Siren King, making this guy so arrogant! He also wants to destroy the Earth's challenger! Why don't you go to heaven!"

The Siren King was running hastily on the road.

According to the news in the group.

Ye Mo still struggled with other Kraken challengers.

I guess I won't be able to get away for a while.

The Siren King was excited.

He is worthy of being the king of the Siren World.

His Siren King's reaction speed and adaptability are so invincible!

Even Ye Mo was frightened!

I really thought he would stay and fight Ye Mo!

This gave the Siren King time to sneak out.

As soon as the Siren King came out, the first thing he saw was judging the direction of the boat going downstairs.

He ran directly towards the building ship!

Return to the building ship.

He will be safe!

Land is too dangerous, he wants to go back to the ocean!

This Ye Mo is outrageously powerful!

The forest elves under his command are stronger than ever before!


Aren’t those forest elves a garbage ninth-grade soldier?

Why is it so powerful?!

I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out!

Moreover, there is another reason why the Siren King decisively ran away.

He could feel that Ye Mo's trump card was not just what he had now.

There are still trump cards that haven’t been used!

This is so terrible!

How powerful can this Ye Mo be?

The Siren King doesn't know and has no way to find out!

His only thought now is to get back to the boat as soon as possible.

Stay away from this place!

As long as there is life to go back alive.

This is the best result of this hunting assessment!

Thinking of this, the Siren King couldn't help but feel jealous.

The hunting and killing assessments in that higher world are probably not as miserable as those in their Siren world!

I thought I could eat a big piece of meat, but in the end I almost lost my life!

Have you ever seen such a cruel lower world?


It was before Ye Mo came along.

Everything is normal!

Except for Ye Mo, everyone else in the lower world is just a dish.

But when Ye Mo appeared, everything changed!

Their whole world of sirens can't deal with one Ye Mo, can you believe it?

Siren King is 10,000 sure!

If Ye Mo is given enough time, Ye Mo can eliminate their entire challenger in the Siren World!

Ye Mo said from the beginning that he wanted to challenge the entire world of sirens!

Everyone thought Ye Mo was joking!

Who would have thought that Ye Mo really has such strength!

What Ye Mo can do is far beyond anyone’s imagination!

This man has a big secret!

"||An incredible existence has appeared in the world of the God Tower"!" Siren King said to himself.

His feet continued to speed up.

Suddenly, the sound of the screen refreshing in the Tower World came to the Siren King's ears.

“Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of Blue Star World (Li Hao), for killing the challenger of Sea Monster World, Cape Man, and gained 1 possession point!

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Haihongren, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

Death announcements flooded the screen.

The Siren King knows.

Stay to hold off Ye Mo's Kraken challenger...

The whole army was wiped out...

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